MixERP.Net.EntityParser.Service Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static List< FilterGetFilters (string catalog, object poco, string filterName)
static IEnumerable< T > GetView< T > (string catalog, T poco, long page, List< Filter > filters, bool byOffice, int officeId, bool showall, long pageSize)
static T GetViewForEdit< T > (string catalog, T poco, object primaryKeyValue)
static void SaveOrUpdate< T > (string catalog, T poco, dynamic entity, EntityView entityView, List< EntityParser.CustomField > customFields, int userId)
static void SaveCustomFields (string catalog, string tableName, string primaryKeyValue, List< CustomField > data)
static bool HasAccess (string pocoNamespace, AccessTypeEnum accessTypeEnum, int userId)
static void DeleteEntity< T > (string catalog, T poco, object primaryKeyValue)
static List< object > Import< T > (string catalog, T poco, List< dynamic > entities, EntityView entityView, int userId)
static IEnumerable< T > ForDownloadTemplate< T > (string catalog, T poco, bool byOffice, int officeId, bool includeData)
static long GetTotalPages< T > (string catalog, T poco, List< Filter > filters, bool byOffice, int officeId, bool showall, long pageSize)
static void SaveFilter (string catalog, object poco, List< Filter > filters)
static List< dynamic > GetFilterNames (string catalog, object poco)
static void MakeDefaultFilter (string catalog, object poco, string filterName)

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