Package nltk :: Package wordnet :: Module dictionary
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Module dictionary

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Classes [hide private]
A Dictionary contains all the Words in a given part of speech.
Functions [hide private]
Return the dictionary for the supplied part of speech.
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word(form, pos='noun')
Return a word with the given lexical form and pos.
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sense(form, pos='noun', senseno=0)
Lookup a sense by its sense number.
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synset(pos, offset)
Lookup a synset by its offset.
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Variables [hide private]
  N = <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for noun>
  V = <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for verb>
  ADJ = <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for adj>
  ADV = <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for adv>
  Dictionaries = {'adj': <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary ins...
  abbreviations = 'adverb adv adv. r'
  pos = 'adv'
  token = 'r'
  tokens = ['adverb', 'adv', 'adv.', 'r']
Function Details [hide private]


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Return the dictionary for the supplied part of speech.

  • pos (string) - The part of speech of the desired dictionary.
The desired dictionary.

word(form, pos='noun')

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Return a word with the given lexical form and pos.

  • form (string) - the sought-after word string e.g. 'dog'
  • pos (string) - the desired part of speech. Defaults to 'noun'.
the Word object corresponding to form and pos, if it exists.

sense(form, pos='noun', senseno=0)

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Lookup a sense by its sense number. Used by repr(sense).

  • form (string) - the sought-after word string e.g. 'dog'
  • pos (string) - the desired part of speech. Defaults to 'noun'.
  • senseno (int) - the id of the desired word sense. Defaults to 0.
the Synset object corresponding to form, pos and senseno, if it exists.

synset(pos, offset)

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Lookup a synset by its offset.

  • pos (string) - the desired part of speech.
  • offset (int) - the offset into the relevant Wordnet dictionary file.
the Synset object extracted from the Wordnet dictionary file.

Variables Details [hide private]


{'adj': <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for adj>,
 'adv': <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for adv>,
 'noun': <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for noun>,
 'verb': <nltk.wordnet.dictionary.Dictionary instance for verb>}