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Netty 4.0.0.Beta3 released

Thank you everyone for giving Netty 4.0.0.Beta2 a try. We were able to squash many bugs thanks to your input, and I'm proud to call this release the last beta before the candidate release! As you know, your input is crucial for us to produce more stable and easier-to-use release. It will be awesome if you have a chance to get involved into the Netty project as well as you download it.

Notable changes

  • Our future/promise API has been refactored so that it can be used without an associated Channel at all. You will like this change if you did not like java.util.concurrent.Future. Please refer to the API documentation for more information. (#1065)
  • ChannelHandler.userEventTriggered() event handler method has been moved to ChannslStateHandler. (#1107)
  • Potential I/O starvaion in NioEventLoop has been fixed by introducing a parameter called ioRatio, which allows you to limit the percantage of time spent by non-I/O tasks. (#1154)
  • ByteToByteEncoder now intercepts a sendFile(FileRegion) operation and filter the content of the FileRegion for your convenience. (#1106)
  • Google protobuf has been upgraded to version 2.5 to get decoding performance improvement. (#1139)
  • ChannelHandlerContext.nextInbound/OutboundBufferType() has been added for handlers that have to behave differently depending on the type of the next handler's buffer. (#1132)
  • ChannelOutboundMessageHandlerAdapter.beginFlush() now has to return a boolean value to accept or reject the flush request where the default implementation is to accept. (#1141)
  • ByteBuf.hasMemoryAddress() and ByteBuf.memoryAddress() were added to allow a user access the buffer using sun.misc.Unsafe for even faster buffer access. (#1110)
  • ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup and ThreadPerChannelEventLoop have been added to allow a user to build a thread-per-channel transport more easily. (#1124)
  • 17 bug fixes and more

Visit here for the complete list of the changes.