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ContribsPager Class Reference

Pager for Special:Contributions. More...

Inheritance diagram for ContribsPager:
Collaboration diagram for ContribsPager:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (IContextSource $context, array $options)
 doBatchLookups ()
 formatRow ($row)
 Generates each row in the contributions list. More...
 getDefaultQuery ()
 getEndBody ()
 getIndexField ()
 getNamespaceCond ()
 getPreventClickjacking ()
 getQueryInfo ()
 getSqlComment ()
 Overwrite Pager function and return a helpful comment. More...
 getStartBody ()
 getUserCond ()
 reallyDoQuery ($offset, $limit, $descending)
 This method basically executes the exact same code as the parent class, though with a hook added, to allow extensions to add additional queries. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReverseChronologicalPager
 getDateCond ($year, $month)
 getNavigationBar ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IndexPager
 __construct (IContextSource $context=null)
 doQuery ()
 Do the query, using information from the object context. More...
 extractResultInfo ($isFirst, $limit, ResultWrapper $res)
 Extract some useful data from the result object for use by the navigation bar, put it into $this. More...
 formatRow ($row)
 Abstract formatting function. More...
 getBody ()
 Get the formatted result list. More...
 getDatabase ()
 Get the Database object in use. More...
 getDefaultQuery ()
 Get an array of query parameters that should be put into self-links. More...
 getIndexField ()
 This function should be overridden to return the name of the index fi- eld. More...
 getLimit ()
 Get the current limit. More...
 getLimitLinks ()
 getNumRows ()
 Get the number of rows in the result set. More...
 getPagingLinks ($linkTexts, $disabledTexts=[])
 Get paging links. More...
 getPagingQueries ()
 Get a URL query array for the prev, next, first and last links. More...
 getQueryInfo ()
 This function should be overridden to provide all parameters needed for the main paged query. More...
 getResult ()
 getSqlComment ()
 Get some text to go in brackets in the "function name" part of the SQL comment. More...
 isNavigationBarShown ()
 Returns whether to show the "navigation bar". More...
 makeLink ($text, array $query=null, $type=null)
 Make a self-link. More...
 reallyDoQuery ($offset, $limit, $descending)
 Do a query with specified parameters, rather than using the object context. More...
 setIncludeOffset ($include)
 Set whether a row matching exactly the offset should be also included in the result or not. More...
 setLimit ($limit)
 Set the limit from an other source than the request. More...
 setOffset ($offset)
 Set the offset from an other source than the request. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ContextSource
 canUseWikiPage ()
 Check whether a WikiPage object can be get with getWikiPage(). More...
 exportSession ()
 Export the resolved user IP, HTTP headers, user ID, and session ID. More...
 getConfig ()
 Get the Config object. More...
 getContext ()
 Get the base IContextSource object. More...
 getLanguage ()
 Get the Language object. More...
 getOutput ()
 Get the OutputPage object. More...
 getRequest ()
 Get the WebRequest object. More...
 getSkin ()
 Get the Skin object. More...
 getStats ()
 Get the Stats object. More...
 getTiming ()
 Get the Timing object. More...
 getTitle ()
 Get the Title object. More...
 getUser ()
 Get the User object. More...
 getWikiPage ()
 Get the WikiPage object. More...
 msg ()
 Get a Message object with context set Parameters are the same as wfMessage() More...
 setContext (IContextSource $context)
 Set the IContextSource object. More...

Public Attributes

IDatabase $mDbSecondary
 $mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING
 $namespace = ''
 $preventClickjacking = false
- Public Attributes inherited from ReverseChronologicalPager
 $mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING
- Public Attributes inherited from IndexPager
 $mDefaultDirection gives the direction to use when sorting results: DIR_ASCENDING or DIR_DESCENDING. More...
 $mDefaultLimit = 50
 True if the current result set is the first one. More...
 $mLimitsShown = [ 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 ]
 $mQueryDone = false
ResultWrapper $mResult
 Result object for the query. More...
const DIR_ASCENDING = false
 Constants for the $mDefaultDirection field. More...
const DIR_DESCENDING = true

Protected Member Functions

 preventClickjacking ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IndexPager
 buildQueryInfo ($offset, $limit, $descending)
 Build variables to use by the database wrapper. More...
 doBatchLookups ()
 Called from getBody(), before getStartBody() is called and after doQuery() was called. More...
 getDefaultDirections ()
 Return the default sorting direction: DIR_ASCENDING or DIR_DESCENDING. More...
 getEmptyBody ()
 Hook into getBody(), for the bit between the start and the end when there are no rows. More...
 getEndBody ()
 Hook into getBody() for the end of the list. More...
 getExtraSortFields ()
 This function should be overridden to return the names of secondary columns to order by in addition to the column in getIndexField(). More...
 getStartBody ()
 Hook into getBody(), allows text to be inserted at the start. More...
 preprocessResults ($result)
 Pre-process results; useful for performing batch existence checks, etc. More...

Protected Attributes

array $mParentLens
- Protected Attributes inherited from IndexPager
 An array of secondary columns to order by. More...
 $mIncludeOffset = false
 Whether to include the offset in the query. More...
 The index to actually be used for ordering. More...
 For pages that support multiple types of ordering, which one to use. More...

Detailed Description

Pager for Special:Contributions.

Definition at line 26 of file ContribsPager.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ContribsPager::__construct ( IContextSource  $context,
array  $options 

Member Function Documentation

ContribsPager::doBatchLookups ( )

Definition at line 290 of file ContribsPager.php.

References $batch, as, Revision\getParentLengths(), NS_USER, and NS_USER_TALK.

ContribsPager::formatRow (   $row)

Generates each row in the contributions list.

Contributions which are marked "top" are currently on top of the history. For these contributions, a [rollback] link is shown for users with roll- back privileges. The rollback link restores the most recent version that was not written by the target user.

This would probably look a lot nicer in a table.

Definition at line 345 of file ContribsPager.php.

References $comment, $e, $flags, $lang, $link, $page, $ret, $rev, $templateParser, $user, Revision\DELETED_TEXT, Revision\DELETED_USER, ChangesList\flag(), Linker\formatRevisionSize(), ChangeTags\formatSummaryRow(), Linker\generateRollback(), ContextSource\getContext(), ContextSource\getLanguage(), Linker\getRevDeleteLink(), ContextSource\getUser(), Linker\link(), Linker\linkKnown(), list, messages, ContextSource\msg(), Title\newFromRow(), preventClickjacking(), Html\rawElement(), Linker\revComment(), Hooks\run(), ChangesList\showCharacterDifference(), Linker\userLink(), Linker\userTalkLink(), and wfDebug().

ContribsPager::getDefaultQuery ( )

Definition at line 80 of file ContribsPager.php.

References $query, and $target.

ContribsPager::getEndBody ( )

Definition at line 329 of file ContribsPager.php.

ContribsPager::getIndexField ( )

Definition at line 286 of file ContribsPager.php.

Referenced by reallyDoQuery().

ContribsPager::getNamespaceCond ( )

Definition at line 262 of file ContribsPager.php.

References MWNamespace\getAssociated().

Referenced by getQueryInfo().

ContribsPager::getPreventClickjacking ( )

Definition at line 551 of file ContribsPager.php.

References $preventClickjacking.

this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content as context as context the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook not on global state indicating whether full HTML should be generated If generation of HTML may be but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object to manipulate or replace but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers if desired whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok ContribsPager::getQueryInfo ( )
ContribsPager::getSqlComment ( )

Overwrite Pager function and return a helpful comment.


Definition at line 535 of file ContribsPager.php.

ContribsPager::getStartBody ( )

Definition at line 322 of file ContribsPager.php.

ContribsPager::getUserCond ( )

Definition at line 206 of file ContribsPager.php.

References $tables, $target, User\getGroupsWithPermission(), User\idFromName(), and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by getQueryInfo().

ContribsPager::preventClickjacking ( )

Definition at line 544 of file ContribsPager.php.

Referenced by formatRow().

ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery (   $offset,

This method basically executes the exact same code as the parent class, though with a hook added, to allow extensions to add additional queries.

string$offsetIndex offset, inclusive
int$limitExact query limit
bool$descendingQuery direction, false for ascending, true for descending

Definition at line 96 of file ContribsPager.php.

References $fname, $limit, $query, $tables, as, IndexPager\buildQueryInfo(), getIndexField(), list, and Hooks\run().

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 32 of file ContribsPager.php.

IDatabase ContribsPager::$mDbSecondary

Definition at line 36 of file ContribsPager.php.

ContribsPager::$mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING

Definition at line 28 of file ContribsPager.php.


Definition at line 29 of file ContribsPager.php.

array ContribsPager::$mParentLens

Definition at line 41 of file ContribsPager.php.

ContribsPager::$namespace = ''

Definition at line 31 of file ContribsPager.php.

ContribsPager::$preventClickjacking = false

Definition at line 33 of file ContribsPager.php.

Referenced by getPreventClickjacking().


Definition at line 30 of file ContribsPager.php.

Referenced by getDefaultQuery(), and getUserCond().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: