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Professional Consulting

Professional consulting is available from the MHonArc development team through Endata Corporation. Services provided include, but not limited to: software installation, custom development, and professional support services.

Contact Earl Hood at earl@earlhood.com for more information.

Mailing Lists

Legal Stuff

Unfortunately, in today's society, we have to have the following:

User's List

The mailing list, mhonarc-users@mhonarc.org, provides a forum to discuss the usage of MHonArc.


To subscribe to the mailing list, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the command,

subscribe mhonarc-users

as the message body. A confirmation message will be sent to you. Once you confirm your subscription request, you will be subscribed to the list.

If you send a message to mhonarc-users@mhonarc.org, your message will be distributed to all subscribers on the list.


Before posting to the list, make sure to read the legal notice above.

The list is restricted to subscribers only.

If you are a subscriber and want to send messages to the list from different addresses, you can register your alternate addresses to the mhonarc-allow@mhonarc.org list.

To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the body of your message containing the single line

subscribe mhonarc-allow

You can now send messages to mhonarc-users@mhonarc.org from the address you specified in the subscribe request.


The special mhonarc-allow list applies to all mhonarc.org mailing lists. For example, if you subscribe your address to mhonarc-allow, you can also send messages to the development list.


If you want to unsubscribe to the list, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the command,

unsubscribe mhonarc-users

as the message body.

List Problems

If you are having problems with the mailing list -- e.g. problems subscribing, unsubscribing, not receiving messages -- your messages should be directed to mhonarc-users-owner@mhonarc.org


Web archives of the mailing list are available at the following URLs:


Archives may not include address obfsucation measures.

Release Announcements

All new releases of MHonArc are announced on the user's mailing list. However, if all you want to do is receive release announcements and no other messages, you can subscribe to the MHonArc project at Freshmeat.

Development List

The development mailing list for MHonArc is mhonarc-dev@mhonarc.org. This list is for technical discussions about MHonArc development. Appropriate topics include discussions about MHonArc internals, design and analysis, and bug reports.


Before posting to the list, make sure to read the legal notice above.

If you are not sure if you should be subscribed to mhonarc-dev@mhonarc.org, then do not subscribe to it. If you do not know if your message is appropriate for mhonarc-dev@mhonarc.org then send it to the user's list instead. The MHonArc development team will then redirect discussion to the development list or keep it on the user's list.

People subscribed to the user's list are able to send messages to the development list.


To subscribe to the mailing list, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the command,

subscribe mhonarc-dev

as the message body. A confirmation message will be sent to you. Once you confirm your subscription request, you will be subscribed to the list.


If you want to unsubscribe to the list, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the command,

unsubscribe mhonarc-dev

as the message body.

List Problems

If you are having problems with the mailing list -- e.g. problems subscribing, unsubscribing, not receiving messages -- your messages should be directed to mhonarc-dev-owner@mhonarc.org


Web archives of the development mailing list are available at the following URLs:


Archives may not include address obfsucation measures.

CVS Commits List

The cvs commits mailing list for MHonArc is mhonarc-commits@mhonarc.org. This list receives a summary of commits made to the MHonArc CVS repository.


To subscribe to the mailing list, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the command,

subscribe mhonarc-commits

as the message body. A confirmation message will be sent to you. Once you confirm your subscription request, you will be subscribed to the list.


If you want to unsubscribe to the list, send mail to majordomo@mhonarc.org with the command,

unsubscribe mhonarc-commits

as the message body.

List Problems

If you are having problems with the mailing list -- e.g. problems subscribing, unsubscribing, not receiving messages -- your messages should be directed to mhonarc-commits-owner@mhonarc.org


Web archives of the cvs commits mailing list are available at the following URLs:


Archives may not include address obfsucation measures.


The people listed here are those responsible for development and support of MHonArc:

Achim Bohnet

Maintainer of the original MHonArc mailing list archive and user's mailing list. Archive and list are now hosted at mhonarc.org.

Earl Hood

Creator and developer of MHonArc. Also author of the documention, for what it is worth.

Christopher Lindsey

Administrator of the MHonArc mailing list and the person providing the hosting services for mhonarc.org via Mallorn Computing.

Steve Pacenka

Contributer: Helped in making MHonArc run under MS-DOS/Windows environments and help test (in the early days).

MHonArc users

Everyone who helps answer questions and make comments to improve the quality of MHonArc.

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$Date: 2005/06/11 00:31:23 $
Copyright © 1997-2002, Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org