MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static string Get (string key)


static string BothSidesCannotHaveValue [get]
 Localized string for Both debit and credit cannot have values. More...
static string CannotDetermineAppDirectoryPath [get]
 Localized string for Cannot determine application directory path. More...
static string CannotDetermineFileFromDownloadUrl [get]
 Localized string for Cannot determine filename from the download URL. More...
static string CompoundUnitOfMeasureErrorMessage [get]
 Localized string for Base unit id and compare unit id cannot be same. More...
static string InsufficientStockWarning [get]
 Localized string for Only {0} {1} of {2} left in stock. More...
static string InvalidFileLocation [get]
 Localized string for Invalid file location. More...
static string InvalidSubTranBookPurchaseDelivery [get]
 Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Purchase Delivery'. More...
static string InvalidSubTranBookPurchaseQuotation [get]
 Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Purchase Quotation'. More...
static string InvalidSubTranBookPurchaseReceipt [get]
 Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Purchase Receipt'. More...
static string InvalidSubTranBookSalesPayment [get]
 Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Sales Payment'. More...
static string InvalidUserId [get]
 Localized string for Invalid user id. More...
static string KeyValueMismatch [get]
 Localized string for There is a mismatching count of key/value items in this ListControl. More...
static string NoTransactionToPost [get]
 Localized string for No transaction to post. More...
static string ReferencingSidesNotEqual [get]
 Localized string for The referencing sides are not equal. More...
static string RegionalDataFileNotFound [get]
 Localized string for The regional data file could not be located. More...

Property Documentation

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.BothSidesCannotHaveValue

Localized string for Both debit and credit cannot have values.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.CannotDetermineAppDirectoryPath

Localized string for Cannot determine application directory path.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.CannotDetermineFileFromDownloadUrl

Localized string for Cannot determine filename from the download URL.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.CompoundUnitOfMeasureErrorMessage

Localized string for Base unit id and compare unit id cannot be same.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InsufficientStockWarning

Localized string for Only {0} {1} of {2} left in stock.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InvalidFileLocation

Localized string for Invalid file location.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InvalidSubTranBookPurchaseDelivery

Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Purchase Delivery'.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InvalidSubTranBookPurchaseQuotation

Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Purchase Quotation'.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InvalidSubTranBookPurchaseReceipt

Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Purchase Receipt'.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InvalidSubTranBookSalesPayment

Localized string for Invalid SubTranBook 'Sales Payment'.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.InvalidUserId

Localized string for Invalid user id.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.KeyValueMismatch

Localized string for There is a mismatching count of key/value items in this ListControl.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.NoTransactionToPost

Localized string for No transaction to post.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.ReferencingSidesNotEqual

Localized string for The referencing sides are not equal.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Errors.RegionalDataFileNotFound

Localized string for The regional data file could not be located.

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