Package nltk :: Package inference :: Module api
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Module api

source code

Interfaces for theorem provers and model builders.

Prover is a standard interface for a theorem prover which tries to prove a goal from a list of assumptions.

ModelBuilder is a standard interface for a model builder. Given just a set of assumptions. the model builder tries to build a model for the assumptions. Given a set of assumptions and a goal G, the model builder tries to find a counter-model, in the sense of a model that will satisfy the assumptions plus the negation of G.

Classes [hide private]
Interface for trying to prove a goal from assumptions.
Interface for trying to build a model of set of formulas.
This class holds a goal and a list of assumptions to be used in proving or model building.
This class holds a Prover, a goal, and a list of assumptions.
This class holds a ModelBuilder, a goal, and a list of assumptions.