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This appendix list resources by envariables, resource file elements, and command-line options.
Envariable | Description | |
M2H_ADDRESSMODIFYCODE | Perl expressions modifying displayed addresses in headers. | |
M2H_AFS | Skip archive directory permission check. | |
M2H_ANNOTATE | Add/set annotation for message(s). | |
M2H_ARCHIVE | Create archive. | |
M2H_ATTACHMENTDIR | Filesytem location of attachments. | |
M2H_ATTACHMENTURL | Base URL to attachments. | |
M2H_AUTHSORT | Sort main index by author. | |
M2H_CHECKNOARCHIVE | Honor "no archive" flag in messages. | |
M2H_CONLEN | Use Content-Length value. | |
M2H_DATEFIELDS | List of fields to extract date of message. | |
M2H_DBFILE | Name of archive database file. | |
M2H_DBFILEPERMS | File permissions for DBFILE. | |
M2H_DECODEHEADS | Store "decode-only" characters sets in raw form. | |
M2H_DEFRCFILE | Pathname of default resource file. | |
M2H_DEFRCNAME | Name of default resource file. | |
M2H_DOC | Add link to documentation. | |
M2H_DOCURL | URL to documentation | |
M2H_EXPIREAGE | Length of time to keep a message in an archive. | |
M2H_EXPIREDATE | Expiration of date of message. | |
M2H_FASTTEMPFILES | Use non-random temporary filenames. | |
M2H_FILEPERMS | File permissions for archive files. | |
M2H_FOLREFS | Print links links to explicit follow-ups and references. | |
M2H_FROMFIELDS | List of fields to extract author of a message. | |
M2H_GMTDATEFMT | Conversion specification for GMT dates. | |
M2H_GZIPEXE | Pathname to gzip executable. | |
M2H_GZIPFILES | Gzip files. | |
M2H_GZIPLINKS | Assume files are gzipped when creating links. | |
M2H_HTMLEXT | Extension to use for HTML files. | |
M2H_ICONURLPREFIX | Prefix for icon URLs. | |
M2H_IDXFNAME | Filename for main (first) index page. | |
M2H_IDXPREFIX | Filename prefix for multi-page main index. | |
M2H_IDXSIZE | Size of each index page. | |
M2H_LANG | Set locale. | |
M2H_LOCALDATEFMT | Conversion specification for printing local date. | |
M2H_LOCKDELAY | Wait time between lock attempts. | |
M2H_LOCKFILE | Name of the lock file. | |
M2H_LOCKMETHOD | How archive locks are done. | |
M2H_LOCKTRIES | Total number of time to attempt a lock before failing. | |
M2H_MAILTO | Convert email addresses in message headers to hyperlinks. | |
M2H_MAILTOURL | URL template to use when MAILTO is set. | |
M2H_MAIN | Create main index. | |
M2H_MAXSIZE | Maximum number of messages in an archive. | |
M2H_MHPATTERN | Regex for matching message files in an MH folder (directory). | |
M2H_MODTIME | Set modification time on message files to message dates. | |
M2H_MONTHS | Month names. | |
M2H_MONTHSABR | Abbreviated month names. | |
M2H_MSGEXCFILTER | Perl expression(s) to selectively exclude messages. | |
M2H_MSGGMTDATEFMT | GMT conversion specification for message dates. | |
M2H_MSGLOCALDATEFMT | Local conversion specification for message dates. | |
M2H_MSGPGS | Print message pages. | |
M2H_MSGPREFIX | Prefix for message page filenames. | |
M2H_MSGSEP | Regex for matching message separator in mailbox files. | |
M2H_MULTIPG | Create multi-page indexes. | |
M2H_NEWS | Hyperlink newsgroups in message headers. | |
M2H_NEWSURL | URL template to use for newsgroup links. | |
M2H_NOSUBJECTTXT | Raw subject text to use for messages without a subject. | |
M2H_NOTEDIR | Directory to store annotations. | |
M2H_OTHERINDEXES | List of alternate indexes to create for an archive. | |
M2H_OUTDIR | Location of archive. | |
M2H_PERLINC | Additional Perl include paths. | |
M2H_POSIXSTRFTIME | Use POSIX's strftime() for converted time format strings. | |
M2H_PRINTXCOMMENTS | Print <!--X-...--> comments in generated pages. | |
M2H_RCFILE | Resource file to read before processing input. | |
M2H_REVERSE | Reverse the listing order in the main index. | |
M2H_SAVERESOURCES | Save resource values in database. | |
M2H_SORT | List messages by date in main index. | |
M2H_SPAMMODE | Perform actions to deter email address harvesters. | |
M2H_SUBJECTARTICLERXP | Regex for matching leading articles in message subjects. | |
M2H_SUBJECTREPLYRXP | Regex for matching subject text denoting a reply message. | |
M2H_SUBJECTSTRIPCODE | Perl expressions to strip subject text while reading messages. | |
M2H_SUBJECTTHREADS | Check subjects when computing message threads. | |
M2H_SUBSORT | List messages by subjext in main index. | |
M2H_THREAD | Create thread index. | |
M2H_TIDXFNAME | Filename of first thread index page. | |
M2H_TIDXPREFIX | Filename prefix for thread index pages beyond the first page. | |
M2H_TITLE | Title for main index. | |
M2H_TLEVELS | Maximum number of levels to indent in thread index. | |
M2H_TREVERSE | List thread in reverse order. | |
M2H_TSLICE | Size of thread listing slice for message pages. | |
M2H_TSLICELEVELS | Maximum number of levels to indent in thread slices. | |
M2H_TSORT | List threads by date. | |
M2H_TSUBSORT | List threads by subject. | |
M2H_TTITLE | Title of thread index. | |
M2H_UMASK | Umask value for the MHonArc process. | |
M2H_USELOCALTIME | Use local time to determine day groups in main index listing. | |
M2H_USINGLASTPG | $LASTPG$ is used in resource values. | |
M2H_VARREGEX | Perl regular expression matching a resource variable. | |
M2H_WEEKDAYS | Weekday names. | |
M2H_WEEKDAYSABR | Abbreviated weekday names. |
Element | Description | |
<ADDRESSMODIFYCODE> | Perl expressions modifying displayed addresses in headers. | |
<ATTACHMENTDIR> | Filesytem location of attachments. | |
<ATTACHMENTURL> | Base URL to attachments. | |
<AUTHORBEGIN> | Markup at the start of a author group. | |
<AUTHOREND> | Markup at the end of a author group. | |
<AUTHSORT> <NOAUTHSORT> | Sort main index by author. | |
<BOTLINKS> | Links markup at the bottom of message pages. | |
<CHARSETALIASES> | Charater set aliases. | |
<CHARSETCONVERTERS> | Charater set filter functions. | |
<CHECKNOARCHIVE> <NOCHECKNOARCHIVE> | Honor "no archive" flag in messages. | |
<CONLEN> <NOCONLEN> | Use Content-Length value. | |
<DATEFIELDS> | List of fields to extract date of message. | |
<DAYBEGIN> | Markup at the start of a day group. | |
<DAYEND> | Markup at the end of a day group. | |
<DBFILEPERMS> | File permissions for DBFILE. | |
<DECODEHEADS> <NODECODEHEADS> | Store "decode-only" characters sets in raw form. | |
<DEFCHARSET> | Default character set for text data. | |
<DEFINEDERIVED> | Define extra file(s) to generate for each message page. | |
<DEFINEVAR> | Define a custom resource variable. | |
<DOC> <NODOC> | Add link to documentation. | |
<DOCURL> | URL to documentation | |
<EXCS> | List of header fields to exclude. | |
<EXPIREAGE> | Length of time to keep a message in an archive. | |
<EXPIREDATE> | Expiration of date of message. | |
<FASTTEMPFILES> <NOFASTTEMPFILES> | Use non-random temporary filenames. | |
<FIELDORDER> | Order to display message header fields. | |
<FIELDSBEG> | Beginning markup of message header. | |
<FIELDSEND> | Ending markup of message header. | |
<FIELDSTORE> | Message header fields to store in database. | |
<FIELDSTYLES> | Define HTML elements that wrap field text of message headers. | |
<FILEPERMS> | File permissions for archive files. | |
<FIRSTPGLINK> | Link markup for first page of main index. | |
<FLDBEG> | Markup before field text. | |
<FLDEND> | Markup after field text. | |
<FOLREFS> <NOFOLREFS> | Print links links to explicit follow-ups and references. | |
<FOLUPBEGIN> | Beginning markup of follow-up links in message pages. | |
<FOLUPEND> | Ending markup of follow-up links in message pages. | |
<FOLUPLITXT> | Markup for a follow-up link. | |
<FROMFIELDS> | List of fields to extract author of a message. | |
<GMTDATEFMT> | Conversion specification for GMT dates. | |
<GZIPEXE> | Pathname to gzip executable. | |
<GZIPFILES> <NOGZIPFILES> | Gzip files. | |
<GZIPLINKS> <NOGZIPLINKS> | Assume files are gzipped when creating links. | |
<HEADBODYSEP> | Markup separating the message head from the body. | |
<HTMLEXT> | Extension to use for HTML files. | |
<ICONS> | Content-type to icon mapping. | |
<ICONURLPREFIX> | Prefix for icon URLs. | |
<IDXFNAME> | Filename for main (first) index page. | |
<IDXLABEL> | Label for main index. | |
<IDXPGBEGIN> | Beginning markup for main index pages. | |
<IDXPGEND> | Ending markup for main index pages. | |
<IDXPGSSMARKUP> | Markup at the beginning of all index pages. | |
<IDXPREFIX> | Filename prefix for multi-page main index. | |
<IDXSIZE> | Size of each index page. | |
<INCLUDE> | Include a resource file. | |
<LABELBEG> | Beginning markup of the label text of a message field. | |
<LABELEND> | End markup of the label text of a message field. | |
<LABELSTYLES> | Define HTML elements to wrap message header field labels. | |
<LANG> | Set locale. | |
<LASTTPGLINK> | Link markup for last page of main index. | |
<LISTBEGIN> | Markup to begin main index message listing. | |
<LISTEND> | Markup to end main index message listing. | |
<LITEMPLATE> | Markup for an entry in the main index message list. | |
<LOCALDATEFMT> | Conversion specification for printing local date. | |
<LOCKMETHOD> | How archive locks are done. | |
<MAILTO> <NOMAILTO> | Convert email addresses in message headers to hyperlinks. | |
<MAILTOURL> | URL template to use when MAILTO is set. | |
<MAIN> <NOMAIN> | Create main index. | |
<MAXSIZE> | Maximum number of messages in an archive. | |
<MHPATTERN> | Regex for matching message files in an MH folder (directory). | |
<MIMEALTPREFS> | Content-type preferences for multipart/alternative data. | |
<MIMEARGS> | Arguments to MIME filters. | |
<MIMEDECODERS> | Content-Transfer-Encoding decoding functions. | |
<MIMEEXCS> | Content-types to exclude. | |
<MIMEFILTERS> | Mapping of MIME filters to content-types. | |
<MIMEINCS> | Content-types to allow. | |
<MODTIME> | Set modification time on message files to message dates. | |
<MONTHS> | Month names. | |
<MONTHSABR> | Abbreviated month names. | |
<MSGBODYEND> | Markup after the message body. | |
<MSGEXCFILTER> | Perl expression(s) to selectively exclude messages. | |
<MSGFOOT> | Markup at the foot of each message page. | |
<MSGGMTDATEFMT> | GMT conversion specification for message dates. | |
<MSGHEAD> | Markup at the head of each message page. | |
<MSGIDLINK> | Hyperlink markup for embedded message-ids in message pages. | |
<MSGLOCALDATEFMT> | Local conversion specification for message dates. | |
<MSGPGBEGIN> | Starting markup for each message page. | |
<MSGPGEND> | Ending markup for each message page. | |
<MSGPGS> <NOMSGPGS> | Print message pages. | |
<MSGPGSSMARKUP> | Markup at the beginning of all message pages. | |
<MSGPREFIX> | Prefix for message page filenames. | |
<MSGSEP> | Regex for matching message separator in mailbox files. | |
<MULTIPG> | Create multi-page indexes. | |
<NEWS> <NONEWS> | Hyperlink newsgroups in message headers. | |
<NEWSURL> | URL template to use for newsgroup links. | |
<NEXTBUTTON> | Button markup for next message by main index. | |
<NEXTBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for next message by main index. | |
<NEXTLINK> | Link markup for next message by main index. | |
<NEXTLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for next message by main index. | |
<NEXTPGLINK> | Link markup for next page of main index. | |
<NEXTPGLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for next page of main index. | |
<NOSUBJECTTXT> | Raw subject text to use for messages without a subject. | |
<NOTE> | Markup for representing the annotation of a message. | |
<NOTEDIR> | Directory to store annotations. | |
<NOTEIA> | Markup when no annotation is available for a message. | |
<OTHERINDEXES> | List of alternate indexes to create for an archive. | |
<PERLINC> | Additional Perl include paths. | |
<POSIXSTRFTIME> | Use POSIX's strftime() for converted time format strings. | |
<PREVBUTTON> | Button markup for previous message by main index. | |
<PREVBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for previous message by main index. | |
<PREVLINK> | Link markup for previous message by main index. | |
<PREVLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for previous message by main index. | |
<PREVPGLINK> | Link markup for previous page of main index. | |
<PREVPGLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for previous page of main index. | |
<PRINTXCOMMENTS> <NOPRINTXCOMMENTS> | Print <!--X-...--> comments in generated pages. | |
<REFSBEGIN> | Beginning markup for explicit reference links in message pages. | |
<REFSEND> | Ending markup for explicit reference links in message pages. | |
<REFSLITXT> | Markup representing a reference entry in explicit reference links. | |
<REVERSE> <NOREVERSE> | Reverse the listing order in the main index. | |
<SAVERESOURCES> <NOSAVERESOURCES> | Save resource values in database. | |
<SORT> <NOSORT> | List messages by date in main index. | |
<SPAMMODE> <NOSPAMMODE> | Perform actions to deter email address harvesters. | |
<SSMARKUP> | Default markup at the beginning of all generated pages. | |
<SUBJECTARTICLERXP> | Regex for matching leading articles in message subjects. | |
<SUBJECTBEGIN> | Beginning markup for a subject group in the main index. | |
<SUBJECTEND> | Ending markup for a subject group in the main index. | |
<SUBJECTHEADER> | Main subject line markup above message header. | |
<SUBJECTREPLYRXP> | Regex for matching subject text denoting a reply message. | |
<SUBJECTSTRIPCODE> | Perl expressions to strip subject text while reading messages. | |
<SUBJECTTHREADS> <NOSUBJECTTHREADS> | Check subjects when computing message threads. | |
<SUBSORT> <NOSUBSORT> | List messages by subjext in main index. | |
<TCONTBEGIN> | Markup before the continuation of a broken thread. | |
<TCONTEND> | Markup after the continuation of a broken thread. | |
<TENDBUTTON> | Button markup for last message in thread. | |
<TENDBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for last message in thread. | |
<TENDLINK> | Link markup for last message in thread. | |
<TENDLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for last message in thread. | |
<TEXTCLIPFUNC> | Perl function to use for text clipping operations. | |
<TEXTENCODE> | Encode message text to given character encoding. | |
<TFIRSTPGLINK> | Link markup for first page of thread index. | |
<TFOOT> | Footer markup for thread index page. | |
<THEAD> | Header markup for thread index page. | |
<THREAD> <NOTHREAD> | Create thread index. | |
<TIDXFNAME> | Filename of first thread index page. | |
<TIDXLABEL> | Label string for the thread index. | |
<TIDXPGBEGIN> | Beginning markup for the thread index pages. | |
<TIDXPGEND> | Ending markup for the thread index pages. | |
<TIDXPGSSMARKUP> | Markup at the beginning of all thread index pages. | |
<TIDXPREFIX> | Filename prefix for thread index pages beyond the first page. | |
<TIMEZONES> | Hour offsets for timezones. | |
<TINDENTBEGIN> | Markup for opening a level when continuing a broken thread. | |
<TINDENTEND> | Markup for closing a level when continuing a broken thread. | |
<TITLE> | Title for main index. | |
<TLASTTPGLINK> | Link markup for last page of thread index. | |
<TLEVELS> | Maximum number of levels to indent in thread index. | |
<TLIEND> | Ending markup for a thread index message listing. | |
<TLINONE> | Markup for a missing message in thread index. | |
<TLINONEEND> | Ending markup for a missing message in thread index. | |
<TLITXT> | Markup for a thread index message listing. | |
<TNEXTBUTTON> | Button markup for next message by thread. | |
<TNEXTBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for next message by thread. | |
<TNEXTINBUTTON> | Button markup for next message within a thread. | |
<TNEXTINBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for next message within a thread. | |
<TNEXTINLINK> | Link markup for next message within a thread. | |
<TNEXTINLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for next message within a thread. | |
<TNEXTLINK> | Link markup for next message by thread. | |
<TNEXTLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for next message by thread. | |
<TNEXTPGLINK> | Link markup for next page in thread index. | |
<TNEXTPGLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for next page in thread index. | |
<TNEXTTOPBUTTON> | Button markup for first message in the next thread. | |
<TNEXTTOPBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for first message in the next thread. | |
<TNEXTTOPLINK> | Link markup for first message in the next thread. | |
<TNEXTTOPLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for first message in the next thread. | |
<TOPLINKS> | Markup for top navigational links of a message page. | |
<TPREVBUTTON> | Button markup for previous message by thread. | |
<TPREVBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for previous message by thread. | |
<TPREVINBUTTON> | Button markup for previous message within a thread. | |
<TPREVINBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for previous message within a thread. | |
<TPREVINLINK> | Link markup for previous message within a thread. | |
<TPREVINLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for previous message within a thread. | |
<TPREVLINK> | Link markup for previous message by thread. | |
<TPREVLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for previous message by thread. | |
<TPREVPGLINK> | Link markup for previous page in thread index. | |
<TPREVPGLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for previous page in thread index. | |
<TPREVTOPBUTTON> | Button markup for first message in the previous thread. | |
<TPREVTOPBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for first message in the previous thread. | |
<TPREVTOPLINK> | Link markup for first message in the previous thread. | |
<TPREVTOPLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for first message in the previous thread. | |
<TREVERSE> <NOTREVERSE> | List thread in reverse order. | |
<TSINGLETXT> | Markup for a thread listing with no follow-ups. | |
<TSLICE> | Size of thread listing slice for message pages. | |
<TSLICEBEG> | Markup for the start of a thread slice. | |
<TSLICECONTBEGIN> | Thread slice markup before the continuation of a broken thread. | |
<TSLICECONTEND> | Thread slice markup after the continuation of a broken thread. | |
<TSLICEEND> | Markup for the end of a thread slice. | |
<TSLICEINDENTBEGIN> | Thread slice markup for opening a level when continuing a broken thread. | |
<TSLICEINDENTEND> | Thread slice markup for closing a level when continuing a broken thread. | |
<TSLICELEVELS> | Maximum number of levels to indent in thread slices. | |
<TSLICELIEND> | Ending markup for a thread slice message listing. | |
<TSLICELIENDCUR> | Ending markup for a thread slice message listing if current message. | |
<TSLICELINONE> | Thread slice markup for a missing message in thread slice. | |
<TSLICELINONEEND> | Ending markup for a missing message in thread slice. | |
<TSLICELITXT> | Markup for a thread slice message listing. | |
<TSLICELITXTCUR> | Markup for a thread slice message listing if current message. | |
<TSLICESINGLETXT> | Markup for a thread slice listing with no follow-ups. | |
<TSLICESINGLETXTCUR> | Markup for a thread slice listing with no follow-ups if current message. | |
<TSLICESUBJECTBEG> | Markup before a subject based thread slice listing. | |
<TSLICESUBJECTEND> | Markup after a subject based thread slice listing. | |
<TSLICESUBLISTBEG> | Thread slice markup for starting a sub-thread. | |
<TSLICESUBLISTEND> | Thread slice markup for ending a sub-thread. | |
<TSLICETOPBEGIN> | Thread slice markup for the root/start of a thread. | |
<TSLICETOPBEGINCUR> | Thread slice markup for the root/start of a thread if current message. | |
<TSLICETOPEND> | Thread slice markup for the end of a thread. | |
<TSLICETOPENDCUR> | Thread slice markup for the end of a thread if current message. | |
<TSORT> <NOTSORT> | List threads by date. | |
<TSUBJECTBEG> | Markup before a subject based thread listing. | |
<TSUBJECTEND> | Markup after a subject based thread listing. | |
<TSUBLISTBEG> | Markup for starting a sub-thread. | |
<TSUBLISTEND> | Markup for ending a sub-thread. | |
<TSUBSORT> <NOTSUBSORT> | List threads by subject. | |
<TTITLE> | Title of thread index. | |
<TTOPBEGIN> | Markup for the root/start of a thread. | |
<TTOPBUTTON> | Button markup for first message in thread. | |
<TTOPBUTTONIA> | Inactive button markup for first message in thread. | |
<TTOPEND> | Markup for the end of a thread. | |
<TTOPLINK> | Link markup for first message in thread. | |
<TTOPLINKIA> | Inactive link markup for first message in thread. | |
<UMASK> | Umask value for the MHonArc process. | |
<USELOCALTIME> <NOUSELOCALTIME> | Use local time to determine day groups in main index listing. | |
<USINGLASTPG> <NOUSINGLASTPG> | $LASTPG$ is used in resource values. | |
<WEEKDAYS> | Weekday names. | |
<WEEKDAYSABR> | Abbreviated weekday names. |
Option | Description | |
-add | Add messages to the archive. | |
-addressmodifycode | Perl expressions modifying displayed addresses in headers. | |
-afs | Skip archive directory permission check. | |
-annotate | Add/set annotation for message(s). | |
-archive -noarchive | Create archive. | |
-attachmentdir | Filesytem location of attachments. | |
-attachmenturl | Base URL to attachments. | |
-authsort -noauthsort | Sort main index by author. | |
-checknoarchive -nochecknoarchive | Honor "no archive" flag in messages. | |
-conlen -noconlen | Use Content-Length value. | |
-datefields | List of fields to extract date of message. | |
-dbfile | Name of archive database file. | |
-dbfileperms | File permissions for DBFILE. | |
-decodeheads -nodecodeheads | Store "decode-only" characters sets in raw form. | |
-definevar | Define a custom resource variable. | |
-doc -nodoc | Add link to documentation. | |
-docurl | URL to documentation | |
-editidx | Modify archive with new resource settings. | |
-expireage | Length of time to keep a message in an archive. | |
-expiredate | Expiration of date of message. | |
-fasttempfiles -nofasttempfiles | Use non-random temporary filenames. | |
-fileperms | File permissions for archive files. | |
-folrefs -nofolrefs | Print links links to explicit follow-ups and references. | |
-force | Force archive operation even if lock cannot be obtained. | |
-fromfields | List of fields to extract author of a message. | |
-genidx | Generate a message index to standard output. | |
-gmtdatefmt | Conversion specification for GMT dates. | |
-gzipexe | Pathname to gzip executable. | |
-gzipfiles -nogzipfiles | Gzip files. | |
-gziplinks -nogziplinks | Assume files are gzipped when creating links. | |
-htmlext | Extension to use for HTML files. | |
-iconurlprefix | Prefix for icon URLs. | |
-idxfname | Filename for main (first) index page. | |
-idxprefix | Filename prefix for multi-page main index. | |
-idxsize | Size of each index page. | |
-keeponrmm | Do not physically delete message files when message removed from archive. | |
-lang | Set locale. | |
-localdatefmt | Conversion specification for printing local date. | |
-lock -nolock | Perform a lock on the archive. | |
-lockdelay | Wait time between lock attempts. | |
-lockfile | Name of the lock file. | |
-lockmethod | How archive locks are done. | |
-locktries | Total number of time to attempt a lock before failing. | |
-mailto | Convert email addresses in message headers to hyperlinks. | |
-mailtourl | URL template to use when MAILTO is set. | |
-main | Create main index. | |
-maxsize | Maximum number of messages in an archive. | |
-mhpattern | Regex for matching message files in an MH folder (directory). | |
-modifybodyaddresses -nomodifybodyaddresses | Apply ADDRESSMODIFYCODE to text message bodies. | |
-modtime | Set modification time on message files to message dates. | |
-months | Month names. | |
-monthsabr | Abbreviated month names. | |
-msgexcfilter | Perl expression(s) to selectively exclude messages. | |
-msggmtdatefmt | GMT conversion specification for message dates. | |
-msglocaldatefmt | Local conversion specification for message dates. | |
-msgpgs -nomsgpgs | Print message pages. | |
-msgprefix | Prefix for message page filenames. | |
-msgsep | Regex for matching message separator in mailbox files. | |
-multipg | Create multi-page indexes. | |
-news | Hyperlink newsgroups in message headers. | |
-newsurl | URL template to use for newsgroup links. | |
-nosubjecttxt | Raw subject text to use for messages without a subject. | |
-notedir | Directory to store annotations. | |
-notetext | Annotation text. | |
-otherindexes | List of alternate indexes to create for an archive. | |
-outdir | Location of archive. | |
-perlinc | Additional Perl include paths. | |
-posixstrftime | Use POSIX's strftime() for converted time format strings. | |
-printxcomments -noprintxcomments | Print <!--X-...--> comments in generated pages. | |
-quiet | Do not output status. | |
-rcfile | Resource file to read before processing input. | |
-reconvert -noreconvert | Reconvert existing messages. | |
-reverse -noreverse | Reverse the listing order in the main index. | |
-rmm | Remove specified messages from an archive. | |
-saveresources -nosaveresources | Save resource values in database. | |
-scan | List archive messages to standard output. | |
-single | Process a single message. | |
-sort | List messages by date in main index. | |
-spammode -nospammode | Perform actions to deter email address harvesters. | |
-stderr | File for standard error messages. | |
-stdin | File to treat as standard input. | |
-stdout | File for standard output messages. | |
-subjectarticlerxp | Regex for matching leading articles in message subjects. | |
-subjectreplyrxp | Regex for matching subject text denoting a reply message. | |
-subjectstripcode | Perl expressions to strip subject text while reading messages. | |
-subjectthreads -nosubjectthreads | Check subjects when computing message threads. | |
-subsort | List messages by subjext in main index. | |
-thread -nothread | Create thread index. | |
-tidxfname | Filename of first thread index page. | |
-tidxprefix | Filename prefix for thread index pages beyond the first page. | |
-title | Title for main index. | |
-tlevels | Maximum number of levels to indent in thread index. | |
-treverse | List thread in reverse order. | |
-tslice | Size of thread listing slice for message pages. | |
-tslicelevels | Maximum number of levels to indent in thread slices. | |
-tsort -notsort | List threads by date. | |
-tsubsort -notsubsort | List threads by subject. | |
-ttitle | Title of thread index. | |
-umask | Umask value for the MHonArc process. | |
-varregex | Perl regular expression matching a resource variable. | |
-weekdays | Weekday names. | |
-weekdaysabr | Abbreviated weekday names. |
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