24 namespace MediaWiki\Session;
26 use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
48 final class Session implements \Countable, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess {
73 $this->backend->deregisterSession( $this->index );
81 return $this->backend->getId();
90 return $this->backend->getSessionId();
98 return $this->backend->resetId();
106 return $this->backend->getProvider();
117 return $this->backend->isPersistent();
127 $this->backend->persist();
134 $this->backend->unpersist();
143 return $this->backend->shouldRememberUser();
152 $this->backend->setRememberUser( $remember );
160 return $this->backend->getRequest( $this->index );
168 return $this->backend->getUser();
176 return $this->backend->getAllowedUserRights();
184 return $this->backend->canSetUser();
195 $this->backend->setUser(
$user );
203 return $this->backend->suggestLoginUsername( $this->index );
211 return $this->backend->shouldForceHTTPS();
219 $this->backend->setForceHTTPS( $force );
227 return $this->backend->getLoggedOutTimestamp();
235 $this->backend->setLoggedOutTimestamp( $ts );
244 return $this->backend->getProviderMetadata();
251 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
254 $this->backend->dirty();
256 if ( $this->backend->canSetUser() ) {
257 $this->backend->setUser(
new User );
259 $this->backend->save();
269 $this->backend->renew();
282 $request->
setSessionId( $this->backend->getSessionId() );
283 return $this->backend->getSession( $request );
292 public function get( $key, $default = null ) {
293 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
294 return array_key_exists( $key, $data ) ? $data[$key] : $default;
304 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
305 return array_key_exists( $key, $data );
314 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
315 if ( !array_key_exists( $key, $data ) || $data[$key] !==
$value ) {
317 $this->backend->dirty();
325 public function remove( $key ) {
326 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
327 if ( array_key_exists( $key, $data ) ) {
328 unset( $data[$key] );
329 $this->backend->dirty();
343 public function getToken( $salt =
'', $key =
'default' ) {
345 $secrets = $this->
'wsTokenSecrets' );
346 if ( !is_array( $secrets ) ) {
349 if ( isset( $secrets[$key] ) && is_string( $secrets[$key] ) ) {
350 $secret = $secrets[$key];
353 $secrets[$key] = $secret;
354 $this->
'wsTokenSecrets', $secrets );
357 if ( is_array( $salt ) ) {
358 $salt = implode(
'|', $salt );
360 return new Token( $secret, (
string)$salt, $new );
371 $secrets = $this->
'wsTokenSecrets' );
372 if ( is_array( $secrets ) && isset( $secrets[$key] ) ) {
373 unset( $secrets[$key] );
374 $this->
'wsTokenSecrets', $secrets );
382 $this->
'wsTokenSecrets' );
393 $userSecret = $this->
'wsSessionSecret', null );
394 if ( $userSecret === null ) {
396 $this->
'wsSessionSecret', $userSecret );
398 $iterations = $this->
'wsSessionPbkdf2Iterations', null );
399 if ( $iterations === null ) {
401 $this->
'wsSessionPbkdf2Iterations', $iterations );
404 $keymats = hash_pbkdf2(
'sha256', $wikiSecret, $userSecret, $iterations, 64,
true );
406 substr( $keymats, 0, 32 ),
407 substr( $keymats, 32, 32 ),
418 if ( self::$encryptionAlgorithm === null ) {
419 if ( function_exists(
'openssl_encrypt' ) ) {
420 $methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods();
421 if ( in_array(
'aes-256-ctr', $methods,
true ) ) {
422 self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [
'aes-256-ctr' ];
423 return self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
425 if ( in_array(
'aes-256-cbc', $methods,
true ) ) {
426 self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [
'aes-256-cbc' ];
427 return self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
431 if ( function_exists(
'mcrypt_encrypt' )
432 && in_array(
'rijndael-128', mcrypt_list_algorithms(),
true )
434 $modes = mcrypt_list_modes();
435 if ( in_array(
'ctr', $modes,
true ) ) {
436 self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [
'ctr' ];
437 return self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
439 if ( in_array(
'cbc', $modes,
true ) ) {
440 self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [
'cbc' ];
441 return self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
445 if ( $wgSessionInsecureSecrets ) {
447 self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [
'insecure' ];
448 return self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
451 throw new \BadMethodCallException(
452 'Encryption is not available. You really should install the PHP OpenSSL extension, ' .
453 'or failing that the mcrypt extension. But if you really can\'t and you\'re willing ' .
454 'to accept insecure storage of sensitive session data, set ' .
455 '$wgSessionInsecureSecrets = true in LocalSettings.php to make this exception go away.'
459 return self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
480 $algorithm = self::getEncryptionAlgorithm();
481 switch ( $algorithm[0] ) {
483 $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt(
$serialized, $algorithm[1], $encKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv );
484 if ( $ciphertext ===
false ) {
485 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Encryption failed: ' . openssl_error_string() );
490 $blocksize = mcrypt_get_block_size( $algorithm[1], $algorithm[2] );
491 $pad = $blocksize - ( strlen(
$serialized ) % $blocksize );
494 $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt( $algorithm[1], $encKey,
$serialized, $algorithm[2], $iv );
495 if ( $ciphertext ===
false ) {
496 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Encryption failed' );
500 $ex = new \Exception(
'No encryption is available, storing data as plain text' );
501 $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
505 throw new \LogicException(
'invalid algorithm' );
509 $sealed = base64_encode( $iv ) .
'.' . base64_encode( $ciphertext );
510 $hmac = hash_hmac(
'sha256', $sealed, $hmacKey,
true );
511 $encrypted = base64_encode( $hmac ) .
'.' . $sealed;
514 $this->
set( $key, $encrypted );
525 $encrypted = $this->
get( $key, null );
526 if ( $encrypted === null ) {
535 $pieces = explode(
'.', $encrypted );
536 if (
count( $pieces ) !== 3 ) {
537 $ex = new \Exception(
'Invalid sealed-secret format' );
538 $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
541 list( $hmac, $iv, $ciphertext ) = $pieces;
543 $integCalc = hash_hmac(
'sha256', $iv .
'.' . $ciphertext, $hmacKey,
true );
544 if ( !hash_equals( $integCalc, base64_decode( $hmac ) ) ) {
545 $ex = new \Exception(
'Sealed secret has been tampered with, aborting.' );
546 $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
551 $algorithm = self::getEncryptionAlgorithm();
552 switch ( $algorithm[0] ) {
554 $serialized = openssl_decrypt( base64_decode( $ciphertext ), $algorithm[1], $encKey,
555 OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, base64_decode( $iv ) );
557 $ex = new \Exception(
'Decyption failed: ' . openssl_error_string() );
558 $this->logger->debug( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
563 $serialized = mcrypt_decrypt( $algorithm[1], $encKey, base64_decode( $ciphertext ),
564 $algorithm[2], base64_decode( $iv ) );
566 $ex = new \Exception(
'Decyption failed' );
567 $this->logger->debug( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
576 $ex = new \Exception(
577 'No encryption is available, retrieving data that was stored as plain text'
579 $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
583 throw new \LogicException(
'invalid algorithm' );
601 return $this->backend->delaySave();
608 $this->backend->save();
617 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
618 return count( $data );
622 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
627 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
632 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
637 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
642 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
643 return key( $data ) !== null;
651 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
652 return isset( $data[$offset] );
663 $data = &$this->backend->getData();
664 if ( !array_key_exists( $offset, $data ) ) {
665 $ex = new \Exception(
"Undefined index (auto-adds to session with a null value): $offset" );
666 $this->logger->debug( $ex->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $ex ] );
668 return $data[$offset];
676 $this->
remove( $offset );
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping il...
This should always be customised in LocalSettings.php.
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Number of internal PBKDF2 iterations to use when deriving session secrets.
Secret for session storage.
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights, email address, options, last login time).
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account $user
setSessionId(SessionId $sessionId)
Set the session for this request.
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
error also a ContextSource you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
static generateHex($chars, $forceStrong=false)
Generate a run of (ideally) cryptographically random data and return it in hexadecimal string format...
static generate($bytes, $forceStrong=false)
Generate a run of (ideally) cryptographically random data and return it in raw binary form...
foreach($res as $row) $serialized
If for some reason you can't install the PHP OpenSSL or mcrypt extensions, you can set this to true t...