MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static string Get (string key)


static string AddNewUsersDescription [get]
 Localized string for Create users and define various policies such as menu access policy and verification policy. More...
static string AllFieldsRequired [get]
 Localized string for All fields are required. More...
static string BackingUp [get]
 Localized string for Backing up {0}. More...
static string BackingUpForMigration [get]
 Localized string for Backing up file {0} for migration. More...
static string CannotWithdrawNotValidGLTransaction [get]
 Localized string for Cannot withdraw transaction. This is a not a valid GL transaction. More...
static string CannotWithdrawTransaction [get]
 Localized string for Cannot withdraw transaction. More...
static string ClickHereToDownload [get]
 Localized string for Click here to download. More...
static string ConfirmedPasswordDoesNotMatch [get]
 Localized string for The confirmed password does not match. More...
static string CreateCashRepositoriesDescription [get]
 Localized string for Cash repository is a place where you store your cash and valuables. Example: Cash in Vault, Cash in Drawers. More...
static string CreateCountySalesTaxDescription [get]
 Localized string for County sales tax is the direct consumption tax imposed by your county government when you make purchase or sales. More...
static string CreateFiscalYearDescription [get]
 Localized string for Fiscal year is an accounting period of 12 months, used to prepare financial statements. More...
static string CreateFrequenciesDescription [get]
 Localized string for The fiscal year is further divided into 12 frequencies, categorized as months, quarters, fiscal half, and fiscal year. More...
static string CreateItemGroupsDescription [get]
 Localized string for An item group allows you to manage similar inventory items into meaningful groups and categories. More...
static string CreateItemOrServiceDescription [get]
 Localized string for Inventory items may refer to the stockable products or nonstockable services that you buy and/or sell. More...
static string CreatePartiesDescription [get]
 Localized string for The term "party" collectively refers to customer, supplier, or agent you have business with. More...
static string CreateSalesTaxFormDescription [get]
 Localized string for Sales tax form is a combination of various entities such as State Tax, County Tax, Exemption, etc. More...
static string CreateSalespersonsDescription [get]
 Localized string for Salespersons are the sales guys who sell your products and bring business to your company. More...
static string CreateShippingCompanyDescription [get]
 Localized string for Shipping companies transfer the goods through land, sea, and/or air to your customers. More...
static string CreateStateDescription [get]
 Localized string for Create a list of states where your employees, customers, and suppliers are. More...
static string CreateStateSalesTaxDescription [get]
 Localized string for State sales tax is the direct consumption tax imposed by your state government when you make purchase or sales. More...
static string CreateStoresDescription [get]
 Localized string for Store is a place where you keep your goods. Example: Shop, Go-down, Warehouse. More...
static string CreateTaxAuthorityDescription [get]
 Localized string for Tax authority is the government body or agency to whom you file your periodic tax reports to. More...
static string CreateTaxMasterDescription [get]
 Localized string for Tax master is a category to group your taxes logically. Example: [Country] Taxation. More...
static string DatabaseBackupSuccessful [get]
 Localized string for The database backup was successful. More...
static string DateFormatYYYYMMDD [get]
 Localized string for yyyy-mm-dd More...
static string DaysLowerCase [get]
 Localized string for days More...
static string DeletedApplicationFiles [get]
 Localized string for Existing application files were deleted successfully. More...
static string DeletingApplicationFiles [get]
 Localized string for Deleting application files. More...
static string DeletingApplicationFilesSucessMessage [get]
 Localized string for Existing application files were deleted successfully. More...
static string DirectoryBackupCompletedSuccessfully [get]
 Localized string for Directory backup completed successfully. More...
static string DirectoryRestoreSuccessful [get]
 Localized string for Directory restore completed successfully. More...
static string DownloadSuccessful [get]
 Localized string for Download was successful. More...
static string DownloadingUpdateFrom [get]
 Localized string for Downloading update from {0}. More...
static string EODBegunSaveYourWork [get]
 Localized string for Please close this window and save your existing work before you will be signed off automatically. More...
static string EmailBody [get]
 Localized string for More...
static string EmailSentConfirmation [get]
 Localized string for An email was sent to {0}. More...
static string ExtractingDownloadedFile [get]
 Localized string for Extracting the downloaded file. More...
static string ExtractionCompleted [get]
 Localized string for Extraction completed. More...
static string FlagLabel [get]
 Localized string for You can mark this transaction with a flag, however you will not be able to see the flags created by other users. More...
static string FrequencySetupIsComplete [get]
 Localized string for Frequency setup is complete. More...
static string GoToChecklistWindow [get]
 Localized string for Go to checklist window. More...
static string GoToTop [get]
 Localized string for Go to top. More...
static string InstanceIsUpToDate [get]
 Localized string for Your instance of MixERP is up to date. More...
static string JustAMomentPlease [get]
 Localized string for Just a moment, please! More...
static string MenuAccessPolicyDescription [get]
 Localized string for Menu access policy enables you to define permission for a user to access menu item(s). More...
static string NCashRepositoriesInThisOffice [get]
 Localized string for There are {0} cash repositories in this office. More...
static string NCountySalesTaxesDefined [get]
 Localized string for {0} county sales taxes defined. More...
static string NItemGroupsFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} item group(s) found. More...
static string NItemsFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} item(s) found. More...
static string NOutOfNFrequenciesDefined [get]
 Localized string for {0} out of 12 frequencies defined. More...
static string NPartiesFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} parties found. More...
static string NSalesTaxFormsDefined [get]
 Localized string for {0} sales tax forms defined. More...
static string NSalespersonsFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} salespersons found. More...
static string NShippersFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} shippers found. More...
static string NStateSalesTaxesDefined [get]
 Localized string for {0} state sales taxes defined. More...
static string NStatesFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} states found. More...
static string NStoresInThisOffice [get]
 Localized string for There are {0} stores in this office. More...
static string NTaxAuthoritiesFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} tax authorities found. More...
static string NTaxMasterFound [get]
 Localized string for {0} tax master(s) found. More...
static string NoAdditionalUserFound [get]
 Localized string for No additional user found. More...
static string NoCashRepositoryDefnied [get]
 Localized string for No cash repository defined. More...
static string NoCountySalesTaxDefined [get]
 Localized string for No county sales tax defined. More...
static string NoFiscalYearDefined [get]
 Localized string for No fiscal year defined. More...
static string NoPartyFound [get]
 Localized string for No party found. More...
static string NoSalesTaxFormDefined [get]
 Localized string for No sales tax form defined. More...
static string NoSalespersonFound [get]
 Localized string for No salesperson found. More...
static string NoShipperFound [get]
 Localized string for No shipper found. More...
static string NoStateFound [get]
 Localized string for No state found. More...
static string NoStateSalesTaxDefined [get]
 Localized string for No state sales tax defined. More...
static string NoStorePresent [get]
 Localized string for No store present. More...
static string NoSupplierFound [get]
 Localized string for No supplier found. More...
static string NoTaxAuthorityDefined [get]
 Localized string for No tax authority defined. More...
static string NoTaxMasterDefined [get]
 Localized string for No tax master defined. More...
static string NoWidgetFound [get]
 Localized string for No widget found. More...
static string NotDefinedForNUsers [get]
 Localized string for Not defined for {0} users. More...
static string NumRowsAffected [get]
 Localized string for {0} rows affected. More...
static string OpeningInventoryAlreadyEntered [get]
 Localized string for Opening inventory has already been entered for this office. More...
static string PartyDescription [get]
 Localized string for Parties collectively refer to suppliers, customers, agents, and dealers. More...
static string PatchedDatabase [get]
 Localized string for Patched the database. More...
static string PatchingDatabase [get]
 Localized string for Patching the database. More...
static string PercentCompleted [get]
 Localized string for {0} percent completed. More...
static string PercentageSymbol [get]
 Localized string for % More...
static string PleaseSelectAFormFirst [get]
 Localized string for Please select a form first. More...
static string ReceiptEmailSubject [get]
 Localized string for Receipt #{0} notification, {1} More...
static string ReleaseContainsNoUpdates [get]
 Localized string for This release does not contain any update. More...
static string RequiredField [get]
 Localized string for This is a required field. More...
static string RequiredFieldDetails [get]
 Localized string for The fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. More...
static string RequiredFieldIndicator [get]
 Localized string for * More...
static string RestoringDirectory [get]
 Localized string for Restoring directory : {0}. More...
static string RestoringFile [get]
 Localized string for Restoring file : {0}. More...
static string SMTPIsDisabled [get]
 Localized string for SMTP is disabled. More...
static string SalesDeliveryEmailSubject [get]
 Localized string for Sales delivery #{0} confirmation, {1} More...
static string SalesOrderEmailSubject [get]
 Localized string for We received your PO #{0}, {1} More...
static string SalesQuotationAlreadyAccepted [get]
 Localized string for This quotation was already accepted on {0}. More...
static string SalesQuotationEmailSubject [get]
 Localized string for Quotation #{0} from {1} More...
static string SalesQuotationExpired [get]
 Localized string for This quotation expired on {0}. More...
static string SelectAFlag [get]
 Localized string for Select a flag. More...
static string SetupEmailDescription [get]
 Localized string for Your outgoing email configuration is disabled. Configure the SMTP parameters for sending email notifications to your customers. More...
static string TaskCompletedProgress [get]
 Localized string for {0} out of {1} tasks completed. More...
static string TaskCompletedSuccessfully [get]
 Localized string for Task completed successfully. More...
static string ThankYouForYourBusiness [get]
 Localized string for Thank you for your business. More...
static string ThisFieldIsRequired [get]
 Localized string for This field is required. More...
static string TotalUsersN [get]
 Localized string for Total users : {0}. More...
static string TransactionApprovedDetails [get]
 Localized string for This transaction was approved by {0} on {1}. More...
static string TransactionAutoApprovedDetails [get]
 Localized string for This transaction was automatically approved by {0} on {1}. More...
static string TransactionAwaitingVerification [get]
 Localized string for This transaction is awaiting verification from an administrator. More...
static string TransactionClosedDetails [get]
 Localized string for This transaction was closed by {0} on {1}. Reason: "{2}". More...
static string TransactionPostedSuccessfully [get]
 Localized string for The transaction was posted successfully. More...
static string TransactionRejectedDetails [get]
 Localized string for This transaction was rejected by {0} on {1}. Reason: "{2}". More...
static string TransactionStartDateDescription [get]
 Localized string for Enter the exact date from when you want to record transactions in MixERP. More...
static string TransactionWithdrawalInformation [get]
 Localized string for When you withdraw a transaction, it won't be forwarded to the workflow module. This means that your withdrawn transactions are rejected and require no further verification. However, you won't be able to unwithdraw this transaction later. More...
static string TransactionWithdrawnDetails [get]
 Localized string for This transaction was withdrawn by {0} on {1}. Reason: "{2}". More...
static string TransactionWithdrawnMessage [get]
 Localized string for The transaction was withdrawn successfully. Moreover, this action will affect the all the reports produced on and after "{0}". More...
static string UpdateBackupMessage [get]
 Localized string for Before you perform the update operation, please make sure that you have latest backups handy. More...
static string UpdateOperationCompletedSuccessfully [get]
 Localized string for The update operation completed successfully. More...
static string UploadLogo [get]
 Localized string for Upload logo. More...
static string UploadLogoDescription [get]
 Localized string for Upload your office logo in jpeg, gif, png, or bmp format. This logo will be displayed in reports and letters. More...
static string UserGreeting [get]
 Localized string for Hi {0}! More...
static string VoucherVerificationPolicyDescription [get]
 Localized string for Assisgn voucher verification policies to administrators for approving or rejecting transactions. More...
static string YearOld [get]
 Localized string for {0} years old More...
static string YourPasswordWasChanged [get]
 Localized string for Your password was changed. More...

Property Documentation

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.AddNewUsersDescription

Localized string for Create users and define various policies such as menu access policy and verification policy.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.AllFieldsRequired

Localized string for All fields are required.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.BackingUp

Localized string for Backing up {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.BackingUpForMigration

Localized string for Backing up file {0} for migration.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CannotWithdrawNotValidGLTransaction

Localized string for Cannot withdraw transaction. This is a not a valid GL transaction.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CannotWithdrawTransaction

Localized string for Cannot withdraw transaction.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ClickHereToDownload

Localized string for Click here to download.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ConfirmedPasswordDoesNotMatch

Localized string for The confirmed password does not match.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateCashRepositoriesDescription

Localized string for Cash repository is a place where you store your cash and valuables. Example: Cash in Vault, Cash in Drawers.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateCountySalesTaxDescription

Localized string for County sales tax is the direct consumption tax imposed by your county government when you make purchase or sales.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateFiscalYearDescription

Localized string for Fiscal year is an accounting period of 12 months, used to prepare financial statements.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateFrequenciesDescription

Localized string for The fiscal year is further divided into 12 frequencies, categorized as months, quarters, fiscal half, and fiscal year.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateItemGroupsDescription

Localized string for An item group allows you to manage similar inventory items into meaningful groups and categories.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateItemOrServiceDescription

Localized string for Inventory items may refer to the stockable products or nonstockable services that you buy and/or sell.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreatePartiesDescription

Localized string for The term "party" collectively refers to customer, supplier, or agent you have business with.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateSalespersonsDescription

Localized string for Salespersons are the sales guys who sell your products and bring business to your company.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateSalesTaxFormDescription

Localized string for Sales tax form is a combination of various entities such as State Tax, County Tax, Exemption, etc.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateShippingCompanyDescription

Localized string for Shipping companies transfer the goods through land, sea, and/or air to your customers.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateStateDescription

Localized string for Create a list of states where your employees, customers, and suppliers are.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateStateSalesTaxDescription

Localized string for State sales tax is the direct consumption tax imposed by your state government when you make purchase or sales.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateStoresDescription

Localized string for Store is a place where you keep your goods. Example: Shop, Go-down, Warehouse.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateTaxAuthorityDescription

Localized string for Tax authority is the government body or agency to whom you file your periodic tax reports to.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.CreateTaxMasterDescription

Localized string for Tax master is a category to group your taxes logically. Example: [Country] Taxation.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DatabaseBackupSuccessful

Localized string for The database backup was successful.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DateFormatYYYYMMDD

Localized string for yyyy-mm-dd

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DaysLowerCase

Localized string for days

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DeletedApplicationFiles

Localized string for Existing application files were deleted successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DeletingApplicationFiles

Localized string for Deleting application files.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DeletingApplicationFilesSucessMessage

Localized string for Existing application files were deleted successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DirectoryBackupCompletedSuccessfully

Localized string for Directory backup completed successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DirectoryRestoreSuccessful

Localized string for Directory restore completed successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DownloadingUpdateFrom

Localized string for Downloading update from {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.DownloadSuccessful

Localized string for Download was successful.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.EmailBody

Localized string for


Please find the attached document.

Thank you.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.EmailSentConfirmation

Localized string for An email was sent to {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.EODBegunSaveYourWork

Localized string for Please close this window and save your existing work before you will be signed off automatically.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ExtractingDownloadedFile

Localized string for Extracting the downloaded file.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ExtractionCompleted

Localized string for Extraction completed.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.FlagLabel

Localized string for You can mark this transaction with a flag, however you will not be able to see the flags created by other users.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.FrequencySetupIsComplete

Localized string for Frequency setup is complete.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.GoToChecklistWindow

Localized string for Go to checklist window.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.GoToTop

Localized string for Go to top.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.InstanceIsUpToDate

Localized string for Your instance of MixERP is up to date.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.JustAMomentPlease

Localized string for Just a moment, please!

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.MenuAccessPolicyDescription

Localized string for Menu access policy enables you to define permission for a user to access menu item(s).

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NCashRepositoriesInThisOffice

Localized string for There are {0} cash repositories in this office.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NCountySalesTaxesDefined

Localized string for {0} county sales taxes defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NItemGroupsFound

Localized string for {0} item group(s) found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NItemsFound

Localized string for {0} item(s) found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoAdditionalUserFound

Localized string for No additional user found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoCashRepositoryDefnied

Localized string for No cash repository defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoCountySalesTaxDefined

Localized string for No county sales tax defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoFiscalYearDefined

Localized string for No fiscal year defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoPartyFound

Localized string for No party found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoSalespersonFound

Localized string for No salesperson found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoSalesTaxFormDefined

Localized string for No sales tax form defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoShipperFound

Localized string for No shipper found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoStateFound

Localized string for No state found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoStateSalesTaxDefined

Localized string for No state sales tax defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoStorePresent

Localized string for No store present.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoSupplierFound

Localized string for No supplier found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoTaxAuthorityDefined

Localized string for No tax authority defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoTaxMasterDefined

Localized string for No tax master defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NotDefinedForNUsers

Localized string for Not defined for {0} users.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NOutOfNFrequenciesDefined

Localized string for {0} out of 12 frequencies defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NoWidgetFound

Localized string for No widget found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NPartiesFound

Localized string for {0} parties found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NSalespersonsFound

Localized string for {0} salespersons found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NSalesTaxFormsDefined

Localized string for {0} sales tax forms defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NShippersFound

Localized string for {0} shippers found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NStateSalesTaxesDefined

Localized string for {0} state sales taxes defined.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NStatesFound

Localized string for {0} states found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NStoresInThisOffice

Localized string for There are {0} stores in this office.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NTaxAuthoritiesFound

Localized string for {0} tax authorities found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NTaxMasterFound

Localized string for {0} tax master(s) found.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.NumRowsAffected

Localized string for {0} rows affected.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.OpeningInventoryAlreadyEntered

Localized string for Opening inventory has already been entered for this office.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.PartyDescription

Localized string for Parties collectively refer to suppliers, customers, agents, and dealers.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.PatchedDatabase

Localized string for Patched the database.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.PatchingDatabase

Localized string for Patching the database.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.PercentageSymbol

Localized string for %

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.PercentCompleted

Localized string for {0} percent completed.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.PleaseSelectAFormFirst

Localized string for Please select a form first.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ReceiptEmailSubject

Localized string for Receipt #{0} notification, {1}

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ReleaseContainsNoUpdates

Localized string for This release does not contain any update.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.RequiredField

Localized string for This is a required field.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.RequiredFieldDetails

Localized string for The fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.RequiredFieldIndicator

Localized string for *

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.RestoringDirectory

Localized string for Restoring directory : {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.RestoringFile

Localized string for Restoring file : {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SalesDeliveryEmailSubject

Localized string for Sales delivery #{0} confirmation, {1}

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SalesOrderEmailSubject

Localized string for We received your PO #{0}, {1}

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SalesQuotationAlreadyAccepted

Localized string for This quotation was already accepted on {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SalesQuotationEmailSubject

Localized string for Quotation #{0} from {1}

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SalesQuotationExpired

Localized string for This quotation expired on {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SelectAFlag

Localized string for Select a flag.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SetupEmailDescription

Localized string for Your outgoing email configuration is disabled. Configure the SMTP parameters for sending email notifications to your customers.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.SMTPIsDisabled

Localized string for SMTP is disabled.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TaskCompletedProgress

Localized string for {0} out of {1} tasks completed.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TaskCompletedSuccessfully

Localized string for Task completed successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ThankYouForYourBusiness

Localized string for Thank you for your business.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.ThisFieldIsRequired

Localized string for This field is required.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TotalUsersN

Localized string for Total users : {0}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionApprovedDetails

Localized string for This transaction was approved by {0} on {1}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionAutoApprovedDetails

Localized string for This transaction was automatically approved by {0} on {1}.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionAwaitingVerification

Localized string for This transaction is awaiting verification from an administrator.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionClosedDetails

Localized string for This transaction was closed by {0} on {1}. Reason: "{2}".

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionPostedSuccessfully

Localized string for The transaction was posted successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionRejectedDetails

Localized string for This transaction was rejected by {0} on {1}. Reason: "{2}".

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionStartDateDescription

Localized string for Enter the exact date from when you want to record transactions in MixERP.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionWithdrawalInformation

Localized string for When you withdraw a transaction, it won't be forwarded to the workflow module. This means that your withdrawn transactions are rejected and require no further verification. However, you won't be able to unwithdraw this transaction later.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionWithdrawnDetails

Localized string for This transaction was withdrawn by {0} on {1}. Reason: "{2}".

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.TransactionWithdrawnMessage

Localized string for The transaction was withdrawn successfully. Moreover, this action will affect the all the reports produced on and after "{0}".

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.UpdateBackupMessage

Localized string for Before you perform the update operation, please make sure that you have latest backups handy.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.UpdateOperationCompletedSuccessfully

Localized string for The update operation completed successfully.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.UploadLogo

Localized string for Upload logo.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.UploadLogoDescription

Localized string for Upload your office logo in jpeg, gif, png, or bmp format. This logo will be displayed in reports and letters.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.UserGreeting

Localized string for Hi {0}!

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.VoucherVerificationPolicyDescription

Localized string for Assisgn voucher verification policies to administrators for approving or rejecting transactions.

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.YearOld

Localized string for {0} years old

string MixERP.Net.i18n.Resources.Labels.YourPasswordWasChanged

Localized string for Your password was changed.

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