Package nltk :: Package sem :: Module logic :: Class LogicParser
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Class LogicParser

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Known Subclasses:

A lambda calculus expression parser.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
parse(self, data)
Parse the expression.
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process(self, data)
Put whitespace between symbols to make parsing easier
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This method exists to be overridden
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inRange(self, location)
Return TRUE if the given location is within the buffer
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token(self, location=None)
Get the next waiting token.
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isvariable(self, tok) source code
parse_Expression(self, allow_adjuncts=True)
Parse the next complete expression from the stream and return it.
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handle(self, tok)
This method is intended to be overridden for logics that use different operators or expressions
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handle_negation(self) source code
make_NegatedExpression(self, expression) source code
handle_variable(self, tok) source code
handle_lambda(self, tok) source code
get_QuantifiedExpression_factory(self, tok)
This method serves as a hook for other logic parsers that have different quantifiers
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handle_quant(self, tok) source code
handle_open(self, tok) source code
attempt_EqualityExpression(self, expression)
Attempt to make a boolean expression.
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make_EqualityExpression(self, first, second)
This method serves as a hook for other logic parsers that have different equality expression classes
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attempt_BooleanExpression(self, expression)
Attempt to make a boolean expression.
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This method serves as a hook for other logic parsers that have different boolean operators
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make_BooleanExpression(self, type, first, second)
This method exists to be overridden by parsers with more complex logic for creating BooleanExpressions
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attempt_ApplicationExpression(self, expression)
Attempt to make an application expression.
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make_ApplicationExpression(self, function, argument) source code
make_VariableExpression(self, name) source code
make_LambdaExpression(self, variable, term) source code
assertToken(self, tok, expected) source code
__repr__(self) source code
Method Details [hide private]

parse(self, data)

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Parse the expression.

  • data - str for the input to be parsed
a parsed Expression

token(self, location=None)

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Get the next waiting token. If a location is given, then return the token at currentIndex+location without advancing currentIndex; setting it gives lookahead/lookback capability.

attempt_EqualityExpression(self, expression)

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Attempt to make a boolean expression. If the next token is a boolean operator, then a BooleanExpression will be returned. Otherwise, the parameter will be returned.

attempt_BooleanExpression(self, expression)

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Attempt to make a boolean expression. If the next token is a boolean operator, then a BooleanExpression will be returned. Otherwise, the parameter will be returned.

attempt_ApplicationExpression(self, expression)

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Attempt to make an application expression. The next tokens are a list of arguments in parens, then the argument expression is a function being applied to the arguments. Otherwise, return the argument expression.