Contribute to NLTK

The Natural Language Toolkit exists thanks to the efforts of dozens of voluntary developers who have contributed functionality and bugfixes since the project began in 2000 (contributors). Information for contributors:


The NLTK project is led by Steven Bird and Liling Tan. Individual packages are maintained by the following people:

Semantics:Dan Garrette, Austin, USA (nltk.sem, nltk.inference)
Parsing:Peter Ljunglöf, Gothenburg, Sweden (nltk.parse, nltk.featstruct)
Metrics:Joel Nothman, Sydney, Australia (nltk.metrics, nltk.tokenize.punkt)
Python 3:Mikhail Korobov, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Releases:Steven Bird, Melbourne, Australia
NLTK-Users:Alexis Dimitriadis, Utrecht, Netherlands