Send QuotationsUse quotation templatesIncrease your sales with suggested productsGet a signature to confirm an orderGet paid to confirm an orderStimulate customers with quotations deadlineDeliver and invoice to different addressesAdd terms & conditions on ordersMéthode de facturationInvoice based on delivered or ordered quantitiesRequest a down paymentSend a pro-forma invoiceInvoice based on time and materialsInvoice project milestonesRe-invoice expenses to customersSell subscriptionsArticles et prixManage your productsHow to import products with categories and variantsSet taxesHow to set default taxesHow to adapt taxes to my customer status or localizationHow to set tax-included pricesHow to get correct tax rates in the US thanks to TaxCloudComment gérer les prix pour le B2B (HT) et pour le B2C (TTC) ?Manage your pricingHow to adapt your prices to your customers and apply discountsHow to sell in foreign currencieseBayComment configurer eBay dans Odoo ?Comment lister un article ?Rubriques avancéesComment donner les droits d'accès portail à mes clients?