▼NMixERP | |
▼NNet | |
►NApi | |
►NAudit | |
CFailedLoginController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Failed Logins. |
CLoggedActionController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Logged Actions. |
CLoginController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Logins. |
►NConfig | |
CAttachmentFactoryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Attachment Factories. |
CAttachmentFactoryScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Attachment Factory Scrud Views. |
CCurrencyLayerController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Currency Layers. |
CCurrencyLayerScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Currency Layer Scrud Views. |
CDbParameterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Db Parameters. |
CDbParameterScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Db Parameter Scrud Views. |
CMixerpController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Mixerps. |
CMixerpScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Mixerp Scrud Views. |
COpenExchangeRateController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Open Exchange Rates. |
COpenExchangeRateScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Open Exchange Rate Scrud Views. |
CScrudFactoryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Scrud Factories. |
CScrudFactoryScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Scrud Factory Scrud Views. |
CSmtpController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Smtps. |
CSwitchController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Switches. |
CSwitchScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Switch Scrud Views. |
►NCore | |
CAccountController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Accounts. |
CAccountMasterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Account Masters. |
CAccountMasterSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Account Master Selector Views. |
CAccountScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Account Scrud Views. |
CAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Account Selector Views. |
CAccountViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Account Views. |
CAgeingSlabController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Ageing Slabs. |
CAgeingSlabScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Ageing Slab Scrud Views. |
CAttachmentController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Attachments. |
CAttachmentLookupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Attachment Lookups. |
CAttachmentViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Attachment Views. |
CBankAccountController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bank Accounts. |
CBankAccountScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bank Account Scrud Views. |
CBankAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bank Account Selector Views. |
CBankAccountsScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bank Accounts Scrud Views. |
CBankAccountViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bank Account Views. |
CBonusSlabAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bonus Slab Account Selector Views. |
CBonusSlabController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bonus Slabs. |
CBonusSlabDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bonus Slab Details. |
CBonusSlabDetailScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bonus Slab Detail Scrud Views. |
CBonusSlabScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bonus Slab Scrud Views. |
CBonusSlabSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Bonus Slab Selector Views. |
CBrandController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Brands. |
CBrandScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Brand Scrud Views. |
CBrandSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Brand Selector Views. |
CCardTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Card Types. |
CCashAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Account Selector Views. |
CCashFlowHeadingController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Flow Headings. |
CCashFlowHeadingScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Flow Heading Scrud Views. |
CCashFlowSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Flow Setups. |
CCashFlowSetupScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Flow Setup Scrud Views. |
CCompoundItemController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Items. |
CCompoundItemDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Item Details. |
CCompoundItemDetailScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Item Detail Scrud Views. |
CCompoundItemScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Item Scrud Views. |
CCompoundItemSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Item Selector Views. |
CCompoundUnitController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Units. |
CCompoundUnitScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Compound Unit Scrud Views. |
CConfigController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Configs. |
CCostOfSalesAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cost Of Sales Account Selector Views. |
CCountryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Countries. |
CCountryScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Country Scrud Views. |
CCountyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Counties. |
CCountySalesTaxController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing County Sales Taxes. |
CCountySalesTaxScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing County Sales Tax Scrud Views. |
CCountyScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing County Scrud Views. |
CCurrencyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Currencies. |
CCurrencyScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Currency Scrud Views. |
CCurrencySelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Currency Selector Views. |
CCustomFieldController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Custom Fields. |
CCustomFieldDataTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Custom Field Data Types. |
CCustomFieldDefinitionViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Custom Field Definition Views. |
CCustomFieldFormController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Custom Field Forms. |
CCustomFieldSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Custom Field Setups. |
CCustomFieldViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Custom Field Views. |
CDefaultWidgetSetupViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Default Widget Setup Views. |
CDiscountReceivedAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Discount Received Account Selector Views. |
CEmailQueueController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Email Queues. |
CEntityController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Entities. |
CEntityScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Entity Scrud Views. |
CExchangeRateController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Exchange Rates. |
CExchangeRateDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Exchange Rate Details. |
CExpensesAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Expenses Account Selector Views. |
CFilterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Filters. |
CFilterNameViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Filter Name Views. |
CFiscalYearController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Fiscal Years. |
CFiscalYearScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Fiscal Year Scrud Views. |
CFiscalYearSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Fiscal Year Selector Views. |
CFlagController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Flags. |
CFlagTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Flag Types. |
CFlagTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Flag Type Scrud Views. |
CFlagViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Flag Views. |
CFrequencyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Frequencies. |
CFrequencySelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Frequency Selector Views. |
CFrequencySetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Frequency Setups. |
CFrequencySetupScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Frequency Setup Scrud Views. |
CGenderController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Genders. |
CIdentificationTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Identification Types. |
CIncomeTaxSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Income Tax Setups. |
CIndustryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Industries. |
CIndustryScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Industry Scrud Views. |
CInventoryAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Inventory Account Selector Views. |
CItemController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Items. |
CItemCostPriceController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Cost Prices. |
CItemCostPriceScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Cost Price Scrud Views. |
CItemGroupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Groups. |
CItemGroupScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Group Scrud Views. |
CItemGroupSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Group Selector Views. |
CItemScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Scrud Views. |
CItemSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Selector Views. |
CItemSellingPriceController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Selling Prices. |
CItemSellingPriceScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Selling Price Scrud Views. |
CItemTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Types. |
CItemTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Type Scrud Views. |
CItemViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Item Views. |
CKanbanController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Kanbans. |
CKanbanDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Kanban Details. |
CLateFeeAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Late Fee Account Selector Views. |
CLateFeeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Late Fees. |
CLateFeeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Late Fee Scrud Views. |
CMenuController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Menus. |
CMenuLocaleController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Menu Locales. |
CMerchantAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Merchant Account Selector Views. |
CMerchantFeeSetupAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Merchant Fee Setup Account Selector Views. |
CMerchantFeeSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Merchant Fee Setups. |
CMerchantFeeSetupScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Merchant Fee Setup Scrud Views. |
CNationalityController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Nationalities. |
CPartyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Parties. |
CPartyScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Scrud Views. |
CPartySelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Selector Views. |
CPartyTypeAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Type Account Selector Views. |
CPartyTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Types. |
CPartyTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Type Scrud Views. |
CPartyTypeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Type Selector Views. |
CPartyUserControlViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party User Control Views. |
CPartyViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Views. |
CPaymentCardController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Payment Cards. |
CPaymentCardScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Payment Card Scrud Views. |
CPaymentTermController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Payment Terms. |
CPaymentTermScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Payment Term Scrud Views. |
CPriceTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Price Types. |
CPriceTypeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Price Type Selector Views. |
CPurcahseAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Purcahse Account Selector Views. |
CPurchaseAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Purchase Account Selector Views. |
CPurchaseDiscountAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Purchase Discount Account Selector Views. |
CRecurrenceTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurrence Types. |
CRecurrenceTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurrence Type Scrud Views. |
CRecurringInvoiceAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurring Invoice Account Selector Views. |
CRecurringInvoiceController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurring Invoices. |
CRecurringInvoiceScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurring Invoice Scrud Views. |
CRecurringInvoiceSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurring Invoice Setups. |
CRecurringInvoiceSetupScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Recurring Invoice Setup Scrud Views. |
CRevenueAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Revenue Account Selector Views. |
CRoundingMethodController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Rounding Methods. |
CRoundingMethodSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Rounding Method Selector Views. |
CSalesDiscountAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Discount Account Selector Views. |
CSalespersonAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salesperson Account Selector Views. |
CSalespersonBonusSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salesperson Bonus Setups. |
CSalespersonBonusSetupScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salesperson Bonus Setup Scrud Views. |
CSalespersonController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salespeople. |
CSalespersonScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salesperson Scrud Views. |
CSalespersonSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salesperson Selector Views. |
CSalesReturnAccountSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Return Account Selector Views. |
CSalesTaxController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Taxes. |
CSalesTaxDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Details. |
CSalesTaxDetailScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Detail Scrud Views. |
CSalesTaxExemptController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Exempts. |
CSalesTaxExemptDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Exempt Details. |
CSalesTaxExemptDetailScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Exempt Detail Scrud Views. |
CSalesTaxExemptScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Exempt Scrud Views. |
CSalesTaxScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Scrud Views. |
CSalesTaxSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Selector Views. |
CSalesTaxTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Types. |
CSalesTaxTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Tax Type Scrud Views. |
CSalesTeamController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Teams. |
CSalesTeamScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Team Scrud Views. |
CSalesTeamSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Team Selector Views. |
CShipperController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shippers. |
CShipperScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipper Scrud Views. |
CShippingAddressController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Addresses. |
CShippingAddressScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Address Scrud Views. |
CShippingAddressViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Address Views. |
CShippingMailTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Mail Types. |
CShippingMailTypeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Mail Type Selector Views. |
CShippingPackageShapeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Package Shapes. |
CShippingPackageShapeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shipping Package Shape Selector Views. |
CSocialNetworkController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Social Networks. |
CStateController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing States. |
CStateSalesTaxController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing State Sales Taxes. |
CStateSalesTaxScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing State Sales Tax Scrud Views. |
CStateScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing State Scrud Views. |
CSupplierSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Supplier Selector Views. |
CSupplierViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Supplier Views. |
CTaxAuthorityController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Authorities. |
CTaxAuthorityScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Authority Scrud Views. |
CTaxBaseAmountTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Base Amount Types. |
CTaxBaseAmountTypeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Base Amount Type Selector Views. |
CTaxExemptTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Exempt Types. |
CTaxExemptTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Exempt Type Scrud Views. |
CTaxMasterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Masters. |
CTaxMasterScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Master Scrud Views. |
CTaxRateTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Rate Types. |
CTaxRateTypeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Tax Rate Type Selector Views. |
CTransactionTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Transaction Types. |
CUnitController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Units. |
CUnitScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Unit Scrud Views. |
CUnitSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Unit Selector Views. |
CUnitViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Unit Views. |
CVerificationStatusController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Verification Statuses. |
CWeekDayController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Week Days. |
CWidgetController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Widgets. |
CWidgetGroupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Widget Groups. |
CWidgetSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Widget Setups. |
CWidgetSetupViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Widget Setup Views. |
CZipCodeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Zip Codes. |
CZipCodeTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Zip Code Types. |
►NHRM | |
CContractController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Contracts. |
CContractScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Contract Scrud Views. |
CEducationLevelController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Education Levels. |
CEmployeeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employees. |
CEmployeeExperienceController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Experiences. |
CEmployeeExperienceScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Experience Scrud Views. |
CEmployeeIdentificationDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Identification Details. |
CEmployeeIdentificationDetailScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Identification Detail Scrud Views. |
CEmployeeQualificationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Qualifications. |
CEmployeeQualificationScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Qualification Scrud Views. |
CEmployeeSocialNetworkDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Social Network Details. |
CEmployeeSocialNetworkDetailScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Social Network Detail Scrud Views. |
CEmployeeTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Types. |
CEmployeeTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Type Scrud Views. |
CEmployeeViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Views. |
CEmployeeWageController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Wages. |
CEmployeeWageScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employee Wage Scrud Views. |
CEmploymentStatusCodeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employment Status Codes. |
CEmploymentStatusController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Employment Statuses. |
CExitController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Exits. |
CExitScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Exit Scrud Views. |
CExitTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Exit Types. |
CHolidayController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Holidays. |
CJobTitleController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Job Titles. |
CLeaveApplicationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Leave Applications. |
CLeaveApplicationScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Leave Application Scrud Views. |
CLeaveBenefitController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Leave Benefits. |
CLeaveTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Leave Types. |
COfficeHourController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Office Hours. |
COfficeHourScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Office Hour Scrud Views. |
CPayGradeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Pay Grades. |
CResignationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Resignations. |
CSalaryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salaries. |
CSalaryFrequencyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salary Frequencies. |
CSalaryTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Salary Types. |
CShiftController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Shifts. |
CTerminationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Terminations. |
CTerminationScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Termination Scrud Views. |
CWagesSetupController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Wages Setups. |
►NLocalization | |
CCultureController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cultures. |
CLocalizedResourceController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Localized Resources. |
CLocalizedResourceViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Localized Resource Views. |
CResourceController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Resources. |
CResourceViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Resource Views. |
►NOffice | |
CCashierController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cashiers. |
CCashRepositoryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Repositories. |
CCashRepositoryScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Repository Scrud Views. |
CCashRepositorySelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cash Repository Selector Views. |
CConfigurationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Configurations. |
CCostCenterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cost Centers. |
CCostCenterScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Cost Center Scrud Views. |
CCounterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Counters. |
CCounterScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Counter Scrud Views. |
CDepartmentController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Departments. |
CDepartmentScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Department Scrud Views. |
CHolidayController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Holidays. |
COfficeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Offices. |
COfficeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Office Scrud Views. |
COfficeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Office Selector Views. |
COfficeViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Office Views. |
CRoleController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Roles. |
CRoleScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Role Scrud Views. |
CRoleViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Role Views. |
CSignInViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sign In Views. |
CStoreController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stores. |
CStoreScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Scrud Views. |
CStoreSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Selector Views. |
CStoreTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Types. |
CStoreTypeScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Type Scrud Views. |
CStoreTypeSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Type Selector Views. |
CStoreViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Views. |
CUserController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Users. |
CUserSelectorViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing User Selector Views. |
CUserViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing User Views. |
CWorkCenterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Work Centers. |
CWorkCenterViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Work Center Views. |
►NPolicy | |
CAccessTypeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Access Types. |
CApiAccessPolicyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Api Access Policies. |
CAutoVerificationPolicyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Auto Verification Policies. |
CAutoVerificationPolicyScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Auto Verification Policy Scrud Views. |
CDefaultEntityAccessController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Default Entity Accesses. |
CDefaultEntityAccessScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Default Entity Access Scrud Views. |
CEntityAccessController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Entity Accesses. |
CEntityAccessScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Entity Access Scrud Views. |
CHttpActionController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Http Actions. |
CLockOutController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Lock Outs. |
CMenuAccessController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Menu Accesses. |
CMenuPolicyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Menu Policies. |
CStorePolicyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Policies. |
CStorePolicyDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Store Policy Details. |
CVoucherVerificationPolicyController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Voucher Verification Policies. |
CVoucherVerificationPolicyScrudViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Voucher Verification Policy Scrud Views. |
►NTransactions | |
CCustomerReceiptController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Customer Receipts. |
CDayOperationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Day Operations. |
CDayOperationRoutineController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Day Operation Routines. |
CInventoryTransferDeliveryController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Inventory Transfer Deliveries. |
CInventoryTransferDeliveryDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Inventory Transfer Delivery Details. |
CInventoryTransferRequestController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Inventory Transfer Requests. |
CInventoryTransferRequestDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Inventory Transfer Request Details. |
CLateFeeController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Late Fees. |
CNonGlStockDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Non Gl Stock Details. |
CNonGlStockMasterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Non Gl Stock Masters. |
CNonGlStockMasterRelationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Non Gl Stock Master Relations. |
CNonGlStockTaxDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Non Gl Stock Tax Details. |
CPartyItemChartViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Item Chart Views. |
CPartyPurchaseChartViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Purchase Chart Views. |
CPartySalesChartViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Party Sales Chart Views. |
CReceiptViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Receipt Views. |
CRoutineController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Routines. |
CSalesByCountryViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales By Country Views. |
CSalesDeliveryViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Delivery Views. |
CSalesOrderViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Order Views. |
CSalesQuotationViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Sales Quotation Views. |
CStockDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stock Details. |
CStockMasterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stock Masters. |
CStockMasterNonGlRelationController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stock Master Non Gl Relations. |
CStockReturnController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stock Returns. |
CStockTaxDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stock Tax Details. |
CStockTransactionViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Stock Transaction Views. |
CTransactionDetailController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Transaction Details. |
CTransactionMasterController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Transaction Masters. |
CTransactionViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Transaction Views. |
CVerifiedStockDetailsViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Verified Stock Details Views. |
CVerifiedTransactionViewController | Provides a direct HTTP access to perform various tasks such as adding, editing, and removing Verified Transaction Views. |
►NApplicationState | |
►NCache | |
CLoginView | |
CMetaLogin | |
CFrequencyDates | |
►NCommon | |
►NEvents | |
CMixERPPGEventArgs | |
►NCore | |
►NModules | |
►NBackOffice | |
►NAdmin | |
CChangePassword | |
CChangePasswordControl | |
CCheckUpdates | |
CDatabaseBackup | |
CDatabaseStatistics | |
CNewCompany | |
CReportWriter | |
CRestore | |
►NData | |
►NAdmin | |
CDatabaseUtility | This class provides utility functions to execute routine PostgreSQL server functions. |
COffice | |
CUser | The user class. |
►NTax | |
CSalesTax | The sales tax helper class. |
CAudit | |
►CReportWriter | |
CDataSource | |
CGrid | |
CReportParameter | |
►NHubs | |
CDbHub | |
►NJobs | |
CBackupJob | |
►NModels | |
CReport | |
CReportDefinition | |
►NOTS | |
CAttachmentParameters | |
CCurrencylayerParameters | |
CDatabaseParameters | |
CMixERPParameters | |
COpenExchangeRatesParameters | |
COpeningInventory | |
CScrudFactoryParameters | |
CSwitches | |
►NPolicy | |
CApiAccess | |
CAutoVerification | |
CDefaultEntityAccess | |
CEntityAccess | |
CGLAccess | |
CMenuAccess | |
CStoreAccess | |
CVoucherVerification | |
►NServices | |
►NAdmin | |
CReportWriter | |
►NOTS | |
COpeningInventory | |
►NPolicy | |
CEntityAccess | |
CAttachments | |
CCustomFields | |
CTaxData | |
►NTax | |
CCountySalesTaxes | |
CSalesTaxDetails | |
CSalesTaxes | |
CSalesTaxExemptDetails | |
CSalesTaxExempts | |
CSalesTaxTypes | |
CStateSalesTaxes | |
CTaxAuthorities | |
CTaxExemptTypes | |
CTaxMaster | |
►NWidgets | |
CLinksWidget | |
COfficeInformationWidget | |
CAttachmentManager | |
CCashRepositories | |
CCounters | |
CCounties | |
CCountries | |
CCustomFields | |
CDepartments | |
CEntities | |
CFiscalYear | |
CFlags | |
CFrequency | |
CIndex | |
CIndustries | |
COffices | |
CRoles | |
CStates | |
CUsers | |
►NCRM | |
►NSetup | |
CLeadSources | |
CLeadStatuses | |
COpportunityStages | |
CConvertLeadToOpportunity | |
CIndex | |
CLead | |
CLeadFollowup | |
COpportunity | |
COpportunityFollowup | |
►NFinance | |
►NConfirmation | |
CJournalVoucher | |
►NData | |
►NModels | |
CExchangeRate | |
CEODOperation | |
CEODStatus | |
►NDayOperation | |
CEOD | |
CEOY | |
►NEntry | |
CJournalVoucher | |
►NHubs | |
CDayOperationHub | |
►NReports | |
CAccountStatement | |
CAccountStatementReport | |
CBalanceSheet | |
CBalanceSheetReport | |
CCashFlow | |
CExchangeRates | |
CExchangeRatesFrame | |
CGLAdviceReport | |
CProfitAndLossAccount | |
CRetainedEarnings | |
CRetainedEarningsReport | |
CStockTransactionReport | |
CTrialBalance | |
CTrialBalanceReport | |
►NServices | |
►NDayOperation | |
CEOD | |
CEOY | |
►NEntry | |
CJournalVoucher | |
CAccountData | |
CCurrencyData | |
CTransactions | |
►NSetup | |
CAgeingSlabs | |
CBankAccounts | |
CCashFlowHeadings | |
CCashFlowSetup | |
CCOA | |
CCostCenters | |
CCurrencies | |
CMerchantFeeSetup | |
CPaymentCards | |
►NWidgets | |
CWorkflowWidget | |
CEODOperation | |
CIndex | |
CJournalVoucher | |
CStandingInstructions | |
CUpdateExchangeRates | |
CVoucherVerification | |
►NHRM | |
►NData | |
CContract | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.contracts". |
CContractScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.contract_scrud_view". |
CEducationLevel | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.education_levels". |
CEmployee | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employees". |
CEmployeeExperience | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employee_experiences". |
CEmployeeExperienceScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_experience_scrud_view". |
CEmployeeIdentificationDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employee_identification_details". |
CEmployeeIdentificationDetailScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_identification_detail_scrud_view". |
CEmployeeQualification | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employee_qualifications". |
CEmployeeQualificationScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_qualification_scrud_view". |
CEmployeeSocialNetworkDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employee_social_network_details". |
CEmployeeSocialNetworkDetailScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_social_network_detail_scrud_view". |
CEmployeeType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employee_types". |
CEmployeeTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_type_scrud_view". |
CEmployeeView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_view". |
CEmployeeWage | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employee_wages". |
CEmployeeWageScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.employee_wage_scrud_view". |
CEmploymentStatus | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employment_statuses". |
CEmploymentStatusCode | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.employment_status_codes". |
CExit | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.exits". |
CExitScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.exit_scrud_view". |
CExitType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.exit_types". |
CHoliday | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.holidays". |
CJobTitle | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.job_titles". |
CLeaveApplication | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.leave_applications". |
CLeaveApplicationScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.leave_application_scrud_view". |
CLeaveBenefit | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.leave_benefits". |
CLeaveType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.leave_types". |
COfficeHour | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.office_hours". |
COfficeHourScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.office_hour_scrud_view". |
CPayGrade | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.pay_grades". |
CResignation | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.resignations". |
CSalary | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.salaries". |
CSalaryFrequency | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.salary_frequencies". |
CSalaryType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.salary_types". |
CShift | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.shifts". |
CTermination | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.terminations". |
CTerminationScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "hrm.termination_scrud_view". |
CWagesSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "hrm.wages_setup". |
►NFirstSteps | |
CEducationLevel | |
►NPayroll | |
CBonus | |
CCommissions | |
CDeduction | |
CSalary | |
CWages | |
►NSetup | |
CEducationLevels | |
CEmployeeTypes | |
CEmploymentStatuses | |
CExitTypes | |
CHolidaySetup | |
CJobTitles | |
CLeaveBenefits | |
CLeaveTypes | |
COfficeHours | |
CPayGrades | |
CSalaries | |
CSalaryTypes | |
CShifts | |
CWages | |
►NTasks | |
►NEmployee | |
CExperiences | |
CIdentificationDetails | |
CLeaveApplication | |
CQualifications | |
CSocialNetworks | |
CWages | |
►NEntry | |
CEmployees | |
CAttendance | |
CContracts | |
CEmployeeInfo | |
CEmployees | |
CExit | |
CLeaveApplication | |
CResignation | |
CTermination | |
►NInventory | |
►NConfirmation | |
CAdjustment | |
CTransfer | |
CTransferDelivery | |
CTransferRequest | |
►NData | |
►NDomains | |
CSalesItem | |
CStockTransferDeliveryModel | |
►NEntry | |
CTransfer | |
CTransferDelivery | |
CTransferRequest | |
►NReports | |
CAccountStatement | |
CAccountStatementReport | |
CInventoryAdjustmentReport | |
CInventoryAdvice | |
CInventoryTransferDeliveryReport | |
CInventoryTransferReport | |
CInventoryTransferRequestReport | |
►NServices | |
►NEntry | |
CAdjustment | |
CTransfer | |
CTransferDelivery | |
CTransferRequest | |
►NSetup | |
CParties | |
CPartyInfo | |
CItemData | |
CPartyData | |
CTransferAcknowledgement | |
CTransferAuthorization | |
►NSetup | |
►NParties | |
CEntry | |
CBrands | |
CCompoundItemDetails | |
CCompoundItems | |
CCostPrices | |
CItemGroups | |
CItemsPopup | |
CItemTypes | |
CPartiesPopup | |
CPartyInfo | |
CPartyTypes | |
CSellingPrices | |
CShippers | |
CShippingAddresses | |
CStores | |
CStoreTypes | |
CUOM | |
CAdjustment | |
CIndex | |
CTransfer | |
CTransferAcknowledgement | |
CTransferAuthorization | |
CTransferDelivery | |
CTransferRequest | |
►NManufacturing | |
►NSetup | |
CWorkCentes | |
CIndex | |
►NPOS | |
CAssignCashier | |
CIndex | |
►NPurchase | |
►NConfirmation | |
CDirectPurchase | |
CGRN | |
COrder | |
CReturn | |
►NData | |
►NModels | |
CReorder | |
►NEntry | |
CDirectPurchase | |
CGRN | |
COrder | |
CReturn | |
►NReports | |
CDirectPurchaseInvoiceReport | |
CGRNReport | |
CPurchaseOrderReport | |
CPurchaseReturnReport | |
►NServices | |
►NEntry | |
CDirectPurchase | |
CGRN | |
COrder | |
CReorder | |
CReturn | |
CDirectPurchase | |
CGRN | |
CIndex | |
COrder | |
CReorder | |
CReturn | |
►NSales | |
►NConfirmation | |
CDelivery | |
CDirectSales | |
COrder | |
CQuotation | |
CReceipt | |
CReturn | |
►NData | |
►NReports | |
CSalesByGeography | |
►NEntry | |
CDelivery | |
CDirectSales | |
COrder | |
CQuotation | |
CReceipt | |
CReturn | |
►NReports | |
CCustomerInvoiceReport | |
CCustomerReceiptReport | |
CDeliveryNoteReport | |
CDeliveryReport | |
CDirectSalesInvoiceReport | |
CReceiptReport | |
CSalesByOffice | |
CSalesByOfficeFrame | |
CSalesOrderReport | |
CSalesQuotationReport | |
CSalesReturnReport | |
CTopSellingItems | |
CTopSellingItemsFrame | |
►NServices | |
►NEntry | |
CDelivery | |
CDirectSales | |
COrder | |
CQuotation | |
CReturn | |
►NNotification | |
CDelivery | |
CReceipt | |
►NReceipt | |
CAccounts | |
CCurrencies | |
CTransactionPosting | |
►NSetup | |
CBonusSlabAssignment | |
CBonusSlabDetails | |
CBonusSlabs | |
CLateFees | |
CPaymentTerms | |
CRecurringInvoices | |
CRecurringInvoiceSetup | |
CSalespersons | |
CTeams | |
►NWidgets | |
CCurrentOfficeSalesByMonthWidget | |
CSalesByGeographyWidget | |
CSalesByOfficeWidget | |
CTopSellingProductOfAllTimeCurrentWidget | |
CTopSellingProductOfAllTimeWidget | |
CDelivery | |
CDirectSales | |
COrder | |
CQuotation | |
CReceipt | |
CReturn | |
►NCurrencyConversion | |
►NCurrencylayer | |
CConverter | |
CCurrencylayerException | |
►NOpenExchangeRates | |
CConverter | |
COpenExchangeRatesException | |
►NDbFactory | |
CDbNotificationArgs | |
CDbOperation | |
►NEntities | |
►NAudit | |
CDbGetOfficeInformationModelResult | |
CFailedLogin | |
CLoggedAction | |
CLogin | |
►NConfig | |
CAttachmentFactory | |
CAttachmentFactoryScrudView | |
CCurrencyLayer | |
CCurrencyLayerScrudView | |
CDbParameter | |
CDbParameterScrudView | |
CMixerp | |
CMixerpScrudView | |
COpenExchangeRate | |
COpenExchangeRateScrudView | |
CScrudFactory | |
CScrudFactoryScrudView | |
CSmtp | |
CSwitch | |
CSwitchScrudView | |
►NCore | |
CAccount | |
CAccountMaster | |
CAccountMasterSelectorView | |
CAccountScrudView | |
CAccountSelectorView | |
CAccountView | |
CAgeingSlab | |
CAgeingSlabScrudView | |
CAttachment | |
CAttachmentLookup | |
CAttachmentType | |
CAttachmentView | |
CBankAccount | |
CBankAccountScrudView | |
CBankAccountSelectorView | |
CBankAccountsScrudView | |
CBankAccountView | |
CBonusSlab | |
CBonusSlabAccountSelectorView | |
CBonusSlabDetail | |
CBonusSlabDetailScrudView | |
CBonusSlabScrudView | |
CBonusSlabSelectorView | |
CBrand | |
CBrandScrudView | |
CBrandSelectorView | |
CCardType | |
CCashAccountSelectorView | |
CCashFlowHeading | |
CCashFlowHeadingScrudView | |
CCashFlowSetup | |
CCashFlowSetupScrudView | |
CCompoundItem | |
CCompoundItemDetail | |
CCompoundItemDetailScrudView | |
CCompoundItemScrudView | |
CCompoundItemSelectorView | |
CCompoundUnit | |
CCompoundUnitScrudView | |
CConfig | |
CCostOfSalesAccountSelectorView | |
CCountry | |
CCountryScrudView | |
CCounty | |
CCountySalesTax | |
CCountySalesTaxScrudView | |
CCountyScrudView | |
CCurrency | |
CCurrencyScrudView | |
CCurrencySelectorView | |
CCustomField | |
CCustomFieldDataType | |
CCustomFieldDefinitionView | |
CCustomFieldForm | |
CCustomFieldSetup | |
CCustomFieldView | |
CDbGetAccountViewByAccountMasterIdResult | |
CDbGetAssociatedUnitsFromItemCodeResult | |
CDbGetAssociatedUnitsFromItemIdResult | |
CDbGetAssociatedUnitsResult | |
CDbGetCompoundItemDetailsResult | |
CDbGetCustomFieldDefinitionResult | |
CDbGetWorkflowModelResult | |
CDefaultWidgetSetupView | |
CDiscountReceivedAccountSelectorView | |
CEmailQueue | |
CEntity | |
CEntityScrudView | |
CExchangeRate | |
CExchangeRateDetail | |
CExpensesAccountSelectorView | |
CFilter | |
CFilterNameView | |
CFiscalYear | |
CFiscalYearScrudView | |
CFiscalYearSelectorView | |
CFlag | |
CFlagType | |
CFlagTypeScrudView | |
CFlagView | |
CFrequency | |
CFrequencySelectorView | |
CFrequencySetup | |
CFrequencySetupScrudView | |
CGender | |
CIdentificationType | |
CIncomeTaxSetup | |
CIndustry | |
CIndustryScrudView | |
CInventoryAccountSelectorView | |
CItem | |
CItemCostPrice | |
CItemCostPriceScrudView | |
CItemGroup | |
CItemGroupScrudView | |
CItemGroupSelectorView | |
CItemScrudView | |
CItemSelectorView | |
CItemSellingPrice | |
CItemSellingPriceScrudView | |
CItemType | |
CItemTypeScrudView | |
CItemView | |
CKanban | |
CKanbanDetail | |
CLateFee | |
CLateFeeAccountSelectorView | |
CLateFeeScrudView | |
CMenu | |
CMenuLocale | |
CMerchantAccountSelectorView | |
CMerchantFeeSetup | |
CMerchantFeeSetupAccountSelectorView | |
CMerchantFeeSetupScrudView | |
CNationality | |
CParty | |
CPartyScrudView | |
CPartySelectorView | |
CPartyType | |
CPartyTypeAccountSelectorView | |
CPartyTypeScrudView | |
CPartyTypeSelectorView | |
CPartyUserControlView | |
CPartyView | |
CPaymentCard | |
CPaymentCardScrudView | |
CPaymentTerm | |
CPaymentTermScrudView | |
CPeriod | |
CPriceType | |
CPriceTypeSelectorView | |
CPurcahseAccountSelectorView | |
CPurchaseAccountSelectorView | |
CPurchaseDiscountAccountSelectorView | |
CRecurrenceType | |
CRecurrenceTypeScrudView | |
CRecurringInvoice | |
CRecurringInvoiceAccountSelectorView | |
CRecurringInvoiceScrudView | |
CRecurringInvoiceSetup | |
CRecurringInvoiceSetupScrudView | |
CRevenueAccountSelectorView | |
CRoundingMethod | |
CRoundingMethodSelectorView | |
CSalesDiscountAccountSelectorView | |
CSalesperson | |
CSalespersonAccountSelectorView | |
CSalespersonBonusSetup | |
CSalespersonBonusSetupScrudView | |
CSalespersonScrudView | |
CSalespersonSelectorView | |
CSalesReturnAccountSelectorView | |
CSalesTax | |
CSalesTaxDetail | |
CSalesTaxDetailScrudView | |
CSalesTaxExempt | |
CSalesTaxExemptDetail | |
CSalesTaxExemptDetailScrudView | |
CSalesTaxExemptScrudView | |
CSalesTaxScrudView | |
CSalesTaxSelectorView | |
CSalesTaxType | |
CSalesTaxTypeScrudView | |
CSalesTeam | |
CSalesTeamScrudView | |
CSalesTeamSelectorView | |
CShipper | |
CShipperScrudView | |
CShippingAddress | |
CShippingAddressScrudView | |
CShippingAddressView | |
CShippingMailType | |
CShippingMailTypeSelectorView | |
CShippingPackageShape | |
CShippingPackageShapeSelectorView | |
CSocialNetwork | |
CState | |
CStateSalesTax | |
CStateSalesTaxScrudView | |
CStateScrudView | |
CSupplierSelectorView | |
CSupplierView | |
CTaxAuthority | |
CTaxAuthorityScrudView | |
CTaxBaseAmountType | |
CTaxBaseAmountTypeSelectorView | |
CTaxExemptType | |
CTaxExemptTypeScrudView | |
CTaxMaster | |
CTaxMasterScrudView | |
CTaxRateType | |
CTaxRateTypeSelectorView | |
CTransactionType | |
CUnit | |
CUnitScrudView | |
CUnitSelectorView | |
CUnitView | |
CVerificationStatus | |
CWeekDay | |
CWidget | |
CWidgetGroup | |
CWidgetSetup | |
CWidgetSetupView | |
CZipCode | |
CZipCodeType | |
►NHRM | |
CContract | |
CContractScrudView | |
CEducationLevel | |
CEmployee | |
CEmployeeExperience | |
CEmployeeExperienceScrudView | |
CEmployeeIdentificationDetail | |
CEmployeeIdentificationDetailScrudView | |
CEmployeeQualification | |
CEmployeeQualificationScrudView | |
CEmployeeSocialNetworkDetail | |
CEmployeeSocialNetworkDetailScrudView | |
CEmployeeType | |
CEmployeeTypeScrudView | |
CEmployeeView | |
CEmployeeWage | |
CEmployeeWageScrudView | |
CEmploymentStatus | |
CEmploymentStatusCode | |
CExit | |
CExitScrudView | |
CExitType | |
CHoliday | |
CJobTitle | |
CLeaveApplication | |
CLeaveApplicationScrudView | |
CLeaveBenefit | |
CLeaveType | |
COfficeHour | |
COfficeHourScrudView | |
CPayGrade | |
CResignation | |
CSalary | |
CSalaryFrequency | |
CSalaryType | |
CShift | |
CTermination | |
CTerminationScrudView | |
CWagesSetup | |
►NLocalization | |
CCulture | |
CDbGetLocalizationTableResult | |
CDbGetMenuTableResult | |
CLocalizedResource | |
CLocalizedResourceView | |
CResource | |
CResourceView | |
►NOffice | |
CCashier | |
CCashRepository | |
CCashRepositoryScrudView | |
CCashRepositorySelectorView | |
CConfiguration | |
CCostCenter | |
CCostCenterScrudView | |
CCounter | |
CCounterScrudView | |
CDbCanLoginResult | |
CDbGetOfficesResult | |
CDbGetStoresResult | |
CDbSignInResult | |
CDepartment | |
CDepartmentScrudView | |
CGlobalLogin | |
CHoliday | |
COffice | |
COfficeScrudView | |
COfficeSelectorView | |
COfficeType | |
COfficeView | |
CRole | |
CRoleScrudView | |
CRoleView | |
CSignInView | |
CStore | |
CStoreScrudView | |
CStoreSelectorView | |
CStoreType | |
CStoreTypeScrudView | |
CStoreTypeSelectorView | |
CStoreView | |
CUser | |
CUserSelectorView | |
CUserView | |
CWorkCenter | |
CWorkCenterView | |
►NPolicy | |
CAccessType | |
CApiAccessPolicy | |
CAutoVerificationPolicy | |
CAutoVerificationPolicyScrudView | |
CDbGetMenuPolicyResult | |
CDbGetMenuResult | |
CDefaultEntityAccess | |
CDefaultEntityAccessScrudView | |
CEntityAccess | |
CEntityAccessScrudView | |
CHttpAction | |
CLockOut | |
CMenuAccess | |
CMenuPolicy | |
CStorePolicy | |
CStorePolicyDetail | |
CVoucherVerificationPolicy | |
CVoucherVerificationPolicyScrudView | |
►NPublic | |
►NMeta | |
CSalesQuotationValidation | |
CDbCrosstab2Result | |
CDbCrosstab3Result | |
CDbCrosstab4Result | |
CDbEachResult | |
CDbPocoGetTableFunctionDefinitionResult | |
CDbStat | |
CTablefuncCrosstab2 | |
CTablefuncCrosstab3 | |
CTablefuncCrosstab4 | |
►NTransactions | |
►NModels | |
CJournalDetail | |
CProductDetail | |
CStockAdjustmentDetail | |
CStockDetail | |
CStockMaster | |
CVerificationModel | |
CCustomerReceipt | |
CDayOperation | |
CDayOperationRoutine | |
CDbGetAccountStatementResult | |
CDbGetBalanceSheetResult | |
CDbGetEoyProfitSummaryResult | |
CDbGetIncomeExpenditureStatementResult | |
CDbGetInventoryTransferRequestViewResult | |
CDbGetJournalViewResult | |
CDbGetNonGlProductViewResult | |
CDbGetPartyTransactionSummaryResult | |
CDbGetPlAppropriationDataResult | |
CDbGetProductViewResult | |
CDbGetReceiptViewResult | |
CDbGetReorderViewFunctionResult | |
CDbGetRetainedEarningsStatementResult | |
CDbGetSalesByOfficesResult | |
CDbGetSalespersonReportResult | |
CDbGetSalesTaxResult | |
CDbGetStockAccountStatementResult | |
CDbGetTopSellingProductsByOfficeResult | |
CDbGetTopSellingProductsOfAllTimeResult | |
CDbGetTotalSalesByOfficeResult | |
CDbGetTrialBalanceResult | |
CDbListClosingStockResult | |
CInventoryTransferDelivery | |
CInventoryTransferDeliveryDetail | |
CInventoryTransferRequest | |
CInventoryTransferRequestDetail | |
CLateFee | |
CNonGlStockDetail | |
CNonGlStockMaster | |
CNonGlStockMasterRelation | |
CNonGlStockTaxDetail | |
COpeningStockType | |
CPartyItemChartView | |
CPartyPurchaseChartView | |
CPartySalesChartView | |
CPurchaseReorderType | |
CReceiptView | |
CRoutine | |
CSalesByCountryView | |
CSalesDeliveryView | |
CSalesOrderView | |
CSalesQuotationView | |
CSalesTaxType | |
CStockAdjustmentType | |
CStockDetail | |
CStockDetailType | |
CStockMaster | |
CStockMasterNonGlRelation | |
CStockReturn | |
CStockTaxDetail | |
CStockTransactionView | |
CTransactionDetail | |
CTransactionMaster | |
CTransactionView | |
CTrialBalanceView | |
CVerifiedCashTransactionMatView | |
CVerifiedStockDetailsView | |
CVerifiedStockTransactionView | |
CVerifiedTransactionMatView | |
CVerifiedTransactionView | |
►NEntityParser | |
CCustomField | |
CEntityColumn | |
CEntityView | |
CFilter | |
CPocoHelper | |
CService | |
►NFirstSteps | |
►NFirstTasks | |
CFiscalYear | |
CFrequency | |
CParty | |
CSalesperson | |
CShipper | |
CSmtp | |
CState | |
►NNewUser | |
►NFirstTasks | |
CCountySalesTax | |
CSalesTax | |
CStateSalesTax | |
CTaxAuthority | |
CTaxMaster | |
►NUserManagment | |
CMenuAccessPolicy | |
CUser | |
CVerificationPolicy | |
►NOffice | |
CCashRepository | |
CItem | |
CItemGroup | |
CLogo | |
CStore | |
►NFramework | |
►NContracts | |
►NChecklist | |
CFirstStep | |
►NCurrency | |
CCurrencyConversionResult | |
CCurrencyConverter | |
CICurrencyConverter | |
CITransaction | |
►NControls | |
CIControl | |
CIWidget | |
CMixERPUserControlBase | |
CMixERPWebPageBase | |
CMixERPWidget | |
CMixERPException | |
CProgressInfo | |
►NFrontEnd | |
►NApplication | |
CClassicAssemblyResolver | |
CMixERPAssemblyResolver | |
►NBase | |
CMixERPMasterPage | |
CMixERPUserControl | |
CMixERPWebpage | |
CMixERPWebReportPage | |
CMixERPWebService | |
CTransactionCheckListControl | |
►NControls | |
CChecklist | |
CScrud | |
CWebReport | |
►NDashboard | |
CIndex | |
►NData | |
►NGeneral | |
CItemSelector | |
►NHandlers | |
CLogoHandler | |
►NHubs | |
CBaseHub | |
CStartup | |
CUpdateHub | |
►NInstallation | |
CDefault | |
►NModels | |
CInstallConfig | |
CNavigation | |
CNavigationMenu | |
CRegionalData | |
►NModules | |
CDefault | |
CFirstSteps | |
CUpdate | |
CWidgetManager | |
►NPublic | |
CApproveQuotation | |
►NReports | |
►NAssets | |
CHeader | |
CReportMaster | |
CReportViewer | |
►NServices | |
CChecklist | |
CChecklists | |
CCreateDocument | |
CInstall | |
CMenu | |
COffice | |
CUser | |
CWidgetManager | |
►NSite | |
►NAccount | |
CChangePassword | |
CSignOut | |
CUserProfile | |
►NExceptions | |
CRestrictedTransactionMode | |
CAccessIsDenied | |
CRuntimeError | |
CBackendMaster | |
CGlobal | |
CMixERPBlankMaster | |
CMixERPMaster | |
CMixERPReportMaster | |
CPostSignIn | |
CSignIn | |
►Ni18n | |
►NResources | |
CCommonResource | |
CDbErrors | |
CDbResource | |
CErrors | |
CLabels | |
CMessages | |
CQuestions | |
CScrudResource | |
CTitles | |
CWarnings | |
CMixERPCultureInfo | |
CResourceManager | |
CResourcesHandler | |
►NMessaging | |
►NEmail | |
►NHelpers | |
CConfig | |
CEmailMessage | |
CEmailTemplateProcessor | |
CICredentials | |
CMailQueueManager | |
CProcessor | |
CSmtpCredentials | |
CSmtpHost | |
►NReportManager | |
CReportMenu | |
CRepository | |
►NSchemas | |
►NAudit | |
►NData | |
CFailedLogin | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "audit.failed_logins". |
CGetOfficeIdByLoginIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "audit.get_office_id_by_login_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeInformationModelProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "audit.get_office_information_model(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetUserIdByLoginIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "audit.get_user_id_by_login_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CIsValidLoginIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "audit.is_valid_login_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CLoggedAction | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "audit.logged_actions". |
CLogin | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "audit.logins". |
►NConfig | |
►NData | |
CAttachmentFactory | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.attachment_factory". |
CAttachmentFactoryScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.attachment_factory_scrud_view". |
CCurrencyLayer | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.currency_layer". |
CCurrencyLayerScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.currency_layer_scrud_view". |
CDbParameter | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.db_parameters". |
CDbParameterScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.db_parameter_scrud_view". |
CMixerp | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.mixerp". |
CMixerpScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.mixerp_scrud_view". |
COpenExchangeRate | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.open_exchange_rates". |
COpenExchangeRateScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.open_exchange_rate_scrud_view". |
CScrudFactory | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.scrud_factory". |
CScrudFactoryScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.scrud_factory_scrud_view". |
CSmtp | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.smtp". |
CSwitch | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "config.switches". |
CSwitchScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "config.switch_scrud_view". |
►NCore | |
►NData | |
CAccount | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.accounts". |
CAccountMaster | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.account_masters". |
CAccountMasterSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.account_master_selector_view". |
CAccountScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.account_scrud_view". |
CAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.account_selector_view". |
CAccountView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.account_view". |
CAddCustomFieldFormProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.add_custom_field_form(_form_name character varying, _table_name character varying, _key_name character varying)" on the database. |
CAgeingSlab | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.ageing_slabs". |
CAgeingSlabScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.ageing_slab_scrud_view". |
CAppendIfNotNullProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.append_if_not_null(_source text, _to_append text)" on the database. |
CAttachment | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.attachments". |
CAttachmentLookup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.attachment_lookup". |
CAttachmentView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.attachment_view". |
CBankAccount | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.bank_accounts". |
CBankAccountScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bank_account_scrud_view". |
CBankAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bank_account_selector_view". |
CBankAccountsScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bank_accounts_scrud_view". |
CBankAccountView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bank_account_view". |
CBonusSlab | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.bonus_slabs". |
CBonusSlabAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bonus_slab_account_selector_view". |
CBonusSlabDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.bonus_slab_details". |
CBonusSlabDetailScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bonus_slab_detail_scrud_view". |
CBonusSlabScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bonus_slab_scrud_view". |
CBonusSlabSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.bonus_slab_selector_view". |
CBrand | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.brands". |
CBrandScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.brand_scrud_view". |
CBrandSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.brand_selector_view". |
CCalculateInterestProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.calculate_interest(principal numeric, rate numeric, days integer, round_up integer, num_of_days_in_year integer)" on the database. |
CCardType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.card_types". |
CCashAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.cash_account_selector_view". |
CCashFlowHeading | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.cash_flow_headings". |
CCashFlowHeadingScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.cash_flow_heading_scrud_view". |
CCashFlowSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.cash_flow_setup". |
CCashFlowSetupScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.cash_flow_setup_scrud_view". |
CCastFrequencyProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.cast_frequency(_frequency_code text)" on the database. |
CCompoundItem | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.compound_items". |
CCompoundItemDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.compound_item_details". |
CCompoundItemDetailScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.compound_item_detail_scrud_view". |
CCompoundItemScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.compound_item_scrud_view". |
CCompoundItemSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.compound_item_selector_view". |
CCompoundUnit | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.compound_units". |
CCompoundUnitScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.compound_unit_scrud_view". |
CConfig | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.config". |
CConvertUnitProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.convert_unit(from_unit integer, to_unit integer)" on the database. |
CCostOfSalesAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.cost_of_sales_account_selector_view". |
CCountItemInStockProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.count_item_in_stock(_item_id integer, _unit_id integer, _store_id integer)" on the database. |
CCountPurchasesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.count_purchases(_item_id integer, _unit_id integer, _store_id integer)" on the database. |
CCountry | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.countries". |
CCountryScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.country_scrud_view". |
CCountSalesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.count_sales(_item_id integer, _unit_id integer, _store_id integer)" on the database. |
CCounty | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.counties". |
CCountySalesTax | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.county_sales_taxes". |
CCountySalesTaxScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.county_sales_tax_scrud_view". |
CCountyScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.county_scrud_view". |
CCreateCardTypeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_card_type(_card_type_id integer, _card_type_code character varying, _card_type_name character varying)" on the database. |
CCreateFlagProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_flag(user_id_ integer, flag_type_id_ integer, resource_ text, resource_key_ text, resource_id_ text)" on the database. |
CCreateKanbanProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_kanban(_object_name character varying, _user_id integer, _kanban_name character varying, _description text)" on the database. |
CCreateMenuLocaleProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_menu_locale(_menu_id integer, _culture text, _menu_text text)" on the database. |
CCreateMenuProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_menu(_menu_text text, _url text, _menu_code text, _level integer, _parent_menu_id integer)" on the database. |
CCreateNewFiscalYearProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_new_fiscal_year(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _fiscal_year_code character varying, _fiscal_year_name character varying)" on the database. |
CCreatePaymentCardProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.create_payment_card(_payment_card_code character varying, _payment_card_name character varying, _card_type_id integer)" on the database. |
CCurrency | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.currencies". |
CCurrencyScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.currency_scrud_view". |
CCurrencySelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.currency_selector_view". |
CCustomField | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.custom_fields". |
CCustomFieldDataType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.custom_field_data_types". |
CCustomFieldDefinitionView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.custom_field_definition_view". |
CCustomFieldForm | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.custom_field_forms". |
CCustomFieldSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.custom_field_setup". |
CCustomFieldView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.custom_field_view". |
CDefaultWidgetSetupView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.default_widget_setup_view". |
CDiscountReceivedAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.discount_received_account_selector_view". |
CEmailQueue | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.email_queue". |
CEntity | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.entities". |
CEntityScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.entity_scrud_view". |
CExchangeRate | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.exchange_rates". |
CExchangeRateDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.exchange_rate_details". |
CExpensesAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.expenses_account_selector_view". |
CFilter | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.filters". |
CFilterNameView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.filter_name_view". |
CFiscalYear | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.fiscal_year". |
CFiscalYearScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.fiscal_year_scrud_view". |
CFiscalYearSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.fiscal_year_selector_view". |
CFlag | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.flags". |
CFlagType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.flag_types". |
CFlagTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.flag_type_scrud_view". |
CFlagView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.flag_view". |
CFrequency | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.frequencies". |
CFrequencySelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.frequency_selector_view". |
CFrequencySetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.frequency_setups". |
CFrequencySetupScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.frequency_setup_scrud_view". |
CGender | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.genders". |
CGetAccountIdByAccountNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_id_by_account_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetAccountIdByAccountNumberProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_id_by_account_number(_account_number text)" on the database. |
CGetAccountIdByPartyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_id_by_party_code(party_code text)" on the database. |
CGetAccountIdByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_id_by_party_id(party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetAccountIdByPartyTypeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_id_by_party_type_id(_party_type_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetAccountIdByShipperIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_id_by_shipper_id(_shipper_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetAccountIdsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_ids(root_account_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetAccountMasterIdByAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_master_id_by_account_id(_account_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetAccountMasterIdByAccountMasterCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_master_id_by_account_master_code(_account_master_code text)" on the database. |
CGetAccountNameByAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_name_by_account_id(_account_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetAccountNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_name(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetAccountViewByAccountMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_account_view_by_account_master_id(_account_master_id integer, _row_number integer)" on the database. |
CGetAssociatedUnitsFromItemCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_associated_units_from_item_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetAssociatedUnitsFromItemIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_associated_units_from_item_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetAssociatedUnitsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_associated_units(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetAttachmentLookupInfoProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_attachment_lookup_info(_book character varying)" on the database. |
CGetBaseQuantityByUnitIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_base_quantity_by_unit_id(pg_arg0 integer, pg_arg1 integer)" on the database. |
CGetBaseQuantityByUnitNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_base_quantity_by_unit_name(pg_arg0 text, pg_arg1 integer)" on the database. |
CGetBaseUnitIdByUnitNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_base_unit_id_by_unit_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetBrandCodeByBrandIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_brand_code_by_brand_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetBrandIdByBrandCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_brand_id_by_brand_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetBrandIdByBrandNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_brand_id_by_brand_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetBrandNameByBrandIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_brand_name_by_brand_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetCashAccountIdByStoreIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_cash_account_id_by_store_id(_store_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCashAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_cash_account_id()" on the database. |
CGetCashFlowHeadingIdByCashFlowHeadingCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_cash_flow_heading_id_by_cash_flow_heading_code(_cash_flow_heading_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetCashRepositoryIdByStoreIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_cash_repository_id_by_store_id(_store_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCompoundItemDetailsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_compound_item_details(_compound_item_code character varying, _sales_tax_code character varying, _tran_book character varying, _store_id integer, _party_code character varying, _price_type_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCostOfGoodsSoldAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_cost_of_goods_sold_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCountryIdByCountryCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_country_id_by_country_code(_country_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetCountryNameByCountryIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_country_name_by_country_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetCountyIdByCountyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_county_id_by_county_code(_county_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetCountyIdByCountyNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_county_id_by_county_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetCountySalesTaxRateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_county_sales_tax_rate(_county_sales_tax_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCurrencyCodeByOfficeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_currency_code_by_office_id(office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCurrencyCodeByPartyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_currency_code_by_party_code(_party_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetCurrencyCodeByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_currency_code_by_party_id(party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetCurrentFiscalYearCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_current_fiscal_year_code(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCurrentYearProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_current_year()" on the database. |
CGetCustomFieldDefinitionProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_custom_field_definition(_table_name text, _resource_id text)" on the database. |
CGetCustomFieldFormNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_custom_field_form_name(_table_name character varying)" on the database. |
CGetCustomFieldSetupIdByTableNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_custom_field_setup_id_by_table_name(_table_name character varying, _field_name character varying)" on the database. |
CGetDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetEmailAddressByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_email_address_by_party_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetEntityIdByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_entity_id_by_party_id(_party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetFieldProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_field(_hstore hstore, _column_name text)" on the database. |
CGetFiscalHalfEndDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_fiscal_half_end_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFiscalHalfStartDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_fiscal_half_start_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFiscalYearEndDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_fiscal_year_end_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFiscalYearStartDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_fiscal_year_start_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFlagBackgroundColorProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_flag_background_color(flag_type_id_ integer)" on the database. |
CGetFlagForegroundColorProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_flag_foreground_color(flag_type_id_ integer)" on the database. |
CGetFlagTypeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_flag_type_id(user_id_ integer, resource_ text, resource_key_ text, resource_id_ text)" on the database. |
CGetFrequenciesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequencies(_frequency_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFrequencyCodeByFrequencyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequency_code_by_frequency_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetFrequencyEndDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequency_end_date(_frequency_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CGetFrequencySetupCodeByFrequencySetupIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequency_setup_code_by_frequency_setup_id(_frequency_setup_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFrequencySetupEndDateByFrequencySetupIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequency_setup_end_date_by_frequency_setup_id(_frequency_setup_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFrequencySetupStartDateByFrequencySetupIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequency_setup_start_date_by_frequency_setup_id(_frequency_setup_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetFrequencyStartDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_frequency_start_date(_frequency_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CGetIncomeTaxProvisonAmountProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_income_tax_provison_amount(_office_id integer, _profit numeric, _balance numeric)" on the database. |
CGetIndustryIdByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_industry_id_by_party_id(_party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetInventoryAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_inventory_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemCodeByItemIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_code_by_item_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemCostPriceProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_cost_price(item_id_ integer, unit_id_ integer, party_id_ bigint)" on the database. |
CGetItemGroupCodeByItemGroupIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_group_code_by_item_group_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemGroupIdByItemGroupCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_group_id_by_item_group_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetItemGroupIdByItemGroupNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_group_id_by_item_group_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetItemGroupIdByItemIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_group_id_by_item_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemGroupNameByItemGroupIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_group_name_by_item_group_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemIdByItemCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_id_by_item_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetItemNameByItemIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_name_by_item_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemSellingPriceProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_selling_price(item_id_ integer, party_type_id_ integer, price_type_id_ integer, unit_id_ integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemTaxRateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_tax_rate(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetItemTypeIdByItemTypeCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_item_type_id_by_item_type_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetLocaleProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_locale()" on the database. |
CGetMenuIdByMenuCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_menu_id_by_menu_code(_menu_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetMenuIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_menu_id(menu_code text)" on the database. |
CGetMonthEndDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_month_end_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetMonthStartDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_month_start_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeIdBySalesTaxIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_office_id_by_sales_tax_id(_sales_tax_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetOrderedQuantityProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_ordered_quantity(_item_id integer, _unit_id integer, _office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetPartyCodeByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_code_by_party_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetPartyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_code(pg_arg0 text, pg_arg1 text, pg_arg2 text)" on the database. |
CGetPartyIdByPartyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_id_by_party_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetPartyNameByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_name_by_party_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetPartyTypeIdByPartyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_type_id_by_party_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetPartyTypeIdByPartyIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_type_id_by_party_id(_party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetPartyTypeIdByPartyTypeCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_party_type_id_by_party_type_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetPaymentTermIdByPaymentTermCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_payment_term_id_by_payment_term_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetPeriodsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_periods(_date_from date, _date_to date)" on the database. |
CGetPriceTypeIdByPriceTypeCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_price_type_id_by_price_type_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetPriceTypeNameByPriceTypeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_price_type_name_by_price_type_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetPurchaseAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_purchase_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetPurchaseDiscountAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_purchase_discount_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetQuarterEndDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_quarter_end_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetQuarterStartDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_quarter_start_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetQuotationValidDurationProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_quotation_valid_duration(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetRecurrenceTypeIdByRecurrenceTypeCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_recurrence_type_id_by_recurrence_type_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetRecurringAmountByRecurringInvoiceIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_recurring_amount_by_recurring_invoice_id(_recurring_invoice_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetRootAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_root_account_id(_account_id bigint, _parent bigint)" on the database. |
CGetRootParentMenuIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_root_parent_menu_id(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetRootUnitIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_root_unit_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesDiscountAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_discount_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalespersonIdBySalespersonCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_salesperson_id_by_salesperson_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetSalespersonNameBySalespersonIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_salesperson_name_by_salesperson_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesReturnAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_return_account_id(_item_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesTaxCodeBySalesTaxIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_tax_code_by_sales_tax_id(_sales_tax_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesTaxIdBySalesTaxCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_tax_id_by_sales_tax_code(_sales_tax_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetSalesTaxNameBySalesTaxIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_tax_name_by_sales_tax_id(_sales_tax_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesTeamIdBySalesTeamCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_sales_team_id_by_sales_team_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetSecondRootAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_second_root_account_id(_account_id bigint, _parent bigint)" on the database. |
CGetShipperCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_shipper_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetShipperIdByShipperCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_shipper_id_by_shipper_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetShipperNameByShipperIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_shipper_name_by_shipper_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetShippingAddressByShippingAddressIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_shipping_address_by_shipping_address_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetShippingAddressCodeByShippingAddressIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_shipping_address_code_by_shipping_address_id(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetShippingAddressIdByShippingAddressCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_shipping_address_id_by_shipping_address_code(pg_arg0 text, pg_arg1 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetStateIdByShippingAddressCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_state_id_by_shipping_address_code(pg_arg0 text, pg_arg1 bigint)" on the database. |
CGetStateIdByStateCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_state_id_by_state_code(_state_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetStateIdByStateNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_state_id_by_state_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetStateNameByStateIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_state_name_by_state_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetStateSalesTaxRateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_state_sales_tax_rate(_state_sales_tax_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetTaxMasterIdByTaxMasterCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_tax_master_id_by_tax_master_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetUnitCodeByUnitIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_unit_code_by_unit_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetUnitIdByUnitCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_unit_id_by_unit_code(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetUnitIdByUnitNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_unit_id_by_unit_name(pg_arg0 text)" on the database. |
CGetUnitNameByUnitIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_unit_name_by_unit_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetVerificationStatusNameByVerificationStatusIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_verification_status_name_by_verification_status_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CGetWorkflowModelProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.get_workflow_model()" on the database. |
CHasChildAccountsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.has_child_accounts(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CIdentificationType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.identification_types". |
CIncomeTaxSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.income_tax_setup". |
CIndustry | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.industries". |
CIndustryScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.industry_scrud_view". |
CInventoryAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.inventory_account_selector_view". |
CIsCashAccountIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_cash_account_id(_account_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsCashEquivalentProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_cash_equivalent(_account_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsLeapYearProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_leap_year(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CIsNewFiscalYearCreatedProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_new_fiscal_year_created(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsParentAccountProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_parent_account(parent bigint, child bigint)" on the database. |
CIsParentUnitProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_parent_unit(parent integer, child integer)" on the database. |
CIsStockItemProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_stock_item(item_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsSupplierProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_supplier(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CIsValidItemIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_valid_item_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CIsValidUnitIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_valid_unit_id(pg_arg0 integer)" on the database. |
CIsValidUnitProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.is_valid_unit(_item_id integer, _unit_id integer)" on the database. |
CItem | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.items". |
CItemCostPrice | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.item_cost_prices". |
CItemCostPriceScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_cost_price_scrud_view". |
CItemGroup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.item_groups". |
CItemGroupScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_group_scrud_view". |
CItemGroupSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_group_selector_view". |
CItemScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_scrud_view". |
CItemSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_selector_view". |
CItemSellingPrice | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.item_selling_prices". |
CItemSellingPriceScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_selling_price_scrud_view". |
CItemType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.item_types". |
CItemTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_type_scrud_view". |
CItemView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.item_view". |
CKanban | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.kanbans". |
CKanbanDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.kanban_details". |
CLateFee | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.late_fee". |
CLateFeeAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.late_fee_account_selector_view". |
CLateFeeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.late_fee_scrud_view". |
CMenu | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.menus". |
CMenuLocale | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.menu_locale". |
CMerchantAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.merchant_account_selector_view". |
CMerchantFeeSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.merchant_fee_setup". |
CMerchantFeeSetupAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.merchant_fee_setup_account_selector_view". |
CMerchantFeeSetupScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.merchant_fee_setup_scrud_view". |
CNationality | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.nationalities". |
CParty | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.parties". |
CPartyScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_scrud_view". |
CPartySelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_selector_view". |
CPartyType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.party_types". |
CPartyTypeAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_type_account_selector_view". |
CPartyTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_type_scrud_view". |
CPartyTypeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_type_selector_view". |
CPartyUserControlView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_user_control_view". |
CPartyView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.party_view". |
CPaymentCard | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.payment_cards". |
CPaymentCardScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.payment_card_scrud_view". |
CPaymentTerm | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.payment_terms". |
CPaymentTermScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.payment_term_scrud_view". |
CPriceType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.price_types". |
CPriceTypeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.price_type_selector_view". |
CPurcahseAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.purcahse_account_selector_view". |
CPurchaseAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.purchase_account_selector_view". |
CPurchaseDiscountAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.purchase_discount_account_selector_view". |
CRecreateMenuProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "core.recreate_menu(_menu_text text, _url text, _menu_code text, _level integer, _parent_menu_id integer)" on the database. |
CRecurrenceType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.recurrence_types". |
CRecurrenceTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.recurrence_type_scrud_view". |
CRecurringInvoice | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.recurring_invoices". |
CRecurringInvoiceAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.recurring_invoice_account_selector_view". |
CRecurringInvoiceScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.recurring_invoice_scrud_view". |
CRecurringInvoiceSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.recurring_invoice_setup". |
CRecurringInvoiceSetupScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.recurring_invoice_setup_scrud_view". |
CRevenueAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.revenue_account_selector_view". |
CRoundingMethod | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.rounding_methods". |
CRoundingMethodSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.rounding_method_selector_view". |
CSalesDiscountAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_discount_account_selector_view". |
CSalesperson | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.salespersons". |
CSalespersonAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.salesperson_account_selector_view". |
CSalespersonBonusSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.salesperson_bonus_setups". |
CSalespersonBonusSetupScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.salesperson_bonus_setup_scrud_view". |
CSalespersonScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.salesperson_scrud_view". |
CSalespersonSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.salesperson_selector_view". |
CSalesReturnAccountSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_return_account_selector_view". |
CSalesTax | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.sales_taxes". |
CSalesTaxDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.sales_tax_details". |
CSalesTaxDetailScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_tax_detail_scrud_view". |
CSalesTaxExempt | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.sales_tax_exempts". |
CSalesTaxExemptDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.sales_tax_exempt_details". |
CSalesTaxExemptDetailScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_tax_exempt_detail_scrud_view". |
CSalesTaxExemptScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_tax_exempt_scrud_view". |
CSalesTaxScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_tax_scrud_view". |
CSalesTaxSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_tax_selector_view". |
CSalesTaxType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.sales_tax_types". |
CSalesTaxTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_tax_type_scrud_view". |
CSalesTeam | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.sales_teams". |
CSalesTeamScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_team_scrud_view". |
CSalesTeamSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.sales_team_selector_view". |
CShipper | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.shippers". |
CShipperScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.shipper_scrud_view". |
CShippingAddress | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.shipping_addresses". |
CShippingAddressScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.shipping_address_scrud_view". |
CShippingAddressView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.shipping_address_view". |
CShippingMailType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.shipping_mail_types". |
CShippingMailTypeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.shipping_mail_type_selector_view". |
CShippingPackageShape | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.shipping_package_shapes". |
CShippingPackageShapeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.shipping_package_shape_selector_view". |
CSocialNetwork | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.social_networks". |
CState | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.states". |
CStateSalesTax | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.state_sales_taxes". |
CStateSalesTaxScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.state_sales_tax_scrud_view". |
CStateScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.state_scrud_view". |
CSupplierSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.supplier_selector_view". |
CSupplierView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.supplier_view". |
CTaxAuthority | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.tax_authorities". |
CTaxAuthorityScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.tax_authority_scrud_view". |
CTaxBaseAmountType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.tax_base_amount_types". |
CTaxBaseAmountTypeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.tax_base_amount_type_selector_view". |
CTaxExemptType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.tax_exempt_types". |
CTaxExemptTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.tax_exempt_type_scrud_view". |
CTaxMaster | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.tax_master". |
CTaxMasterScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.tax_master_scrud_view". |
CTaxRateType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.tax_rate_types". |
CTaxRateTypeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.tax_rate_type_selector_view". |
CTransactionType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.transaction_types". |
CUnit | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.units". |
CUnitScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.unit_scrud_view". |
CUnitSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.unit_selector_view". |
CUnitView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.unit_view". |
CVerificationStatus | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.verification_statuses". |
CWeekDay | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.week_days". |
CWidget | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.widgets". |
CWidgetGroup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.widget_groups". |
CWidgetSetup | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.widget_setup". |
CWidgetSetupView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "core.widget_setup_view". |
CZipCode | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.zip_codes". |
CZipCodeType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "core.zip_code_types". |
►NLocalization | |
►NData | |
CAddLocalizedResourceProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "localization.add_localized_resource(_resource_class text, _culture_code text, _key text, _value text)" on the database. |
CAddResourceProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "localization.add_resource(resource_class text, key text, value text)" on the database. |
CCreateCultureProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "localization.create_culture(_culture_code text, _culture_name text)" on the database. |
CCulture | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "localization.cultures". |
CGetLocalizationTableProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "localization.get_localization_table(culture_code text)" on the database. |
CGetMenuTableProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "localization.get_menu_table(_culture_code text)" on the database. |
CGetOutputForProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "localization.get_output_for(_culture_code character varying)" on the database. |
CLocalizedResource | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "localization.localized_resources". |
CLocalizedResourceView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "localization.localized_resource_view". |
CResource | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "localization.resources". |
CResourceView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "localization.resource_view". |
►NOffice | |
►NData | |
CAddOfficeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.add_office(_office_code character varying, _office_name character varying, _nick_name character varying, _registration_date date, _currency_code character varying, _currency_symbol character varying, _currency_name character varying, _hundredth_name character varying, _fiscal_year_code character varying, _fiscal_year_name character varying, _starts_from date, _ends_on date, _sales_tax_is_vat boolean, _has_state_sales_tax boolean, _has_county_sales_tax boolean, _quotation_valid_days integer, _income_tax_rate numeric, _week_start_day integer, _transaction_start_date date, _is_perpetual boolean, _inv_valuation_method character varying, _logo_file text, _admin_name character varying, _user_name character varying, _password character varying)" on the database. |
CCanLoginProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.can_login(user_id integer_strict, office_id integer_strict)" on the database. |
CCashier | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.cashiers". |
CCashRepository | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.cash_repositories". |
CCashRepositoryScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.cash_repository_scrud_view". |
CCashRepositorySelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.cash_repository_selector_view". |
CConfiguration | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.configuration". |
CCostCenter | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.cost_centers". |
CCostCenterScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.cost_center_scrud_view". |
CCounter | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.counters". |
CCounterScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.counter_scrud_view". |
CCountItemInStockProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.count_item_in_stock(item_id_ integer, unit_id_ integer, office_id_ integer)" on the database. |
CCreateUserProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.create_user(_role_id integer, _department_id integer, _office_id integer, _user_name text, _password text, _full_name text, _elevated boolean)" on the database. |
CDepartment | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.departments". |
CDepartmentScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.department_scrud_view". |
CGetCashRepositoryIdByCashRepositoryCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cash_repository_id_by_cash_repository_code(_cash_repository_code text)" on the database. |
CGetCashRepositoryIdByCashRepositoryNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cash_repository_id_by_cash_repository_name(_cash_repository_name text)" on the database. |
CGetCostCenterIdByCostCenterCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cost_center_id_by_cost_center_code(_cost_center_code text)" on the database. |
CGetCostOfGoodMethodProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cost_of_good_method(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetDepartmentIdByDepartmentCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_department_id_by_department_code(_department_code text)" on the database. |
CGetIncomeTaxRateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_income_tax_rate(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetLoggedInCultureProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_logged_in_culture(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetLoggedInOfficeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_logged_in_office_id(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetLoginIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_login_id(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeCodeByIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_code_by_id(office_id integer_strict)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeIdByCashRepositoryIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_cash_repository_id(_cash_repository_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeIdByOfficeCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_office_code(office_code text)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeIdByStoreIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_store_id(_store_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeIdByUserIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_user_id(user_id integer_strict)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeIdsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_ids(root_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetOfficeNameByIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_name_by_id(office_id integer_strict)" on the database. |
CGetOfficesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_offices()" on the database. |
CGetRoleCodeByUserNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_code_by_user_name(user_name text)" on the database. |
CGetRoleIdByRoleCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_id_by_role_code(_role_code text)" on the database. |
CGetRoleIdByRoleNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_id_by_role_name(_role_name text)" on the database. |
CGetRoleIdByUseIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_id_by_use_id(user_id integer_strict)" on the database. |
CGetStoreIdByStoreCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_id_by_store_code(_store_code text)" on the database. |
CGetStoreIdByStoreNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_id_by_store_name(_store_name text)" on the database. |
CGetStoreNameByStoreIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_name_by_store_id(_store_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetStoresProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_stores(_office_id integer, _user_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetStoreTypeIdByStoreTypeCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_type_id_by_store_type_code(_store_type_code text)" on the database. |
CGetSysUserIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_sys_user_id()" on the database. |
CGetUserIdByUserNameProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_user_id_by_user_name(user_name text)" on the database. |
CGetUserNameByUserIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_user_name_by_user_id(user_id integer)" on the database. |
CHasChildOfficesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.has_child_offices(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CHoliday | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.holidays". |
CIsAdminProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_admin(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsParentOfficeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_parent_office(parent integer_strict, child integer_strict)" on the database. |
CIsPeriodicInventoryProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_periodic_inventory(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsSysProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_sys(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsSysUserProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_sys_user(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsValidOfficeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_valid_office_id(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
COffice | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.offices". |
COfficeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.office_scrud_view". |
COfficeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.office_selector_view". |
COfficeView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.office_view". |
CRole | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.roles". |
CRoleScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.role_scrud_view". |
CRoleView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.role_view". |
CSignInProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.sign_in(office_id integer_strict, user_name text, password text, browser text, ip_address text, remote_user text, culture text, challenge text)" on the database. |
CSignInView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.sign_in_view". |
CStore | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.stores". |
CStoreScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_scrud_view". |
CStoreSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_selector_view". |
CStoreType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.store_types". |
CStoreTypeScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_type_scrud_view". |
CStoreTypeSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_type_selector_view". |
CStoreView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_view". |
CUser | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.users". |
CUserSelectorView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.user_selector_view". |
CUserView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.user_view". |
CValidateLoginProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.validate_login(user_name text, password text, challenge text)" on the database. |
CWorkCenter | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.work_centers". |
CWorkCenterView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.work_center_view". |
►NPolicy | |
►NData | |
CAccessType | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.access_types". |
CApiAccessPolicy | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.api_access_policy". |
CAutoVerificationPolicy | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.auto_verification_policy". |
CAutoVerificationPolicyScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "policy.auto_verification_policy_scrud_view". |
CCanPostTransactionProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.can_post_transaction(_login_id bigint, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, transaction_book text, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CChangePasswordProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.change_password(_admin_user_id integer, _user_name text, _new_password text)" on the database. |
CCreateAccessTypesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.create_access_types(_access_type_id integer, _access_type_name character varying)" on the database. |
CDefaultEntityAccess | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.default_entity_access". |
CDefaultEntityAccessScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "policy.default_entity_access_scrud_view". |
CEntityAccess | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.entity_access". |
CEntityAccessScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "policy.entity_access_scrud_view". |
CGetMenuPolicyProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.get_menu_policy(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _culture text)" on the database. |
CGetMenuProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.get_menu(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _culture_ text)" on the database. |
CHttpAction | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.http_actions". |
CIsElevatedUserProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.is_elevated_user(_user_id integer)" on the database. |
CIsLockedOutTillProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.is_locked_out_till(user_id integer_strict)" on the database. |
CIsRestrictedModeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.is_restricted_mode()" on the database. |
CIsTransactionRestrictedProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.is_transaction_restricted(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CLockOut | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.lock_outs". |
CMenuAccess | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.menu_access". |
CMenuPolicy | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.menu_policy". |
CSaveMenuPolicyProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "policy.save_menu_policy(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _menu_ids integer[])" on the database. |
CStorePolicy | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.store_policies". |
CStorePolicyDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.store_policy_details". |
CVoucherVerificationPolicy | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "policy.voucher_verification_policy". |
CVoucherVerificationPolicyScrudView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "policy.voucher_verification_policy_scrud_view". |
►NTransactions | |
►NData | |
CArePurchaseOrdersAlreadyMergedProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.are_purchase_orders_already_merged(arr bigint[])" on the database. |
CAreSalesOrdersAlreadyMergedProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.are_sales_orders_already_merged(arr bigint[])" on the database. |
CAreSalesQuotationsAlreadyMergedProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.are_sales_quotations_already_merged(_stock_master_id bigint[])" on the database. |
CAutoVerifyProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.auto_verify(_tran_id bigint, _office_id integer)" on the database. |
CContainsIncompatibleTaxesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.contains_incompatible_taxes(arr bigint[])" on the database. |
CCreateRecurringInvoicesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.create_recurring_invoices(pg_arg0 bigint)" on the database. |
CCreateRoutineProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.create_routine(_routine_code character varying, _routine regproc, _order integer)" on the database. |
CCustomerReceipt | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.customer_receipts". |
CDayOperation | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.day_operation". |
CDayOperationRoutine | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.day_operation_routines". |
CGetAccountStatementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_account_statement(_value_date_from date, _value_date_to date, _user_id integer, _account_id bigint, _office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetAveragePartyTransactionProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_average_party_transaction(party_id bigint, office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetBalanceSheetProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_balance_sheet(_previous_period date, _current_period date, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, _factor integer)" on the database. |
CGetCashFlowStatementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_cash_flow_statement(_date_from date, _date_to date, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, _factor integer)" on the database. |
CGetCashRepositoryBalanceProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_cash_repository_balance(_cash_repository_id integer, _currency_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetClosingStockProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_closing_stock(_on_date date, _office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetCostOfGoodsSoldProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_cost_of_goods_sold(_item_id integer, _unit_id integer, _store_id integer, _quantity integer)" on the database. |
CGetDefaultCurrencyCodeByOfficeIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_default_currency_code_by_office_id(office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetDefaultCurrencyCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_default_currency_code(cash_repository_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetDueDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_due_date(_value_date date, _payment_term_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetEoyProfitSummaryProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_eoy_profit_summary(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetExchangeRateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_exchange_rate(office_id integer, source_currency_code character varying, destination_currency_code character varying)" on the database. |
CGetIncomeExpenditureStatementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_income_expenditure_statement(_date_from date, _date_to date, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, _compact boolean)" on the database. |
CGetInventoryTransferRequestViewProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_inventory_transfer_request_view(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _from date, _to date, _office text, _store text, _authorized text, _delivered text, _received text, _user text, _reference_number text, _statement_reference text)" on the database. |
CGetInvoiceAmountProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_invoice_amount(transaction_master_id_ bigint)" on the database. |
CGetJournalViewProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_journal_view(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _from date, _to date, _tran_id bigint, _tran_code character varying, _book character varying, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference character varying, _posted_by character varying, _office character varying, _status character varying, _verified_by character varying, _reason character varying)" on the database. |
CGetLastReceiptDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_last_receipt_date(office_id integer, party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetMavcogsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_mavcogs(_item_id integer, _store_id integer, _base_quantity numeric, _factor numeric)" on the database. |
CGetNetProfitProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_net_profit(_date_from date, _date_to date, _office_id integer, _factor integer, _no_provison boolean)" on the database. |
CGetNewTransactionCounterProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_new_transaction_counter(pg_arg0 date)" on the database. |
CGetNonGlProductViewProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_non_gl_product_view(user_id_ integer, book_ text, office_id_ integer, date_from_ date, date_to_ date, office_ character varying, party_ text, price_type_ text, user_ character varying, reference_number_ character varying, statement_reference_ text)" on the database. |
CGetPartyTransactionSummaryProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_party_transaction_summary(office_id integer, party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetPlAppropriationDataProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_pl_appropriation_data(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetProductViewProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_product_view(user_id_ integer, book_ text, office_id_ integer, date_from_ date, date_to_ date, office_ character varying, party_ text, price_type_ text, user_ character varying, reference_number_ character varying, statement_reference_ text)" on the database. |
CGetProfitAndLossStatementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_profit_and_loss_statement(_date_from date, _date_to date, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, _factor integer, _compact boolean)" on the database. |
CGetPurchaseProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_purchase(_date_from date, _date_to date, _office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetReceiptViewProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_receipt_view(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _date_from date, _date_to date, _office character varying, _party text, _user character varying, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text)" on the database. |
CGetReorderViewFunctionProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_reorder_view_function(office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetRetainedEarningsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_retained_earnings(_date_to date, _office_id integer, _factor integer)" on the database. |
CGetRetainedEarningsStatementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_retained_earnings_statement(_date_to date, _office_id integer, _factor integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesByOfficesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_sales_by_offices(office_id integer, divide_by integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalespersonReportProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_salesperson_report(_office_id integer, _factor integer)" on the database. |
CGetSalesTaxIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_sales_tax_id(_tran_book character varying, _store_id integer, _party_code character varying, _shipping_address_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _item_code character varying, _unit_id integer, _price money_strict)" on the database. |
CGetSalesTaxProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_sales_tax(_tran_book character varying, _store_id integer, _party_code character varying, _shipping_address_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _item_code character varying, _price money_strict2, _quantity integer_strict2, _discount money_strict2, _shipping_charge money_strict2, _sales_tax_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetStockAccountStatementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_stock_account_statement(_value_date_from date, _value_date_to date, _user_id integer, _item_id integer, _store_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetStockMasterIdByTransactionMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_stock_master_id_by_transaction_master_id(_stock_master_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetTopSellingProductsByOfficeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_top_selling_products_by_office(_office_id integer, top integer)" on the database. |
CGetTopSellingProductsOfAllTimeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_top_selling_products_of_all_time(top integer)" on the database. |
CGetTotalDueProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_total_due(office_id integer, party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetTotalSalesByOfficeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_total_sales_by_office(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetTransactionCodeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_transaction_code(value_date date, office_id integer, user_id integer, login_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetTransactionMasterIdByStockMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_transaction_master_id_by_stock_master_id(_stock_master_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetTrialBalanceProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_trial_balance(_date_from date, _date_to date, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, _compact boolean, _factor numeric, _change_side_when_negative boolean, _include_zero_balance_accounts boolean)" on the database. |
CGetValueDateProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_value_date(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CGetVerificationStatusProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_verification_status(_tran_id bigint)" on the database. |
CGetWriteOffCostOfGoodsSoldProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.get_write_off_cost_of_goods_sold(_stock_master_id bigint, _item_id integer, _unit_id integer, _quantity integer)" on the database. |
CHasNexusProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.has_nexus(_state_id integer)" on the database. |
CInitializeEodOperationProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.initialize_eod_operation(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CInventoryTransferDelivery | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.inventory_transfer_deliveries". |
CInventoryTransferDeliveryDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.inventory_transfer_delivery_details". |
CInventoryTransferRequest | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.inventory_transfer_requests". |
CInventoryTransferRequestDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.inventory_transfer_request_details". |
CIsEodInitializedProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_eod_initialized(_office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CIsNormallyDebitProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_normally_debit(_account_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsPurchaseProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_purchase(_transaction_master_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsValidPartyByStockMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_valid_party_by_stock_master_id(_stock_master_id bigint, _party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsValidPartyByTransactionMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_valid_party_by_transaction_master_id(_transaction_master_id bigint, _party_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsValidStockTransactionByStockMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_valid_stock_transaction_by_stock_master_id(_stock_master_id bigint)" on the database. |
CIsValidStockTransactionByTransactionMasterIdProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.is_valid_stock_transaction_by_transaction_master_id(_transaction_master_id bigint)" on the database. |
CLateFee | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.late_fee". |
CListClosingStockProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.list_closing_stock(_store_id integer)" on the database. |
CNonGlStockDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.non_gl_stock_details". |
CNonGlStockMaster | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.non_gl_stock_master". |
CNonGlStockMasterRelation | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.non_gl_stock_master_relations". |
CNonGlStockTaxDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.non_gl_stock_tax_details". |
COpeningInventoryExistsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.opening_inventory_exists(_office_id integer)" on the database. |
CPartyItemChartView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.party_item_chart_view". |
CPartyPurchaseChartView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.party_purchase_chart_view". |
CPartySalesChartView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.party_sales_chart_view". |
CPerformEodOperationProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.perform_eod_operation(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CPostBonusProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_bonus(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CPostErFluctuationProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_er_fluctuation(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CPostInventoryTransferDeliveryProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_inventory_transfer_delivery(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _inventory_transfer_request_id bigint, _value_date date, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _shipper_id integer, _source_store_id integer, _details transactions.stock_adjustment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostInventoryTransferRequestProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_inventory_transfer_request(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details transactions.stock_adjustment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostLateFeeProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_late_fee(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CPostNonGlTransactionProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_non_gl_transaction(_book_name character varying, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _party_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _is_non_taxable_sales boolean, _salesperson_id integer, _shipper_id integer, _shipping_address_code character varying, _store_id integer, _tran_ids bigint[], _details transactions.stock_detail_type[], _attachments core.attachment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostOpeningInventoryProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_opening_inventory(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details transactions.opening_stock_type[])" on the database. |
CPostPurchaseProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_purchase(_book_name character varying, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _cost_center_id integer, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _is_credit boolean, _party_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _shipper_id integer, _store_id integer, _tran_ids bigint[], _details transactions.stock_detail_type[], _attachments core.attachment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostPurchaseReturnProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_purchase_return(_transaction_master_id bigint, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _store_id integer, _party_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details transactions.stock_detail_type[], _attachments core.attachment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostPurhcaseReorderProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_purhcase_reorder(_value_date date, _login_id bigint, _user_id integer, _office_id integer, _details transactions.purchase_reorder_type[])" on the database. |
CPostReceiptProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_receipt(_user_id integer, _office_id integer, _login_id bigint, _party_code character varying, _currency_code character varying, _amount money_strict, _exchange_rate_debit decimal_strict, _exchange_rate_credit decimal_strict, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference character varying, _cost_center_id integer, _cash_repository_id integer, _posted_date date, _bank_account_id bigint, _payment_card_id integer, _bank_instrument_code character varying, _bank_tran_code character varying, _cascading_tran_id bigint)" on the database. |
CPostRecurringInvoicesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_recurring_invoices(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CPostSalesProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_sales(_book_name character varying, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _cost_center_id integer, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _is_credit boolean, _payment_term_id integer, _party_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _salesperson_id integer, _shipper_id integer, _shipping_address_code character varying, _store_id integer, _is_non_taxable_sales boolean, _details transactions.stock_detail_type[], _attachments core.attachment_type[], _non_gl_tran_ids bigint[])" on the database. |
CPostSalesReturnProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_sales_return(_transaction_master_id bigint, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _store_id integer, _party_code character varying, _price_type_id integer, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details transactions.stock_detail_type[], _attachments core.attachment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostStockAdjustmentProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_stock_adjustment(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details transactions.stock_adjustment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostStockJournalProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_stock_journal(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _value_date date, _reference_number character varying, _statement_reference text, _details transactions.stock_adjustment_type[])" on the database. |
CPostStockTransferAcknowledgementProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.post_stock_transfer_acknowledgement(_office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _request_id bigint)" on the database. |
CReceiptView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.receipt_view". |
CRefreshMaterializedViewsProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.refresh_materialized_views(_user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _office_id integer, _value_date date)" on the database. |
CRoutine | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.routines". |
CSalesByCountryView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.sales_by_country_view". |
CSalesDeliveryView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.sales_delivery_view". |
CSalesOrderView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.sales_order_view". |
CSalesQuotationView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.sales_quotation_view". |
CSettlePartyDueProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.settle_party_due(_party_id bigint, _office_id integer)" on the database. |
CStockDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.stock_details". |
CStockMaster | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.stock_master". |
CStockMasterNonGlRelation | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.stock_master_non_gl_relations". |
CStockReturn | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.stock_return". |
CStockTaxDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.stock_tax_details". |
CStockTransactionView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.stock_transaction_view". |
CTransactionDetail | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.transaction_details". |
CTransactionMaster | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "transactions.transaction_master". |
CTransactionView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.transaction_view". |
CValidateItemsForReturnProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.validate_items_for_return(_transaction_master_id bigint, _details transactions.stock_detail_type[])" on the database. |
CVerifiedStockDetailsView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.verified_stock_details_view". |
CVerifiedTransactionView | Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "transactions.verified_transaction_view". |
CVerifyTransactionProcedure | Prepares, validates, and executes the function "transactions.verify_transaction(_transaction_master_id bigint, _office_id integer, _user_id integer, _login_id bigint, _verification_status_id smallint, _reason character varying)" on the database. |
►NTransactionGovernor | |
►NData | |
►NUpdater | |
►NApi | |
CAsset | |
CRelease | |
►NInstallation | |
CIUpdateTask | |
CUpdateInstaller | |
CUpdaterConfig | |
CUpdateTask | |
CUpdateManager | |
►NUtility | |
►NInstaller | |
►NDomains | |
CIIS | |
COffice | |
CPostgreSQL | |
CSite | |
►NHelpers | |
CDatabaseHelper | |
►NInstaller | |
CDatabase | |
CDbScript | |
CInstallationFactory | |
CMixERP | |
CPostgreSQL | |
►NUI | |
CInstallationForm | |
CIInstaller | |
CIProgram | |
►NSqlBundler | |
►NModels | |
CBundlerModel | |
CSQLBundle | |
►NWebControls | |
►NAttachmentFactory | |
►NHandlers | |
CUploadService | |
CAttachment | |
CFileUploadHanlder | |
►NCommon | |
CDateTextBox | |
CMixERPGridView | |
►NFlag | |
CFlagControl | |
CFlagUpdatedEventArgs | |
►NPartyControl | |
CPartyControl | |
►NReportEngine | |
►NData | |
CReport | |
CReportHeader | |
►NScrudFactory | |
►NControls | |
CScrudForm | |
CScrudItemSelector | |
►NStockAdjustmentFactory | |
CFormView | |
►NStockTransactionFactory | |
CStockTransactionForm | |
►NStockTransactionViewFactory | |
►NData | |
►NModels | |
CMergeModel | |
CStockTransactionView | |
►NTransactionChecklist | |
CTransactionChecklistForm | |
►NTransactionViewFactory | |
CTransactionView | |
►NWebJobs | |
►NBackupDatabase | |
CBackupAgent | |
CBackupJob | |
CBackupProcess | |
CBackupProgressInfo | |
CBackupResource | |
CPostgreSQLServer | |
▼NPetaPoco | |
CAccessValidator | |
CAnsiString | |
CAutoJoinAttribute | |
CColumnAttribute | |
CColumnDbType | |
CCustomField | |
▼CDatabase | |
CExpandoColumn | |
CPocoColumn | |
CPocoData | |
CDbAccess | |
CDisplayField | |
CExplicitColumnsAttribute | |
CFactory | |
CFunctionNameAttribute | |
CIDBAccess | |
CIgnoreAttribute | |
CIMapper | |
CIMapper2 | |
CIPoco | |
CIPolicy | |
CPage | |
▼CPetaPocoDB | |
CIFactory | |
CRecord | |
CPolicyValidator | |
CPrimaryKeyAttribute | |
CResultColumnAttribute | |
▼CSql | |
CSqlJoinClause | |
CTableInfo | |
CTableNameAttribute | |
CTransaction | |
CUnauthorizedException | |