Package nltk :: Package draw :: Module chart :: Class ChartView
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Class ChartView

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object --+

A component for viewing charts. This is used by ChartDemo to allow students to interactively experiment with various chart parsing techniques. It is also used by Chart.draw().

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, chart, root=None, **kw)
Construct a new Chart display.
source code
_init_fonts(self, root) source code
_sb_canvas(self, root, expand='y', fill='both', side='bottom')
Helper for __init__: construct a canvas with a scrollbar.
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scroll_up(self, *e) source code
scroll_down(self, *e) source code
page_up(self, *e) source code
page_down(self, *e) source code
Grow the window, if necessary
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set_font_size(self, size) source code
get_font_size(self) source code
_configure(self, e)
The configure callback.
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update(self, chart=None)
Draw any edges that have not been drawn.
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_edge_conflict(self, edge, lvl)
Return 1 if the given edge overlaps with any edge on the given level.
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_analyze_edge(self, edge)
Given a new edge, recalculate:
source code
_add_edge(self, edge, minlvl=0)
Add a single edge to the ChartView:
source code
view_edge(self, edge) source code
_draw_edge(self, edge, lvl)
Draw a single edge on the ChartView.
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_color_edge(self, edge, linecolor=None, textcolor=None)
Color in an edge with the given colors.
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mark_edge(self, edge, mark='#0df')
Mark an edge
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unmark_edge(self, edge=None)
Unmark an edge (or all edges)
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markonly_edge(self, edge, mark='#0df') source code
Analyze the sentence string, to figure out how big a unit needs to be, How big the tree should be, etc.
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Update the scroll-regions for each canvas.
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Draw location lines.
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Draw the sentence string.
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erase_tree(self) source code
draw_tree(self, edge=None) source code
cycle_tree(self) source code
_draw_treecycle(self) source code
_draw_treetok(self, treetok, index, depth=0)
Returns: The index of the first leaf after the tree.
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Draw everything (from scratch).
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add_callback(self, event, func) source code
remove_callback(self, event, func=None) source code
_fire_callbacks(self, event, *args) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _MARGIN = 10
Instance Variables [hide private]
The chart that we are giving a view of.
The canvas we're using to display the chart itself.
The height of the chart canvas.
A list of edges at each level of the chart (the top level is the 0th element).
A dictionary mapping from edges to the tags of the canvas elements (lines, etc) used to display that edge.
The current font size
A dictionary from edges to marks.
The root window.
The list of tokens that the chart spans.
The canvas we're using to display the sentence text.
The height of the sentence canvas.
The height of a text string (in the normal font).
The canvas we're using to display the tree that each edge spans.
The height of the tree
A list of all the tags that make up the tree; used to erase the tree (without erasing the loclines).
Pixel size of one unit (from the location).
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, chart, root=None, **kw)

source code 

Construct a new Chart display.

Overrides: object.__init__

_configure(self, e)

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The configure callback. This is called whenever the window is resized. It is also called when the window is first mapped. It figures out the unit size, and redraws the contents of each canvas.

update(self, chart=None)

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Draw any edges that have not been drawn. This is typically called when a after modifies the canvas that a CanvasView is displaying. update will cause any edges that have been added to the chart to be drawn.

If update is given a chart argument, then it will replace the current chart with the given chart.

_edge_conflict(self, edge, lvl)

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Return 1 if the given edge overlaps with any edge on the given level. This is used by _add_edge to figure out what level a new edge should be added to.

_analyze_edge(self, edge)

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Given a new edge, recalculate:

  • _text_height
  • _unitsize (if the edge text is too big for the current _unitsize, then increase _unitsize)

_add_edge(self, edge, minlvl=0)

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Add a single edge to the ChartView:

  • Call analyze_edge to recalculate display parameters
  • Find an available level
  • Call _draw_edge

_color_edge(self, edge, linecolor=None, textcolor=None)

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Color in an edge with the given colors. If no colors are specified, use intelligent defaults (dependant on selection, etc.)


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Update the scroll-regions for each canvas. This ensures that everything is within a scroll-region, so the user can use the scrollbars to view the entire display. This does not resize the window.


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Draw location lines. These are vertical gridlines used to show where each location unit is.

_draw_treetok(self, treetok, index, depth=0)

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  • index - The index of the first leaf in the tree.
The index of the first leaf after the tree.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


The chart that we are giving a view of. This chart may be modified; after it is modified, you should call update.


A list of edges at each level of the chart (the top level is the 0th element). This list is used to remember where edges should be drawn; and to make sure that no edges are overlapping on the chart view.


A dictionary mapping from edges to the tags of the canvas elements (lines, etc) used to display that edge. The values of this dictionary have the form (linetag, rhstag1, dottag, rhstag2, lhstag).


A dictionary from edges to marks. Marks are strings, specifying colors (e.g. 'green').


The canvas we're using to display the sentence text. May be None, if we're not displaying the sentence text.


The canvas we're using to display the tree that each edge spans. May be None, if we're not displaying trees.


Pixel size of one unit (from the location). This is determined by the span of the chart's location, and the width of the chart display canvas.