MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm:

Public Member Functions

override void Dispose ()

Protected Member Functions

override void CreateChildControls ()
override void RecreateChildControls ()
override void Render (HtmlTextWriter w)
override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e)


string AddButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
string AllButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
string ButtonCssClass [get, set]
string CommandPanelButtonCssClass [get, set]
string CommandPanelCssClass [get, set]
string CompactButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
string CustomFormUrl [get, set]
 Use this parameter to override the ScrudFactory's default Add/Edit event implementation by redirecting to a custom url. The edit event redirects to the custom url with the KeyColumn parameter and the selected value appended as query string data. More...
string DateControlCssClass [get, set]
string DeleteButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
bool DenyAdd [get, set]
 This property when set to true will restrict a user from adding a new row to the view. This property could be enabled at runtime depending upon the currently signed in user's role or authorization policy defined by the administrator. More...
bool DenyDelete [get, set]
 This property when set to true will restrict a user from deleting the selected row. This property could be enabled at runtime depending upon the currently signed in user's role or authorization policy defined by the administrator. More...
bool DenyEdit [get, set]
 This property when set to true will restrict a user from editing the selected row. This property could be enabled at runtime depending upon the currently signed in user's role or authorization policy defined by the administrator. More...
string Description [get, set]
 Description is displayed under the form title. Use this property if you want to provide a special hint to the user. More...
string DescriptionCssClass [get, set]
string DisplayFields [get, set]
 If the table has foreign keys, set this to a comma separated list of the name of the field or Column Expression to be displayed on the respective DropDownList control. About Column Expression Expressions could be used instead of column name. Please refer to the following MSDN articles for more information on using Expression Columns: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zwxk25bd(v=vs.100).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.datacolumn.expression(v=vs.100).aspx Syntax Comma separated list of [Fully qualified column]–>[display_column or expression] as in DisplayFields="office.users.user_id-->user_name, core.accounts.account_id-->account_number + ' (' + account_name + ')'" More...
string DisplayViews [get, set]
 This property when set a value will enable a popup selection of foreign keys by displaying the base tables. Set this to a comma separated list of the name of the Database View or Database Table to be displayed on the popup window. Syntax Comma separated list of [Fully qualified column]–>[fully qualified PostgreSQL view] as in DisplayViews="office.users.user_id-->office.user_view, core.accounts.account_id-->core.account_view" More...
string EditButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
string ErrorCssClass [get, set]
string Exclude [get, set]
 Comma separated list of columns to exclude for CRUD operation. More...
string ExcludeEdit [get, set]
 Comma separated list of columns to exclude during the edit operation. More...
string FailureCssClass [get, set]
string FormCssClass [get, set]
string FormPanelCssClass [get, set]
string GridPanelCssClass [get, set]
string GridPanelStyle [get, set]
 Custom CSS style for grid container. More...
Unit GridPanelWidth [get, set]
 The outer width of grid container. More...
string GridViewAlternateRowCssClass [get, set]
string GridViewCssClass [get, set]
string GridViewRowCssClass [get, set]
Unit GridViewWidth [get, set]
 The full inner width of the grid. More...
string ItemSelectorPath [get, set]
 Use this parameter to override "ItemSelectorPath" key in the configuration file. ItemSelectorPath is a page which pops up on iframe and provides some basic search functionalities for the dropdownlist control. More...
int UserId [get, set]
string UserName [get, set]
string OfficeCode [get, set]
int OfficeId [get, set]
string KeyColumn [get, set]
 The name of the primary key column. More...
string PagerCssClass [get, set]
string PagerCurrentPageCssClass [get, set]
string PagerPageButtonCssClass [get, set]
int PageSize [get, set]
 Set this to override the default page size of the view, which is 10. More...
int MaxRowLimit [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum row limit. More...
string PrintButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
string ResourceClassName [get, set]
 Use this parameter to override the "ResourceClassName" key in the configuration file. ResourceClassName contains localized resource strings of database table column names. More...
string SaveButtonCssClass [get, set]
string SelectButtonIconCssClass [get, set]
string SelectedValues [get, set]
 If the table has foreign keys, set this to a comma separated list of the selected values to be displayed on the respective DropDownList control. More...
string SuccessCssClass [get, set]
string Catalog [get, set]
 The name of the database to perform CRUD operation against. More...
string Table [get, set]
 The name of the table to perform CRUD operation against. More...
string TableSchema [get, set]
 The database schema container of the "Table" property of this control. More...
string Text [get, set]
 The heading or title of this form. More...
string TitleLabelCssClass [get, set]
 CssClass of the title label. More...
bool UseDisplayViewsAsParents [get, set]
 If the table has foreign keys, set this to override the data being populated on the respective DropDownList control. Setting this will allow the Scrud to fetch the data from the DisplayViews Expression Tables instead of the original parent table. More...
bool UseLocalColumnInDisplayViews [get, set]
 By default, ScrudFactory uses the primary table column name as the identifier. When you enable this property, ScrudFactory will now match the display views with the current table foreign keys as identifiers. Example: Given that your current table is "office.users" and you are mapping to "office.offices", you used to use "office.offices.office_id" before. When you turn this on, you can now use "office.users.office_id" as the display view identifier. More...
string View [get, set]
 The name of the database view or table to select and display the resultset from. More...
string ViewSchema [get, set]
 The database schema container of the "View" property of this control. More...


EventHandler SaveButtonClick
EventHandler UseButtonClick

Property Documentation

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.Catalog

The name of the database to perform CRUD operation against.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.CustomFormUrl

Use this parameter to override the ScrudFactory's default Add/Edit event implementation by redirecting to a custom url. The edit event redirects to the custom url with the KeyColumn parameter and the selected value appended as query string data.

bool MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.DenyAdd

This property when set to true will restrict a user from adding a new row to the view. This property could be enabled at runtime depending upon the currently signed in user's role or authorization policy defined by the administrator.

bool MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.DenyDelete

This property when set to true will restrict a user from deleting the selected row. This property could be enabled at runtime depending upon the currently signed in user's role or authorization policy defined by the administrator.

bool MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.DenyEdit

This property when set to true will restrict a user from editing the selected row. This property could be enabled at runtime depending upon the currently signed in user's role or authorization policy defined by the administrator.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.Description

Description is displayed under the form title. Use this property if you want to provide a special hint to the user.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.DisplayFields

If the table has foreign keys, set this to a comma separated list of the name of the field or Column Expression to be displayed on the respective DropDownList control. About Column Expression Expressions could be used instead of column name. Please refer to the following MSDN articles for more information on using Expression Columns: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zwxk25bd(v=vs.100).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.datacolumn.expression(v=vs.100).aspx Syntax Comma separated list of [Fully qualified column]–>[display_column or expression] as in DisplayFields="office.users.user_id-->user_name, core.accounts.account_id-->account_number + ' (' + account_name + ')'"

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.DisplayViews

This property when set a value will enable a popup selection of foreign keys by displaying the base tables. Set this to a comma separated list of the name of the Database View or Database Table to be displayed on the popup window. Syntax Comma separated list of [Fully qualified column]–>[fully qualified PostgreSQL view] as in DisplayViews="office.users.user_id-->office.user_view, core.accounts.account_id-->core.account_view"

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.Exclude

Comma separated list of columns to exclude for CRUD operation.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.ExcludeEdit

Comma separated list of columns to exclude during the edit operation.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.GridPanelStyle

Custom CSS style for grid container.

Unit MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.GridPanelWidth

The outer width of grid container.

Unit MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.GridViewWidth

The full inner width of the grid.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.ItemSelectorPath

Use this parameter to override "ItemSelectorPath" key in the configuration file. ItemSelectorPath is a page which pops up on iframe and provides some basic search functionalities for the dropdownlist control.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.KeyColumn

The name of the primary key column.

int MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.MaxRowLimit

Gets or sets the maximum row limit.

Set this to -1 if you want to display all the rows of your database table no matter how big it is. Default value is: 1000

The maximum row limit.

int MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.PageSize

Set this to override the default page size of the view, which is 10.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.ResourceClassName

Use this parameter to override the "ResourceClassName" key in the configuration file. ResourceClassName contains localized resource strings of database table column names.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.SelectedValues

If the table has foreign keys, set this to a comma separated list of the selected values to be displayed on the respective DropDownList control.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.Table

The name of the table to perform CRUD operation against.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.TableSchema

The database schema container of the "Table" property of this control.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.Text

The heading or title of this form.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.TitleLabelCssClass

CssClass of the title label.

bool MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.UseDisplayViewsAsParents

If the table has foreign keys, set this to override the data being populated on the respective DropDownList control. Setting this will allow the Scrud to fetch the data from the DisplayViews Expression Tables instead of the original parent table.

bool MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.UseLocalColumnInDisplayViews

By default, ScrudFactory uses the primary table column name as the identifier. When you enable this property, ScrudFactory will now match the display views with the current table foreign keys as identifiers. Example: Given that your current table is "office.users" and you are mapping to "office.offices", you used to use "office.offices.office_id" before. When you turn this on, you can now use "office.users.office_id" as the display view identifier.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.View

The name of the database view or table to select and display the resultset from.

string MixERP.Net.WebControls.ScrudFactory.ScrudForm.ViewSchema

The database schema container of the "View" property of this control.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: