Package nltk :: Package parse :: Module sr :: Class ShiftReduceParser
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Class ShiftReduceParser

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 object --+    
api.ParserI --+
Known Subclasses:

A simple bottom-up CFG parser that uses two operations, "shift" and "reduce", to find a single parse for a text.

ShiftReduceParser maintains a stack, which records the structure of a portion of the text. This stack is a list of Strings and Trees that collectively cover a portion of the text. For example, while parsing the sentence "the dog saw the man" with a typical grammar, ShiftReduceParser will produce the following stack, which covers "the dog saw":

  [(NP: (Det: 'the') (N: 'dog')), (V: 'saw')]

ShiftReduceParser attempts to extend the stack to cover the entire text, and to combine the stack elements into a single tree, producing a complete parse for the sentence.

Initially, the stack is empty. It is extended to cover the text, from left to right, by repeatedly applying two operations:

Often, more than one operation can be performed on a given stack. In this case, ShiftReduceParser uses the following heuristics to decide which operation to perform:

Note that these heuristics are not guaranteed to choose an operation that leads to a parse of the text. Also, if multiple parses exists, ShiftReduceParser will return at most one of them.

See Also: nltk.cfg

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, grammar, trace=0)
Create a new ShiftReduceParser, that uses grammar to parse texts.
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Returns: The grammar used by this parser.
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parse(self, tokens)
Returns: A parse tree that represents the structure of the given sentence, or None if no parse tree is found.
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_shift(self, stack, remaining_text)
Move a token from the beginning of remaining_text to the end of stack.
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_match_rhs(self, rhs, rightmost_stack)
Returns: true if the right hand side of a CFG production matches the rightmost elements of the stack.
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Production or None
_reduce(self, stack, remaining_text, production=None)
Find a CFG production whose right hand side matches the rightmost stack elements; and combine those stack elements into a single Tree, with the node specified by the production's left-hand side.
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trace(self, trace=2)
Set the level of tracing output that should be generated when parsing a text.
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_trace_stack(self, stack, remaining_text, marker=' ')
Print trace output displaying the given stack and text.
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_trace_shift(self, stack, remaining_text)
Print trace output displaying that a token has been shifted.
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_trace_reduce(self, stack, production, remaining_text)
Print trace output displaying that production was used to reduce stack.
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Check to make sure that all of the CFG productions are potentially useful.
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Inherited from api.ParserI: batch_iter_parse, batch_nbest_parse, batch_parse, batch_prob_parse, iter_parse, nbest_parse, prob_parse

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__


Inherited from api.ParserI: batch_test, get_parse, get_parse_dict, get_parse_list, get_parse_prob

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, grammar, trace=0)

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Create a new ShiftReduceParser, that uses grammar to parse texts.

  • grammar (Grammar) - The grammar used to parse texts.
  • trace (int) - The level of tracing that should be used when parsing a text. 0 will generate no tracing output; and higher numbers will produce more verbose tracing output.
Overrides: object.__init__


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The grammar used by this parser.
Overrides: api.ParserI.grammar
(inherited documentation)

parse(self, tokens)

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  • sent - The sentence to be parsed
Returns: Tree
A parse tree that represents the structure of the given sentence, or None if no parse tree is found. If multiple parses are found, then return the best parse.
Overrides: api.ParserI.parse
(inherited documentation)

_shift(self, stack, remaining_text)

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Move a token from the beginning of remaining_text to the end of stack.

  • stack (list of String and Tree) - A list of Strings and Trees, encoding the structure of the text that has been parsed so far.
  • remaining_text (list of String) - The portion of the text that is not yet covered by stack.
Returns: None

_match_rhs(self, rhs, rightmost_stack)

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  • rhs (list of (terminal and Nonterminal)) - The right hand side of a CFG production.
  • rightmost_stack (list of (String and Tree)) - The rightmost elements of the parser's stack.
Returns: boolean
true if the right hand side of a CFG production matches the rightmost elements of the stack. rhs matches rightmost_stack if they are the same length, and each element of rhs matches the corresponding element of rightmost_stack. A nonterminal element of rhs matches any Tree whose node value is equal to the nonterminal's symbol. A terminal element of rhs matches any String whose type is equal to the terminal.

_reduce(self, stack, remaining_text, production=None)

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Find a CFG production whose right hand side matches the rightmost stack elements; and combine those stack elements into a single Tree, with the node specified by the production's left-hand side. If more than one CFG production matches the stack, then use the production that is listed earliest in the grammar. The new Tree replaces the elements in the stack.

  • stack (list of String and Tree) - A list of Strings and Trees, encoding the structure of the text that has been parsed so far.
  • remaining_text (list of String) - The portion of the text that is not yet covered by stack.
Returns: Production or None
If a reduction is performed, then return the CFG production that the reduction is based on; otherwise, return false.

trace(self, trace=2)

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Set the level of tracing output that should be generated when parsing a text.

  • trace (int) - The trace level. A trace level of 0 will generate no tracing output; and higher trace levels will produce more verbose tracing output.
Returns: None

_trace_stack(self, stack, remaining_text, marker=' ')

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Print trace output displaying the given stack and text.

  • marker - A character that is printed to the left of the stack. This is used with trace level 2 to print 'S' before shifted stacks and 'R' before reduced stacks.
Returns: None


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Check to make sure that all of the CFG productions are potentially useful. If any productions can never be used, then print a warning.

Returns: None