| __construct () |
| __construct () |
| __destruct () |
| Reduce memory usage. More...
| addMagicWordsByLang ($newWords) |
| Add magic words to the extension array. More...
| alignEnd () |
| Return 'right' or 'left' as appropriate alignment for line-end for this language's text direction. More...
| alignStart () |
| Return 'left' or 'right' as appropriate alignment for line-start for this language's text direction. More...
| autoConvertToAllVariants ($text) |
| convert text to all supported variants More...
| capitalizeAllNouns () |
| caseFold ($s) |
| Return a case-folded representation of $s. More...
| checkTitleEncoding ($s) |
| commafy ($number) |
| Adds commas to a given number. More...
| commaList (array $list) |
| Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message. More...
| convert ($text) |
| convert text to different variants of a language. More...
| convertCategoryKey ($key) |
| convertForSearchResult ($termsArray) |
| convertGrammar ($word, $case) |
| Grammatical transformations, needed for inflected languages Invoked by putting {{grammar:case|word}} in a message. More...
| convertHtml ($text, $isTitle=false) |
| Perform output conversion on a string, and encode for safe HTML output. More...
| convertNamespace ($ns) |
| Convert a namespace index to a string in the preferred variant. More...
| convertPlural ($count, $forms) |
| Plural form transformations, needed for some languages. More...
| convertTitle ($title) |
| Convert a Title object to a string in the preferred variant. More...
| date ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) |
| dateFormat ($usePrefs=true) |
| This is meant to be used by time(), date(), and timeanddate() to get the date preference they're supposed to use, it should be used in all children. More...
| digitGroupingPattern () |
| digitTransformTable () |
| embedBidi ($text= '') |
| Wraps argument with unicode control characters for directionality safety. More...
| emphasize ($text) |
| Italic is unsuitable for some languages. More...
| equals (Language $lang) |
| Compare with an other language object. More...
| fallback8bitEncoding () |
| findVariantLink (&$link, &$nt, $ignoreOtherCond=false) |
| If a language supports multiple variants, it is possible that non-existing link in one variant actually exists in another variant. More...
| firstChar ($s) |
| Get the first character of a string. More...
| fixVariableInNamespace ($talk) |
| formatBitrate ($bps) |
| Format a bitrate for output, using an appropriate unit (bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps, Pbps, Ebps, Zbps or Ybps) according to the magnitude in question. More...
| formatComputingNumbers ($size, $boundary, $messageKey) |
| formatDuration ($seconds, array $chosenIntervals=[]) |
| Takes a number of seconds and turns it into a text using values such as hours and minutes. More...
| formatExpiry ($expiry, $format=true, $infinity= 'infinity') |
| Decode an expiry (block, protection, etc) which has come from the DB. More...
| formatNum ($number, $nocommafy=false) |
| Normally we output all numbers in plain en_US style, that is 293,291.235 for twohundredninetythreethousand-twohundredninetyone point twohundredthirtyfive. More...
| formatNumNoSeparators ($number) |
| Front-end for non-commafied formatNum. More...
| formatSize ($size) |
| Format a size in bytes for output, using an appropriate unit (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB or YB) according to the magnitude in question. More...
| formatTimePeriod ($seconds, $format=[]) |
| gender ($gender, $forms) |
| Provides an alternative text depending on specified gender. More...
| getAllMessages () |
| getArrow ($direction= 'forwards') |
| An arrow, depending on the language direction. More...
| getBookstoreList () |
| Exports $wgBookstoreListEn. More...
| getCode () |
| Get the internal language code for this language object. More...
| getCompiledPluralRules () |
| Get the compiled plural rules for the language. More...
| getConverter () |
| Return the LanguageConverter used in the Language. More...
| getConvRuleTitle () |
| Get the conversion rule title, if any. More...
| getDateFormats () |
| getDateFormatString ($type, $pref) |
| Get a format string for a given type and preference. More...
| getDatePreferenceMigrationMap () |
| getDatePreferences () |
| getDefaultDateFormat () |
| getDefaultVariant () |
| getDir () |
| Return the correct HTML 'dir' attribute value for this language. More...
| getDirMark ($opposite=false) |
| A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction. More...
| getDirMarkEntity ($opposite=false) |
| A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction. More...
| getDurationIntervals ($seconds, array $chosenIntervals=[]) |
| Takes a number of seconds and returns an array with a set of corresponding intervals. More...
| getExtraHashOptions () |
| returns language specific options used by User::getPageRenderHash() for example, the preferred language variant More...
| getExtraUserToggles () |
| getFallbackLanguages () |
| getFormattedNamespaces () |
| A convenience function that returns getNamespaces() with spaces instead of underscores in values. More...
| getFormattedNsText ($index) |
| A convenience function that returns the same thing as getNsText() except with '_' changed to ' ', useful for producing output. More...
| getGenderNsText ($index, $gender) |
| Returns gender-dependent namespace alias if available. More...
| getGrammarForms () |
| Get the grammar forms for the content language. More...
| getHebrewCalendarMonthName ($key) |
| getHebrewCalendarMonthNameGen ($key) |
| getHijriCalendarMonthName ($key) |
| getHtmlCode () |
| Get the code in BCP 47 format which we can use inside of html lang="" tags. More...
| getHumanTimestamp (MWTimestamp $time, MWTimestamp $relativeTo=null, User $user=null) |
| Get the timestamp in a human-friendly relative format, e.g., "3 days ago". More...
| getImageFile ($image) |
| getImageFiles () |
| getIranianCalendarMonthName ($key) |
| getLocalNsIndex ($text) |
| Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive. More...
| getMagic ($mw) |
| Fill a MagicWord object with data from here. More...
| getMagicWords () |
| Get all magic words from cache. More...
| getMessage ($key) |
| getMessageFromDB ($msg) |
| Get a message from the MediaWiki namespace. More...
| getMonthAbbreviation ($key) |
| getMonthAbbreviationsArray () |
| getMonthName ($key) |
| getMonthNameGen ($key) |
| getMonthNamesArray () |
| getNamespaceAliases () |
| getNamespaceIds () |
| getNamespaces () |
| Returns an array of localised namespaces indexed by their numbers. More...
| getNsIndex ($text) |
| Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive. More...
| getNsText ($index) |
| Get a namespace value by key. More...
| getParentLanguage () |
| Get the "parent" language which has a converter to convert a "compatible" language (in another variant) to this language (eg. More...
| getParsedTitle () |
| For languages that support multiple variants, the title of an article may be displayed differently in different variants. More...
| getPluralRuleIndexNumber ($number) |
| Find the index number of the plural rule appropriate for the given number. More...
| getPluralRules () |
| Get the plural rules for the language. More...
| getPluralRuleType ($number) |
| Find the plural rule type appropriate for the given number For example, if the language is set to Arabic, getPluralType(5) should return 'few'. More...
| getPluralRuleTypes () |
| Get the plural rule types for the language. More...
| getPreferredVariant () |
| getSpecialPageAliases () |
| Get special page names, as an associative array canonical name => array of valid names, including aliases. More...
| getURLVariant () |
| getUserToggle ($tog) |
| getVariantname ($code, $usemsg=true) |
| short names for language variants used for language conversion links. More...
| getVariants () |
| Get the list of variants supported by this language see sample implementation in LanguageZh.php. More...
| getWeekdayAbbreviation ($key) |
| getWeekdayName ($key) |
| hasVariant ($variant) |
| Check if the language has the specific variant. More...
| hasVariants () |
| Check if this is a language with variants. More...
| hasWordBreaks () |
| Most writing systems use whitespace to break up words. More...
| iconv ($in, $out, $string) |
| initContLang () |
| Hook which will be called if this is the content language. More...
| initEncoding () |
| isMultibyte ($str) |
| isRTL () |
| For right-to-left language support. More...
| lc ($str, $first=false) |
| lcfirst ($str) |
| linkPrefixCharset () |
| A regular expression character set to match legal word-prefixing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form foo[[bar]]. More...
| linkPrefixExtension () |
| To allow "foo[[bar]]" to extend the link over the whole word "foobar". More...
| linkTrail () |
| A regular expression to match legal word-trailing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form [[foo]]bar. More...
| listToText (array $l) |
| Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message. More...
| markNoConversion ($text, $noParse=false) |
| Prepare external link text for conversion. More...
| needsGenderDistinction () |
| Whether this language uses gender-dependent namespace aliases. More...
| normalize ($s) |
| Convert a UTF-8 string to normal form C. More...
| normalizeForSearch ($string) |
| Some languages have special punctuation need to be normalized. More...
| parseFormattedNumber ($number) |
| pipeList (array $list) |
| Same as commaList, but separate it with the pipe instead. More...
| recodeForEdit ($s) |
| recodeInput ($s) |
| replaceGrammarInNamespace ($m) |
| resetNamespaces () |
| Resets all of the namespace caches. More...
| segmentByWord ($string) |
| Some languages such as Chinese require word segmentation, Specify such segmentation when overridden in derived class. More...
| segmentForDiff ($text) |
| languages like Chinese need to be segmented in order for the diff to be of any use More...
| semicolonList (array $list) |
| Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly semicolon-separated list, using the local semicolon-separator message. More...
| separatorTransformTable () |
| setCode ($code) |
| setNamespaces (array $namespaces) |
| Arbitrarily set all of the namespace names at once. More...
| specialList ($page, $details, $oppositedm=true) |
| Make a list item, used by various special pages. More...
| sprintfDate ($format, $ts, DateTimeZone $zone=null, &$ttl= 'unused') |
| This is a workalike of PHP's date() function, but with better internationalisation, a reduced set of format characters, and a better escaping format. More...
| time ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) |
| timeanddate ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) |
| transformUsingPairFile ($file, $string) |
| Transform a string using serialized data stored in the given file (which must be in the serialized subdirectory of $IP). More...
| translateBlockExpiry ($str, User $user=null) |
| truncate ($string, $length, $ellipsis= '...', $adjustLength=true) |
| Truncate a string to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g. More...
| truncateHtml ($text, $length, $ellipsis= '...') |
| Truncate a string of valid HTML to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g. More...
| uc ($str, $first=false) |
| Convert a string to uppercase. More...
| ucfirst ($str) |
| Make a string's first character uppercase. More...
| ucwordbreaks ($str) |
| capitalize words at word breaks More...
| ucwordbreaksCallbackAscii ($matches) |
| ucwordbreaksCallbackMB ($matches) |
| ucwords ($str) |
| ucwordsCallbackMB ($matches) |
| unsegmentForDiff ($text) |
| and unsegment to show the result More...
| updateConversionTable (Title $title) |
| Refresh the cache of conversion tables when MediaWiki:Conversiontable* is updated. More...
| userAdjust ($ts, $tz=false) |
| Used by date() and time() to adjust the time output. More...
| userDate ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) |
| Get the formatted date for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More...
| userTime ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) |
| Get the formatted time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More...
| userTimeAndDate ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) |
| Get the formatted date and time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More...
| viewPrevNext (Title $title, $offset, $limit, array $query=[], $atend=false) |
| Generate (prev x| next x) (20|50|100...) type links for paging. More...
static | classFromCode ($code) |
static | factory ($code) |
| Get a cached or new language object for a given language code. More...
static | fetchLanguageName ($code, $inLanguage=null, $include= 'all') |
static | fetchLanguageNames ($inLanguage=null, $include= 'mw') |
| Get an array of language names, indexed by code. More...
static | getCodeFromFileName ($filename, $prefix= 'Language', $suffix= '.php') |
| Get the language code from a file name. More...
static | getFallbackFor ($code) |
| Get the first fallback for a given language. More...
static | getFallbacksFor ($code) |
| Get the ordered list of fallback languages. More...
static | getFallbacksIncludingSiteLanguage ($code) |
| Get the ordered list of fallback languages, ending with the fallback language chain for the site language. More...
static | getFileName ($prefix= 'Language', $code, $suffix= '.php') |
| Get the name of a file for a certain language code. More...
static | getJsonMessagesFileName ($code) |
static | getLocalisationCache () |
| Get the LocalisationCache instance. More...
static | getMessageFor ($key, $code) |
| Get a message for a given language. More...
static | getMessageKeysFor ($code) |
| Get all message keys for a given language. More...
static | getMessagesFileName ($code) |
static | getMessagesFor ($code) |
| Get all messages for a given language WARNING: this may take a long time. More...
static | hebrewNumeral ($num) |
| Hebrew Gematria number formatting up to 9999. More...
static | isKnownLanguageTag ($tag) |
| Returns true if a language code is an IETF tag known to MediaWiki. More...
static | isSupportedLanguage ($code) |
| Checks whether any localisation is available for that language tag in MediaWiki (MessagesXx.php exists). More...
static | isValidBuiltInCode ($code) |
| Returns true if a language code is of a valid form for the purposes of internal customisation of MediaWiki, via Messages*.php or *.json. More...
static | isValidCode ($code) |
| Returns true if a language code string is of a valid form, whether or not it exists. More...
static | isWellFormedLanguageTag ($code, $lenient=false) |
| Returns true if a language code string is a well-formed language tag according to RFC 5646. More...
static | romanNumeral ($num) |
| Roman number formatting up to 10000. More...
| $dateFormatStrings = [] |
| $mCode |
LanguageConverter | $mConverter |
| $mExtendedSpecialPageAliases |
| $mLoaded = false |
| $mMagicExtensions = [] |
| $mMagicHookDone = false |
| $mNamespaceIds |
| $mParentLanguage = false |
| $mVariants |
| $namespaceAliases |
| $transformData = [] |
| ReplacementArray object caches. More...
static LocalisationCache | $dataCache |
static array | $durationIntervals |
static | $mHebrewCalendarMonthGenMsgs |
static | $mHebrewCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mHijriCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mIranianCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mLangObjCache = [] |
static | $mMonthAbbrevMsgs |
static | $mMonthGenMsgs |
static | $mMonthMsgs |
static | $mWeekdayAbbrevMsgs |
static | $mWeekdayMsgs |
| doMagicHook () |
| Run the LanguageGetMagic hook once. More...
| handleExplicitPluralForms ($count, array $forms) |
| Handles explicit plural forms for Language::convertPlural() More...
| msg ($msg) |
| Get message object in this language. More...
| preConvertPlural ($forms, $count) |
| Checks that convertPlural was given an array and pads it to requested amount of forms by copying the last one. More...
| removeBadCharFirst ($string) |
| Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the start of string (e.g. More...
| removeBadCharLast ($string) |
| Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the end of string (e.g. More...
static | convertDoubleWidth ($string) |
| convert double-width roman characters to single-width. More...
static | insertSpace ($string, $pattern) |
static | newFromCode ($code) |
| Create a language object for a given language code. More...
| $namespaceNames |