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New and noteworthy in 5.0

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This document walks you through the list of notable changes and new features in the major Netty release (since 4.1) to give you an idea to port your application to the new version.

Unlike the changes between 3.x and 4.0, 5.0 did not change a lot although it made quite a bit of breakthrough in its design simplicity. We tried to make the transition from 4.x to 5.0 as smooth as possible, but please let us know if you encounter any issues during migration.

Core changes

Simplified handler type hierarchy

ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutboundHandler have been merged into ChannelHandler. ChannelHandler now has both inbound and outbound handler methods.

ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter, ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter, and ChannelDuplexHandlerAdapter have been deprecated and replaced by ChannelHandlerAdapter.

Because it is now impossible to tell if a handler is an inbound handler or an outbound handler, CombinedChannelDuplexHandler has been replaced by ChannelHandlerAppender.

For more information about this change, please refer to the pull request #1999.


I know. It was a silly mistake. If you are using SimpleChannelInboundHandler, you have to rename channelRead0() to messageReceived().

Even more flexible thread model

In Netty 4.x each EventLoop is tightly coupled with a fixed thread that executes all I/O events of its registered Channels and any tasks submitted to it.

Starting with version 5.0 an EventLoop does no longer use threads directly but instead makes use of an Executor abstraction. That is, it takes an Executor object as a parameter in its constructor and instead of polling for I/O events in an endless loop each iteration is now a task that is submitted to this Executor.

If not specified else, the Executor used by default is a ForkJoinPool. A ForkJoinPool has the nice property of using thread-local queues. That is, a task submitted to a ForkJoinPool from Thread A is very likely to be executed by Thread A again. This should provide EventLoops with a high level of thread affinity.

Furthermore, developers may also provide their own Executor (aka thread pool) and take over the scheduling of the EventLoops. One scenario where this can prove useful is when Netty is used as a part of a large scale software system. Let's say this system already uses a thread pool with a high level of parallelism to optimally perform all its tasks. Netty 4.x would simply spawn its own threads and completely ignore the fact that it's part of a larger system. Starting with Netty 5.0, developers can run Netty and the rest of the system in the same thread pool and potentially improve performance by applying better scheduling strategies and through less scheduling overhead (due to fewer threads). For a detailed discussion of this change please have a look at GitHub issue 2250.

It shall be mentioned, that this change does not in any way affect the way ChannelHandlers are developed. From a developer's point of view, the only thing that changes is that it's no longer guaranteed that a ChannelHandler will always be executed by the same thread. It is, however, guaranteed that it will never be executed by two or more threads at the same time. Furthermore, Netty will also take care of any memory visibility issues that might occur. So there's no need to worry about thread-safety and volatile variables within a ChannelHandler.

An implication of this change is that NioEventLoop, NioEventLoopGroup, EpollEventLoop and EpollEventLoopGroup do no longer take ThreadFactory objects as constructor arguments. The constructors of these classes have been updated to take Executor and ExecutorFactory objects instead.

A better Channel.deregister(...)

Originally introduced in Netty 4.0, the behaviour of Channel.deregister(...) was updated in version 5.0 to be in line with Netty's thread model.

It's now ensured that all tasks submitted to an EventLoop from within a ChannelHandler will have been executed by that EventLoop before the Channel is actually deregistered. However, Channel.deregister(...) remains a non blocking operation, so one has to wait for the returned ChannelFuture to succeed before it's safe to register the Channel with another EventLoop.

After having called Channel.deregister(...) any attempt to submit a new task (Runnable or Callable) to the EventLoop from within a ChannelHandler will trigger a RejectedExecutionException. Once the Channel is registered with another EventLoop again, everything will work as usual.

A task submitted from within ChannelHandler via any of the EventLoop.schedule*(...) methods will stop execution after the Channel was deregistered from its EventLoop. The tasks are automatically moved to the new EventLoop and will resume execution after the Channel is registered again. This limitation only affects tasks that are scheduled to execute while the Channel is in a deregistered state. Tasks who's delay/period is long enough will not be affected.

Even though it's not recommended, it is possible to overcome the above restrictions. Netty 5.0 introduces a new method EventLoop.unwrap() that returns the original EventLoop that does not perform any sanity checks. More precisely, when submitting tasks to or scheduling tasks with an "unwrapped" EventLoop, it cannot be assured that these tasks will not be executed concurrently and scheduled tasks will also not be moved between EventLoops automatically.

Last retrieved on 11-Apr-2016