Ripuarian (RipoarÄ—sh) More...
Public Member Functions | |
commafy ($_) | |
Avoid grouping whole numbers between 0 to 9999. More... | |
static | convertGrammar ($word, $case) |
Convert from the nominative form of a noun to other cases. More... | |
convertPlural ($count, $forms) | |
Handle cases of (1, other, 0) or (1, other) More... | |
![]() | |
__construct () | |
__destruct () | |
Reduce memory usage. More... | |
addMagicWordsByLang ($newWords) | |
Add magic words to the extension array. More... | |
alignEnd () | |
Return 'right' or 'left' as appropriate alignment for line-end for this language's text direction. More... | |
alignStart () | |
Return 'left' or 'right' as appropriate alignment for line-start for this language's text direction. More... | |
autoConvertToAllVariants ($text) | |
convert text to all supported variants More... | |
capitalizeAllNouns () | |
caseFold ($s) | |
Return a case-folded representation of $s. More... | |
checkTitleEncoding ($s) | |
commafy ($number) | |
Adds commas to a given number. More... | |
commaList (array $list) | |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message. More... | |
convert ($text) | |
convert text to different variants of a language. More... | |
convertCategoryKey ($key) | |
convertForSearchResult ($termsArray) | |
convertGrammar ($word, $case) | |
Grammatical transformations, needed for inflected languages Invoked by putting {{grammar:case|word}} in a message. More... | |
convertHtml ($text, $isTitle=false) | |
Perform output conversion on a string, and encode for safe HTML output. More... | |
convertNamespace ($ns) | |
Convert a namespace index to a string in the preferred variant. More... | |
convertPlural ($count, $forms) | |
Plural form transformations, needed for some languages. More... | |
convertTitle ($title) | |
Convert a Title object to a string in the preferred variant. More... | |
date ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) | |
dateFormat ($usePrefs=true) | |
This is meant to be used by time(), date(), and timeanddate() to get the date preference they're supposed to use, it should be used in all children. More... | |
digitGroupingPattern () | |
digitTransformTable () | |
embedBidi ($text= '') | |
Wraps argument with unicode control characters for directionality safety. More... | |
emphasize ($text) | |
Italic is unsuitable for some languages. More... | |
equals (Language $lang) | |
Compare with an other language object. More... | |
fallback8bitEncoding () | |
findVariantLink (&$link, &$nt, $ignoreOtherCond=false) | |
If a language supports multiple variants, it is possible that non-existing link in one variant actually exists in another variant. More... | |
firstChar ($s) | |
Get the first character of a string. More... | |
fixVariableInNamespace ($talk) | |
formatBitrate ($bps) | |
Format a bitrate for output, using an appropriate unit (bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps, Pbps, Ebps, Zbps or Ybps) according to the magnitude in question. More... | |
formatComputingNumbers ($size, $boundary, $messageKey) | |
formatDuration ($seconds, array $chosenIntervals=[]) | |
Takes a number of seconds and turns it into a text using values such as hours and minutes. More... | |
formatExpiry ($expiry, $format=true, $infinity= 'infinity') | |
Decode an expiry (block, protection, etc) which has come from the DB. More... | |
formatNum ($number, $nocommafy=false) | |
Normally we output all numbers in plain en_US style, that is 293,291.235 for twohundredninetythreethousand-twohundredninetyone point twohundredthirtyfive. More... | |
formatNumNoSeparators ($number) | |
Front-end for non-commafied formatNum. More... | |
formatSize ($size) | |
Format a size in bytes for output, using an appropriate unit (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB or YB) according to the magnitude in question. More... | |
formatTimePeriod ($seconds, $format=[]) | |
gender ($gender, $forms) | |
Provides an alternative text depending on specified gender. More... | |
getAllMessages () | |
getArrow ($direction= 'forwards') | |
An arrow, depending on the language direction. More... | |
getBookstoreList () | |
Exports $wgBookstoreListEn. More... | |
getCode () | |
Get the internal language code for this language object. More... | |
getCompiledPluralRules () | |
Get the compiled plural rules for the language. More... | |
getConverter () | |
Return the LanguageConverter used in the Language. More... | |
getConvRuleTitle () | |
Get the conversion rule title, if any. More... | |
getDateFormats () | |
getDateFormatString ($type, $pref) | |
Get a format string for a given type and preference. More... | |
getDatePreferenceMigrationMap () | |
getDatePreferences () | |
getDefaultDateFormat () | |
getDefaultVariant () | |
getDir () | |
Return the correct HTML 'dir' attribute value for this language. More... | |
getDirMark ($opposite=false) | |
A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction. More... | |
getDirMarkEntity ($opposite=false) | |
A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction. More... | |
getDurationIntervals ($seconds, array $chosenIntervals=[]) | |
Takes a number of seconds and returns an array with a set of corresponding intervals. More... | |
getExtraHashOptions () | |
returns language specific options used by User::getPageRenderHash() for example, the preferred language variant More... | |
getExtraUserToggles () | |
getFallbackLanguages () | |
getFormattedNamespaces () | |
A convenience function that returns getNamespaces() with spaces instead of underscores in values. More... | |
getFormattedNsText ($index) | |
A convenience function that returns the same thing as getNsText() except with '_' changed to ' ', useful for producing output. More... | |
getGenderNsText ($index, $gender) | |
Returns gender-dependent namespace alias if available. More... | |
getGrammarForms () | |
Get the grammar forms for the content language. More... | |
getHebrewCalendarMonthName ($key) | |
getHebrewCalendarMonthNameGen ($key) | |
getHijriCalendarMonthName ($key) | |
getHtmlCode () | |
Get the code in BCP 47 format which we can use inside of html lang="" tags. More... | |
getHumanTimestamp (MWTimestamp $time, MWTimestamp $relativeTo=null, User $user=null) | |
Get the timestamp in a human-friendly relative format, e.g., "3 days ago". More... | |
getImageFile ($image) | |
getImageFiles () | |
getIranianCalendarMonthName ($key) | |
getLocalNsIndex ($text) | |
Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive. More... | |
getMagic ($mw) | |
Fill a MagicWord object with data from here. More... | |
getMagicWords () | |
Get all magic words from cache. More... | |
getMessage ($key) | |
getMessageFromDB ($msg) | |
Get a message from the MediaWiki namespace. More... | |
getMonthAbbreviation ($key) | |
getMonthAbbreviationsArray () | |
getMonthName ($key) | |
getMonthNameGen ($key) | |
getMonthNamesArray () | |
getNamespaceAliases () | |
getNamespaceIds () | |
getNamespaces () | |
Returns an array of localised namespaces indexed by their numbers. More... | |
getNsIndex ($text) | |
Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive. More... | |
getNsText ($index) | |
Get a namespace value by key. More... | |
getParentLanguage () | |
Get the "parent" language which has a converter to convert a "compatible" language (in another variant) to this language (eg. More... | |
getParsedTitle () | |
For languages that support multiple variants, the title of an article may be displayed differently in different variants. More... | |
getPluralRuleIndexNumber ($number) | |
Find the index number of the plural rule appropriate for the given number. More... | |
getPluralRules () | |
Get the plural rules for the language. More... | |
getPluralRuleType ($number) | |
Find the plural rule type appropriate for the given number For example, if the language is set to Arabic, getPluralType(5) should return 'few'. More... | |
getPluralRuleTypes () | |
Get the plural rule types for the language. More... | |
getPreferredVariant () | |
getSpecialPageAliases () | |
Get special page names, as an associative array canonical name => array of valid names, including aliases. More... | |
getURLVariant () | |
getUserToggle ($tog) | |
getVariantname ($code, $usemsg=true) | |
short names for language variants used for language conversion links. More... | |
getVariants () | |
Get the list of variants supported by this language see sample implementation in LanguageZh.php. More... | |
getWeekdayAbbreviation ($key) | |
getWeekdayName ($key) | |
hasVariant ($variant) | |
Check if the language has the specific variant. More... | |
hasVariants () | |
Check if this is a language with variants. More... | |
hasWordBreaks () | |
Most writing systems use whitespace to break up words. More... | |
iconv ($in, $out, $string) | |
initContLang () | |
Hook which will be called if this is the content language. More... | |
initEncoding () | |
isMultibyte ($str) | |
isRTL () | |
For right-to-left language support. More... | |
lc ($str, $first=false) | |
lcfirst ($str) | |
linkPrefixCharset () | |
A regular expression character set to match legal word-prefixing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form foo[[bar]]. More... | |
linkPrefixExtension () | |
To allow "foo[[bar]]" to extend the link over the whole word "foobar". More... | |
linkTrail () | |
A regular expression to match legal word-trailing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form [[foo]]bar. More... | |
listToText (array $l) | |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message. More... | |
markNoConversion ($text, $noParse=false) | |
Prepare external link text for conversion. More... | |
needsGenderDistinction () | |
Whether this language uses gender-dependent namespace aliases. More... | |
normalize ($s) | |
Convert a UTF-8 string to normal form C. More... | |
normalizeForSearch ($string) | |
Some languages have special punctuation need to be normalized. More... | |
parseFormattedNumber ($number) | |
pipeList (array $list) | |
Same as commaList, but separate it with the pipe instead. More... | |
recodeForEdit ($s) | |
recodeInput ($s) | |
replaceGrammarInNamespace ($m) | |
resetNamespaces () | |
Resets all of the namespace caches. More... | |
segmentByWord ($string) | |
Some languages such as Chinese require word segmentation, Specify such segmentation when overridden in derived class. More... | |
segmentForDiff ($text) | |
languages like Chinese need to be segmented in order for the diff to be of any use More... | |
semicolonList (array $list) | |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly semicolon-separated list, using the local semicolon-separator message. More... | |
separatorTransformTable () | |
setCode ($code) | |
setNamespaces (array $namespaces) | |
Arbitrarily set all of the namespace names at once. More... | |
specialList ($page, $details, $oppositedm=true) | |
Make a list item, used by various special pages. More... | |
sprintfDate ($format, $ts, DateTimeZone $zone=null, &$ttl= 'unused') | |
This is a workalike of PHP's date() function, but with better internationalisation, a reduced set of format characters, and a better escaping format. More... | |
time ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) | |
timeanddate ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) | |
transformUsingPairFile ($file, $string) | |
Transform a string using serialized data stored in the given file (which must be in the serialized subdirectory of $IP). More... | |
translateBlockExpiry ($str, User $user=null) | |
truncate ($string, $length, $ellipsis= '...', $adjustLength=true) | |
Truncate a string to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g. More... | |
truncateHtml ($text, $length, $ellipsis= '...') | |
Truncate a string of valid HTML to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g. More... | |
uc ($str, $first=false) | |
Convert a string to uppercase. More... | |
ucfirst ($str) | |
Make a string's first character uppercase. More... | |
ucwordbreaks ($str) | |
capitalize words at word breaks More... | |
ucwordbreaksCallbackAscii ($matches) | |
ucwordbreaksCallbackMB ($matches) | |
ucwords ($str) | |
ucwordsCallbackMB ($matches) | |
unsegmentForDiff ($text) | |
and unsegment to show the result More... | |
updateConversionTable (Title $title) | |
Refresh the cache of conversion tables when MediaWiki:Conversiontable* is updated. More... | |
userAdjust ($ts, $tz=false) | |
Used by date() and time() to adjust the time output. More... | |
userDate ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) | |
Get the formatted date for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More... | |
userTime ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) | |
Get the formatted time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More... | |
userTimeAndDate ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) | |
Get the formatted date and time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More... | |
viewPrevNext (Title $title, $offset, $limit, array $query=[], $atend=false) | |
Generate (prev x| next x) (20|50|100...) type links for paging. More... | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static | $familygender |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | classFromCode ($code) |
static | factory ($code) |
Get a cached or new language object for a given language code. More... | |
static | fetchLanguageName ($code, $inLanguage=null, $include= 'all') |
static | fetchLanguageNames ($inLanguage=null, $include= 'mw') |
Get an array of language names, indexed by code. More... | |
static | getCodeFromFileName ($filename, $prefix= 'Language', $suffix= '.php') |
Get the language code from a file name. More... | |
static | getFallbackFor ($code) |
Get the first fallback for a given language. More... | |
static | getFallbacksFor ($code) |
Get the ordered list of fallback languages. More... | |
static | getFallbacksIncludingSiteLanguage ($code) |
Get the ordered list of fallback languages, ending with the fallback language chain for the site language. More... | |
static | getFileName ($prefix= 'Language', $code, $suffix= '.php') |
Get the name of a file for a certain language code. More... | |
static | getJsonMessagesFileName ($code) |
static | getLocalisationCache () |
Get the LocalisationCache instance. More... | |
static | getMessageFor ($key, $code) |
Get a message for a given language. More... | |
static | getMessageKeysFor ($code) |
Get all message keys for a given language. More... | |
static | getMessagesFileName ($code) |
static | getMessagesFor ($code) |
Get all messages for a given language WARNING: this may take a long time. More... | |
static | hebrewNumeral ($num) |
Hebrew Gematria number formatting up to 9999. More... | |
static | isKnownLanguageTag ($tag) |
Returns true if a language code is an IETF tag known to MediaWiki. More... | |
static | isSupportedLanguage ($code) |
Checks whether any localisation is available for that language tag in MediaWiki (MessagesXx.php exists). More... | |
static | isValidBuiltInCode ($code) |
Returns true if a language code is of a valid form for the purposes of internal customisation of MediaWiki, via Messages*.php or *.json. More... | |
static | isValidCode ($code) |
Returns true if a language code string is of a valid form, whether or not it exists. More... | |
static | isWellFormedLanguageTag ($code, $lenient=false) |
Returns true if a language code string is a well-formed language tag according to RFC 5646. More... | |
static | romanNumeral ($num) |
Roman number formatting up to 10000. More... | |
![]() | |
$dateFormatStrings = [] | |
$mCode | |
LanguageConverter | $mConverter |
$mExtendedSpecialPageAliases | |
$mLoaded = false | |
$mMagicExtensions = [] | |
$mMagicHookDone = false | |
$mNamespaceIds | |
$mParentLanguage = false | |
$mVariants | |
$namespaceAliases | |
$transformData = [] | |
ReplacementArray object caches. More... | |
![]() | |
static LocalisationCache | $dataCache |
static array | $durationIntervals |
static | $mHebrewCalendarMonthGenMsgs |
static | $mHebrewCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mHijriCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mIranianCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mLangObjCache = [] |
static | $mMonthAbbrevMsgs |
static | $mMonthGenMsgs |
static | $mMonthMsgs |
static | $mWeekdayAbbrevMsgs |
static | $mWeekdayMsgs |
![]() | |
doMagicHook () | |
Run the LanguageGetMagic hook once. More... | |
handleExplicitPluralForms ($count, array $forms) | |
Handles explicit plural forms for Language::convertPlural() More... | |
msg ($msg) | |
Get message object in this language. More... | |
preConvertPlural ($forms, $count) | |
Checks that convertPlural was given an array and pads it to requested amount of forms by copying the last one. More... | |
removeBadCharFirst ($string) | |
Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the start of string (e.g. More... | |
removeBadCharLast ($string) | |
Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the end of string (e.g. More... | |
![]() | |
static | convertDoubleWidth ($string) |
convert double-width roman characters to single-width. More... | |
static | insertSpace ($string, $pattern) |
static | newFromCode ($code) |
Create a language object for a given language code. More... | |
![]() | |
$namespaceNames | |
Ripuarian (RipoarÄ—sh)
Definition at line 30 of file LanguageKsh.php.
LanguageKsh::commafy | ( | $_ | ) |
Avoid grouping whole numbers between 0 to 9999.
string | $_ |
Definition at line 175 of file LanguageKsh.php.
static LanguageKsh::convertGrammar | ( | $word, | |
$case | |||
) |
Convert from the nominative form of a noun to other cases.
Invoked with {{GRAMMAR:case|word}} inside messages.
case is a sequence of words, each of which is case insensitive. Between words, there must be at least one space character. Only the 1st character of each word is considered. Word order is irrelevant.
Possible values specifying the grammatical case are: 1, Nominative 2, Genitive 3, Dative 4, Accusative, -omitted-
Possible values specifying the article type are: Betoont focussed or stressed article -omitted- unstressed or unfocussed article
Possible values for the type of genitive are: Sing, Iehr prepositioned genitive = possessive dative Vun, Fon, -omitted- postpositioned genitive = preposition "vun" with dative
Values of case overrides & prepositions, in the order of preceedence: Sing, Iehr possessive dative = prepositioned genitive Vun, Fon preposition "vun" with dative = postpositioned genitive En, em preposition "en" with dative
Values for object gender specifiers of the possessive dative, or prepositioned genitive, evaluated with "Sing, Iehr" of above only: Male a singular male object follows -omitted- a non-male or plural object follows
We currently handle definite articles of the singular only. There is a full set of test cases at: Contents of the leftmost table column can be copied and pasted as "case" values.
string | $word | |
string | $case |
Definition at line 91 of file LanguageKsh.php.
LanguageKsh::convertPlural | ( | $count, | |
$forms | |||
) |
Handle cases of (1, other, 0) or (1, other)
int | $count | |
array | $forms |
Definition at line 191 of file LanguageKsh.php.
References $count, Language\handleExplicitPluralForms(), and Language\preConvertPlural().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 31 of file LanguageKsh.php.