Package nltk :: Package inference :: Module api
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Source Code for Module nltk.inference.api

  1  # Natural Language Toolkit: Classifier Interface 
  2  # 
  3  # Author: Ewan Klein <[email protected]> 
  4  #         Dan Garrette <[email protected]> 
  5  # 
  6  # URL: <> 
  7  # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT 
  9  """ 
 10  Interfaces for theorem provers and model builders. 
 12  L{Prover} is a standard interface for a theorem prover which tries to prove a goal from a  
 13  list of assumptions. 
 15  L{ModelBuilder} is a standard interface for a model builder. Given just a set of assumptions. 
 16  the model builder tries to build a model for the assumptions. Given a set of assumptions and a  
 17  goal M{G}, the model builder tries to find a counter-model, in the sense of a model that will satisfy 
 18  the assumptions plus the negation of M{G}.  
 19  """ 
21 -class Prover(object):
22 """ 23 Interface for trying to prove a goal from assumptions. 24 Both the goal and the assumptions are 25 constrained to be formulas of L{logic.Expression}. 26 """
27 - def prove(self, goal=None, assumptions=[], verbose=False):
28 """ 29 @return: Whether the proof was successful or not. 30 @rtype: C{bool} 31 """ 32 raise NotImplementedError()
34 -class ModelBuilder(object):
35 """ 36 Interface for trying to build a model of set of formulas. 37 Open formulas are assumed to be universally quantified. 38 Both the goal and the assumptions are 39 constrained to be formulas of L{logic.Expression}. 40 """
41 - def build_model(self, goal=None, assumptions=[], verbose=False):
42 """ 43 @return: A model if one is generated; None otherwise. 44 @rtype: C{nltk.sem.evaluate.Valuation} 45 """ 46 raise NotImplementedError()
47 48
49 -class TheoremToolCommand(object):
50 """ 51 This class holds a goal and a list of assumptions to be used in proving 52 or model building. 53 """
54 - def __init__(self, goal=None, assumptions=[]):
55 """ 56 @param goal: Input expression to prove 57 @type goal: L{logic.Expression} 58 @param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in 59 the proof. 60 @type assumptions: C{list} of L{logic.Expression} 61 """ 62 self._goal = goal 63 """The logic expression to prove. 64 L{logic.Expression}""" 65 66 self._assumptions = list(assumptions) 67 """The set of expressions to use as assumptions in the proof. 68 C{list} of L{logic.Expression}""" 69 70 self._result = None 71 """A holder for the result, so prevent unnecessary re-proving"""
73 - def add_assumptions(self, new_assumptions):
74 """ 75 Add new assumptions to the assumption list. 76 77 @param new_assumptions: new assumptions 78 @type new_assumptions: C{list} of L{sem.logic.Expression}s 79 """ 80 self._assumptions += new_assumptions 81 self._result = None
83 - def retract_assumptions(self, retracted, debug=False):
84 """ 85 Retract assumptions from the assumption list. 86 87 @param debug: If True, give warning when C{retracted} is not present on 88 assumptions list. 89 @type debug: C{bool} 90 @param retracted: assumptions to be retracted 91 @type retracted: C{list} of L{sem.logic.Expression}s 92 """ 93 retracted = set(retracted) 94 result_list = [a for a in self._assumptions if a not in retracted] 95 if debug and result_list == self._assumptions: 96 print Warning("Assumptions list has not been changed:") 97 self.assumptions() 98 99 self._assumptions = result_list 100 101 self._result = None
103 - def assumptions(self):
104 """ 105 List the current assumptions. 106 """ 107 return self._assumptions
109 - def goal(self):
110 """ 111 Return the goal 112 """ 113 return self._goal
115 - def print_assumptions(self):
116 """ 117 Print the list of the current assumptions. 118 """ 119 for a in self.assumptions(): 120 print a
122 -class ProverCommand(TheoremToolCommand):
123 """ 124 This class holds a C{Prover}, a goal, and a list of assumptions. When 125 prove() is called, the C{Prover} is executed with the goal and assumptions. 126 """
127 - def __init__(self, prover, goal=None, assumptions=[]):
128 """ 129 @param prover: The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions 130 @type prover: C{Prover} 131 @see: C{TheoremToolCommand} 132 """ 133 self._prover = prover 134 """The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions""" 135 136 TheoremToolCommand.__init__(self, goal, assumptions) 137 138 self._proof = None
140 - def prove(self, verbose=False):
141 """ 142 Perform the actual proof. Store the result to prevent unnecessary 143 re-proving. 144 """ 145 if self._result is None: 146 self._result, self._proof = self._prover.prove(self.goal(), 147 self.assumptions(), 148 verbose) 149 return self._result
151 - def show_proof(self):
152 print self._proof
154 - def get_prover(self):
155 return self._prover
157 -class ModelBuilderCommand(TheoremToolCommand):
158 """ 159 This class holds a C{ModelBuilder}, a goal, and a list of assumptions. When 160 build_model() is called, the C{ModelBuilder} is executed with the goal and 161 assumptions. 162 """
163 - def __init__(self, modelbuilder, goal=None, assumptions=[]):
164 """ 165 @param modelbuilder: The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions 166 @type modelbuilder: C{ModelBuilder} 167 @see: C{TheoremToolCommand} 168 """ 169 self._modelbuilder = modelbuilder 170 """The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions""" 171 172 TheoremToolCommand.__init__(self, goal, assumptions) 173 174 self._valuation = None
176 - def build_model(self, verbose=False):
177 """ 178 Perform the actual proof. Store the result to prevent unnecessary 179 re-building. 180 """ 181 if self._result is None: 182 self._result, self._valuation = \ 183 self._modelbuilder.build_model(self.goal(), 184 self.assumptions(), 185 verbose) 186 return self._result