有不同种类的销售服务 :预付小时数/天数(例如支持合同), 基于记工单的开票(例如咨询顾问时间)以及固定价格合同(例如一个项目)。
在本章节, 我们来看一下如何销售和追踪预支付的支持合同
例如, 你可以销售一个价格为" $25, 000 [UNKNOWN NODE problematic]的 "50 小时" 支持包。价格是固定的并且已经预先付款。但是你想跟踪你给客户的支持服务
为了能销售服务, 你需要从 APP 图标安装 销售 模块, 并且安装从 记工单 应用

默认状况下, 产品是根据单位数量销售的, 为了能按" 每小时 "销售服务, 必须使用产品的多种计量单位, 在销售模块下, 进入菜单选项
, 在本页面激活 多种 计量单位 选项。
为了能够销售支持合同, 必须创建一个所有支持合同都能销售的产品。从 销售 应用下, 进入菜单选项
, 用以下步骤创建新的产品 :- Name: Technical Support
- Product Type: Service
- Unit of Measure: Hours
- Invoicing Policy: Ordered Quantities, since the service is prepaid, we will invoice the service based on what has been ordered, not based on delivered quantities.
- Track Service: Timesheet on contracts. An analytic account will automatically be created for every order containing this service so that you can track hours in the related account.

There are different ways to track the service related to a sales order or product sold. With the above configuration, you can only sell one support contract per order. If your customer orders several service contracts on timesheet, you will have to split the quotation into several orders.
需要知道除了小时我们还可以使用别的计量单位, 例如 :天, 40/周等。而这些只需要在 计量单位 类别下设置一个和 小时 的转换规则即可(例如: 1天=8小时)。
Once the product is created, you can create a quotation or a sales order with the related product. Once the quotation is confirmed and transformed into a sales order, your users will be able to record services related to this support contract using the timesheet application.

要跟踪一个特定合同上的服务, 需要使用记工单应用 。一个和销售订单关联的分析账户自动创建, (屏幕上的" SO009 - Agrolait "), 然后只要服务被销售掉就可以对之进行跟踪。

Control delivered support on the sales order
在 销售 应用下, 使用菜单项
来控制每张订单的进度。在和支持合同相关的销售订单行上, 可以看到 交货数量 会根据记工单中的小时数自动更新。
If the number of hours you performed on the support contract is bigger or equal to the number of hours the customer purchased, you are suggested to sell an extra contract to the customer since they used all their quota of service. Periodically (ideally once every two weeks), you should check the sales order that are in such a case. To do so, go to
如果你使用Odoo CRM, 最好的联系就是为每个在向上销售开票状态的销售订单创建一个商机, 这样你就可以容易追踪向上销售
If you sell an extra support contract, you can either add a new line on the existing sales order (thus, you continue to timesheet on the same order) or create a new order (thus, people will timesheet their hours on the new contract). To unmark the sales order as Upselling, you can set the sales order as done and it will disappear from your upselling list.
在创建产品表单的时候, 选择不同方式跟踪该服务
- Create task and track hours: in this mode, a task is created for every sales order line. Then when you do the timesheet, you don't record hours on a sales order/contract, but you record hours on a task (that represents the contract). The advantage of this solution is that it allows to sell several service contracts within the same sales order.
- Manually: you can use this mode if you don't record timesheets in Odoo. The number of hours you worked on a specific contract can be recorded manually on the sales order line directly, in the delivered quantity field.