# Column Name Nullable Data Type Max Length Description
1day_operation_routine_idbigint0The primary key of this table, which is also a serial field.
2day_idbigint0Foreign key to the transactions_routines.
4started_ontimestamp with time zone0
5completed_ontimestamp with time zone0

Foreign Keys

# Column Name Key Name References
2 day_id day_operation_routines_day_id_fkey transactions.day_operation.day_id
3 routine_id day_operation_routines_routine_id_fkey transactions.routines.routine_id


Index Name Owner Access Method Definition Description
day_operation_routines_pkey postgres btree day_operation_routine_id
day_operation_routines_completed_on_inx postgres btree completed_on
day_operation_routines_started_on_inx postgres btree started_on

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Description

Default Values

# Column Name Default
1 day_operation_routine_id nextval('transactions.day_operation_routines_day_operation_routine_id_seq'::regclass)


Trigger Name Targets On Event Timing Condition Order Orientation Description