Module chart
source code
A graphical tool for exploring chart parsing.
Chart parsing is a flexible parsing algorithm that uses a data
structure called a "chart" to record hypotheses about syntactic
constituents. Each hypothesis is represented by a single
"edge" on the chart. A set of "chart rules"
determine when new edges can be added to the chart. This set of rules
controls the overall behavior of the parser (e.g., whether it parses
top-down or bottom-up).
The chart parsing tool demonstrates the process of parsing a single
sentence, with a given grammar and lexicon. Its display is divided into
three sections: the bottom section displays the chart; the middle section
displays the sentence; and the top section displays the partial syntax
tree corresponding to the selected edge. Buttons along the bottom of the
window are used to control the execution of the algorithm.
The chart parsing tool allows for flexible control of the parsing
algorithm. At each step of the algorithm, you can select which rule or
strategy you wish to apply. This allows you to experiment with mixing
different strategies (e.g., top-down and bottom-up). You can exercise
fine-grained control over the algorithm by selecting which edge you wish
to apply a rule to.