Package nltk :: Package sem :: Module drt_resolve_anaphora
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Source Code for Module nltk.sem.drt_resolve_anaphora

  1  # Natural Language Toolkit: Resolve Anaphora for DRT 
  2  #
  3  # Author: Dan Garrette <[email protected]>
  4  #
  5  # URL: <>
  6  # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
  8  """
  9  This module performs the anaphora resolution functionality for  It may be 
 10  modified or swapped out to test different resolution techniques.
 11  """ 
 13  from nltk.sem import logic 
15 -class DRS:
16 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
17 r_conds = [] 18 for cond in self.conds: 19 r_cond = cond.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]) 20 21 # if the condition is of the form '(x = [])' then do not include it 22 if not isinstance(r_cond, EqualityExpression) or not r_cond.isNullResolution(): 23 r_conds.append(r_cond) 24 25 return self.__class__(self.refs, r_conds)
27 -class VariableExpression:
28 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
29 return self
31 -class NegatedExpression:
32 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
33 return self.__class__(self.term.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]))
35 -class LambdaExpression:
36 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
37 return self.__class__(self.variables, self.term.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]))
39 -class BooleanExpression:
40 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
41 return self.__class__(self.first.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]), 42 self.second.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]))
44 -class OrExpression(BooleanExpression):
45 pass
47 -class ImpExpression(BooleanExpression):
48 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
49 trail_addition = [self, self.first] 50 return self.__class__(self.first.resolve_anaphora(trail + trail_addition), 51 self.second.resolve_anaphora(trail + trail_addition))
53 -class IffExpression(BooleanExpression):
54 pass
56 -class EqualityExpression(BooleanExpression):
57 - def isNullResolution(self):
58 return (isinstance(self.second, PossibleAntecedents) and not self.second) or \ 59 (isinstance(self.first, PossibleAntecedents) and not self.first)
61 -class ConcatenationDRS(BooleanExpression):
62 pass
64 -class ApplicationExpression:
65 - def resolve_anaphora(self, trail=[]):
66 if self.is_pronoun_function(): 67 possible_antecedents = PossibleAntecedents() 68 for ancestor in trail: 69 try: 70 refexs = [self.make_VariableExpression(ref) 71 for ref in ancestor.get_refs()] 72 possible_antecedents.extend(refexs) 73 except AttributeError: 74 pass #the ancestor does not have a get_refs method 75 76 #=============================================================================== 77 # This line ensures that statements of the form ( x = x ) wont appear. 78 # Possibly amend to remove antecedents with the wrong 'gender' 79 #=============================================================================== 80 possible_antecedents.remove(self.argument) 81 equalityExpression = self.get_EqualityExpression() 82 if len(possible_antecedents) == 1: 83 equalityExp = equalityExpression(self.argument, 84 possible_antecedents[0]) 85 else: 86 equalityExp = equalityExpression(self.argument, 87 possible_antecedents) 88 return equalityExp 89 else: 90 r_function = self.function.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]) 91 r_argument = self.argument.resolve_anaphora(trail + [self]) 92 return self.__class__(r_function, r_argument)
94 -class PossibleAntecedents(list, logic.Expression):
95 - def free(self, indvar_only=True):
96 """Set of free variables.""" 97 return set(self)
99 - def replace(self, variable, expression, replace_bound=False):
100 """Replace all instances of variable v with expression E in self, 101 where v is free in self.""" 102 result = PossibleAntecedents() 103 for item in self: 104 if item == variable: 105 self.append(expression) 106 else: 107 self.append(item) 108 return result
110 - def simplify(self):
111 return self
113 - def str(self, syntax=logic.Tokens.NEW_NLTK):
114 return '[' + ','.join([str(item) for item in self]) + ']'