Send QuotationsUse quotation templatesIncrease your sales with suggested productsGet a signature to confirm an orderGet paid to confirm an orderStimulate customers with quotations deadlineDeliver and invoice to different addressesAdd terms & conditions on orders开票方式Invoice based on delivered or ordered quantitiesRequest a down paymentSend a pro-forma invoiceInvoice based on time and materialsInvoice project milestonesRe-invoice expenses to customersSell subscriptions产品和价格Manage your productsHow to import products with categories and variants设置税率如何设置欠税如何适应税务对我的客户状态或定位如何设置含税价怎样通过TaxCloud获得美国正确的税率如果管理B2B (不含税) 和 B2C (含税)价格?管理定价How to adapt your prices to your customers and apply discounts如何用外币销售eBay如何在Odoo里配置eBay?如何上架一个产品高级话题如何给我的客户门户访问权限?