Table core.shippers
Details on shippers (shipping company) and other information associated with it.
# Column Name Nullable Data Type Max Length Description
1shipper_idinteger0The primary key of the table, which is also a bigserial field.
2shipper_codecharacter varying12The code of the shipper.
3company_namecharacter varying128Tha name of the shipping company.
4shipper_namecharacter varying150The name of the shipper.
5po_boxcharacter varying128The P.O Box number of the shipper.
6address_line_1character varying128Address 1.
7address_line_2character varying128Address 2.
8streetcharacter varying50The street name where the shipper operates.
9citycharacter varying50The city name of the city where the shipper operates.
10statecharacter varying50The name of the state where the shipper operates.
11countrycharacter varying50The name of the county where the shipper operates.
12phonecharacter varying50The phone number of the shipper.
13faxcharacter varying50The fax number of the shipper.
14cellcharacter varying50The cell number of the shipper.
15emailcharacter varying128The e-mail address of the shipper.
16urlcharacter varying50The web address of the shipper.
17contact_personcharacter varying50The contact person or agent of the shipping company.
18contact_po_boxcharacter varying128The P.O. Box number of the agent.
19contact_address_line_1character varying128Address 1 of the shipping agent.
20contact_address_line_2character varying128Address 2 of the shipping agent.
21contact_streetcharacter varying50The street name where the shipping agent resides.
22contact_citycharacter varying50THe city name where the shipping agent resides.
23contact_statecharacter varying50
24contact_countrycharacter varying50
25contact_emailcharacter varying128
26contact_phonecharacter varying50
27contact_cellcharacter varying50
28factory_addresscharacter varying250
29pan_numbercharacter varying50
30sst_numbercharacter varying50
31cst_numbercharacter varying50
32account_idbigint0Foreign key to the table core.accounts.
33audit_user_idinteger0Contains the id of the user who last inserted or updated the corresponding row.
34audit_tstimestamp with time zone0Contains the date and timestamp of the last insert or update action.

Foreign Keys

# Column Name Key Name References
32 account_id shippers_account_id_fkey core.accounts.account_id
33 audit_user_id shippers_audit_user_id_fkey office.users.user_id


Index Name Owner Access Method Definition Description
shippers_pkey postgres btree shipper_id
shippers_shipper_code_uix postgres btree upper(shipper_code::text)

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Description

Default Values

# Column Name Default
1 shipper_id nextval('core.shippers_shipper_id_seq'::regclass)
34 audit_ts now()


Trigger Name Targets On Event Timing Condition Order Orientation Description
core.shippers_after_insert_trigger core.shippers_after_insert_trigger INSERT AFTER 0 ROW