Package nltk :: Package parse :: Module rd :: Class SteppingRecursiveDescentParser
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Class SteppingRecursiveDescentParser

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        object --+        
       api.ParserI --+    
RecursiveDescentParser --+
Known Subclasses:

A RecursiveDescentParser that allows you to step through the parsing process, performing a single operation at a time.

The initialize method is used to start parsing a text. expand expands the first element on the frontier using a single CFG production, and match matches the first element on the frontier against the next text token. backtrack undoes the most recent expand or match operation. step performs a single expand, match, or backtrack operation. parses returns the set of parses that have been found by the parser.

See Also: nltk.cfg

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, grammar, trace=0)
Create a new RecursiveDescentParser, that uses grammar to parse texts.
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_freeze(self, tree) source code
list of Tree
nbest_parse(self, tokens, n=None)
Returns: A list of parse trees that represent possible structures for the given sentence.
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initialize(self, tokens)
Start parsing a given text.
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list of String
Returns: The portion of the text that is not yet covered by the tree.
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list of tuple of int
Returns: A list of the tree locations of all subtrees that have not yet been expanded, and all leaves that have not yet been matched.
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Returns: A partial structure for the text that is currently being parsed.
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Production or String or boolean
Perform a single parsing operation.
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Production or None
expand(self, production=None)
Expand the first element of the frontier.
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String or None
Match the first element of the frontier.
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Return the parser to its state before the most recent match or expand operation.
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list of Production
Returns: A list of all the productions for which expansions are available for the current parser state.
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list of Production
Returns: A list of all the untried productions for which expansions are available for the current parser state.
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Returns: Whether the first element of the frontier is a token that has not yet been matched.
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Returns: Whether the parser's current state represents a complete parse.
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list of int
_parse(self, remaining_text, tree, frontier)
A stub version of _parse that sets the parsers current state to the given arguments.
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list of Tree
Returns: A list of the parses that have been found by this parser so far.
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set_grammar(self, grammar)
Change the grammar used to parse texts.
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Inherited from RecursiveDescentParser: grammar, trace

Inherited from api.ParserI: batch_iter_parse, batch_nbest_parse, batch_parse, batch_prob_parse, iter_parse, parse, prob_parse

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__


Inherited from api.ParserI: batch_test, get_parse, get_parse_dict, get_parse_list, get_parse_prob

Instance Variables [hide private]
A list of (rtext, tree, frontier) tripples, containing the previous states of the parser.
A record of all productions that have been tried for a given tree.
A record of what tokens have been matched for a given tree.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, grammar, trace=0)

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Create a new RecursiveDescentParser, that uses grammar to parse texts.

  • grammar - The grammar used to parse texts.
  • trace - The level of tracing that should be used when parsing a text. 0 will generate no tracing output; and higher numbers will produce more verbose tracing output.
Overrides: RecursiveDescentParser.__init__
(inherited documentation)

nbest_parse(self, tokens, n=None)

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  • sent - The sentence to be parsed
  • n - The maximum number of trees to return.
Returns: list of Tree
A list of parse trees that represent possible structures for the given sentence. When possible, this list is sorted from most likely to least likely. If n is specified, then the returned list will contain at most n parse trees.
Overrides: RecursiveDescentParser.nbest_parse

initialize(self, tokens)

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Start parsing a given text. This sets the parser's tree to the start symbol, its frontier to the root node, and its remaining text to token['SUBTOKENS'].


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Returns: list of String
The portion of the text that is not yet covered by the tree.


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Returns: list of tuple of int
A list of the tree locations of all subtrees that have not yet been expanded, and all leaves that have not yet been matched.


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Returns: Tree
A partial structure for the text that is currently being parsed. The elements specified by the frontier have not yet been expanded or matched.


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Perform a single parsing operation. If an untried match is possible, then perform the match, and return the matched token. If an untried expansion is possible, then perform the expansion, and return the production that it is based on. If backtracking is possible, then backtrack, and return 1. Otherwise, return 0.

Returns: Production or String or boolean
0 if no operation was performed; a token if a match was performed; a production if an expansion was performed; and 1 if a backtrack operation was performed.

expand(self, production=None)

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Expand the first element of the frontier. In particular, if the first element of the frontier is a subtree whose node type is equal to production's left hand side, then add a child to that subtree for each element of production's right hand side. If production is not specified, then use the first untried expandable production. If all expandable productions have been tried, do nothing.

Returns: Production or None
The production used to expand the frontier, if an expansion was performed. If no expansion was performed, return None.


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Match the first element of the frontier. In particular, if the first element of the frontier has the same type as the next text token, then substitute the text token into the tree.

Returns: String or None
The token matched, if a match operation was performed. If no match was performed, return None


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Return the parser to its state before the most recent match or expand operation. Calling undo repeatedly return the parser to successively earlier states. If no match or expand operations have been performed, undo will make no changes.

Returns: boolean
true if an operation was successfully undone.


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Returns: list of Production
A list of all the productions for which expansions are available for the current parser state.


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Returns: list of Production
A list of all the untried productions for which expansions are available for the current parser state.


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Returns: boolean
Whether the first element of the frontier is a token that has not yet been matched.


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Returns: boolean
Whether the parser's current state represents a complete parse.

_parse(self, remaining_text, tree, frontier)

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A stub version of _parse that sets the parsers current state to the given arguments. In RecursiveDescentParser, the _parse method is used to recursively continue parsing a text. SteppingRecursiveDescentParser overrides it to capture these recursive calls. It records the parser's old state in the history (to allow for backtracking), and updates the parser's new state using the given arguments. Finally, it returns [1], which is used by match and expand to detect whether their operations were successful.

  • tree - A partial structure for the text that is currently being parsed. The elements of tree that are specified by frontier have not yet been expanded or matched.
  • remaining_text - The portion of the text that is not yet covered by tree.
  • frontier - A list of the locations within tree of all subtrees that have not yet been expanded, and all leaves that have not yet been matched. This list sorted in left-to-right order of location within the tree.
Returns: list of int
Overrides: RecursiveDescentParser._parse


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Returns: list of Tree
A list of the parses that have been found by this parser so far.

set_grammar(self, grammar)

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Change the grammar used to parse texts.

  • grammar (CFG) - The new grammar.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


A list of (rtext, tree, frontier) tripples, containing the previous states of the parser. This history is used to implement the backtrack operation.


A record of all productions that have been tried for a given tree. This record is used by expand to perform the next untried production.


A record of what tokens have been matched for a given tree. This record is used by step to decide whether or not to match a token.