MixERP.Net.Schemas.Office.Data Namespace Reference


class  AddOfficeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.add_office(_office_code character varying, _office_name character varying, _nick_name character varying, _registration_date date, _currency_code character varying, _currency_symbol character varying, _currency_name character varying, _hundredth_name character varying, _fiscal_year_code character varying, _fiscal_year_name character varying, _starts_from date, _ends_on date, _sales_tax_is_vat boolean, _has_state_sales_tax boolean, _has_county_sales_tax boolean, _quotation_valid_days integer, _income_tax_rate numeric, _week_start_day integer, _transaction_start_date date, _is_perpetual boolean, _inv_valuation_method character varying, _logo_file text, _admin_name character varying, _user_name character varying, _password character varying)" on the database. More...
class  CanLoginProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.can_login(user_id integer_strict, office_id integer_strict)" on the database. More...
class  Cashier
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.cashiers". More...
class  CashRepository
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.cash_repositories". More...
class  CashRepositoryScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.cash_repository_scrud_view". More...
class  CashRepositorySelectorView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.cash_repository_selector_view". More...
class  Configuration
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.configuration". More...
class  CostCenter
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.cost_centers". More...
class  CostCenterScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.cost_center_scrud_view". More...
class  Counter
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.counters". More...
class  CounterScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.counter_scrud_view". More...
class  CountItemInStockProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.count_item_in_stock(item_id_ integer, unit_id_ integer, office_id_ integer)" on the database. More...
class  CreateUserProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.create_user(_role_id integer, _department_id integer, _office_id integer, _user_name text, _password text, _full_name text, _elevated boolean)" on the database. More...
class  Department
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.departments". More...
class  DepartmentScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.department_scrud_view". More...
class  GetCashRepositoryIdByCashRepositoryCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cash_repository_id_by_cash_repository_code(_cash_repository_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetCashRepositoryIdByCashRepositoryNameProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cash_repository_id_by_cash_repository_name(_cash_repository_name text)" on the database. More...
class  GetCostCenterIdByCostCenterCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cost_center_id_by_cost_center_code(_cost_center_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetCostOfGoodMethodProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_cost_of_good_method(_office_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetDepartmentIdByDepartmentCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_department_id_by_department_code(_department_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetIncomeTaxRateProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_income_tax_rate(_office_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetLoggedInCultureProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_logged_in_culture(_user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetLoggedInOfficeIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_logged_in_office_id(_user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetLoginIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_login_id(_user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeCodeByIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_code_by_id(office_id integer_strict)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeIdByCashRepositoryIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_cash_repository_id(_cash_repository_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeIdByOfficeCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_office_code(office_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeIdByStoreIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_store_id(_store_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeIdByUserIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_id_by_user_id(user_id integer_strict)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeIdsProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_ids(root_office_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficeNameByIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_office_name_by_id(office_id integer_strict)" on the database. More...
class  GetOfficesProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_offices()" on the database. More...
class  GetRoleCodeByUserNameProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_code_by_user_name(user_name text)" on the database. More...
class  GetRoleIdByRoleCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_id_by_role_code(_role_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetRoleIdByRoleNameProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_id_by_role_name(_role_name text)" on the database. More...
class  GetRoleIdByUseIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_role_id_by_use_id(user_id integer_strict)" on the database. More...
class  GetStoreIdByStoreCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_id_by_store_code(_store_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetStoreIdByStoreNameProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_id_by_store_name(_store_name text)" on the database. More...
class  GetStoreNameByStoreIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_name_by_store_id(_store_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetStoresProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_stores(_office_id integer, _user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  GetStoreTypeIdByStoreTypeCodeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_store_type_id_by_store_type_code(_store_type_code text)" on the database. More...
class  GetSysUserIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_sys_user_id()" on the database. More...
class  GetUserIdByUserNameProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_user_id_by_user_name(user_name text)" on the database. More...
class  GetUserNameByUserIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.get_user_name_by_user_id(user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  HasChildOfficesProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.has_child_offices(_office_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  Holiday
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.holidays". More...
class  IsAdminProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_admin(_user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  IsParentOfficeProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_parent_office(parent integer_strict, child integer_strict)" on the database. More...
class  IsPeriodicInventoryProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_periodic_inventory(_office_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  IsSysProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_sys(_user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  IsSysUserProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_sys_user(_user_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  IsValidOfficeIdProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.is_valid_office_id(_office_id integer)" on the database. More...
class  Office
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.offices". More...
class  OfficeScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.office_scrud_view". More...
class  OfficeSelectorView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.office_selector_view". More...
class  OfficeView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.office_view". More...
class  Role
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.roles". More...
class  RoleScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.role_scrud_view". More...
class  RoleView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.role_view". More...
class  SignInProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.sign_in(office_id integer_strict, user_name text, password text, browser text, ip_address text, remote_user text, culture text, challenge text)" on the database. More...
class  SignInView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.sign_in_view". More...
class  Store
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.stores". More...
class  StoreScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_scrud_view". More...
class  StoreSelectorView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_selector_view". More...
class  StoreType
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.store_types". More...
class  StoreTypeScrudView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_type_scrud_view". More...
class  StoreTypeSelectorView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_type_selector_view". More...
class  StoreView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.store_view". More...
class  User
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.users". More...
class  UserSelectorView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.user_selector_view". More...
class  UserView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.user_view". More...
class  ValidateLoginProcedure
 Prepares, validates, and executes the function "office.validate_login(user_name text, password text, challenge text)" on the database. More...
class  WorkCenter
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database table "office.work_centers". More...
class  WorkCenterView
 Provides simplified data access features to perform SCRUD operation on the database view "office.work_center_view". More...