1.9.3. Types of Course Elements

Course Element: Structure

The course element «Structure» serves to arrange your course. By default it offers an automatic overview of all sub-elements along with short title, title, and description. Use this course element to arrange your course content and/or to clearly separate your modules.

By means of the course element «Structure» you can determine to put either an automatic overview, an automatic overview with preview or your own HTML page on display. All necessary configurations are made in the tab «Overview.» When selecting «Automatically generated overview incl. preview» you can choose up to ten subordinate course elements whose preview will appear in one or two columns. In OLAT there is even an integrated HTML editor at your disposal if you want to design a HTML page according to your needs (e.g. a welcome page).


Each new course contains the course element «Structure» as top element in the course navigation; you cannot delete it, nor move it, nor convert it into another type of course element.

In addition you can combine the status of assessable course elements («Task,» «Test,» «SCORM learning content,» «Assessment») in the course element «Structure.» According to the display of your choice you have to select in the tab «Score» the corresponding option in the section «Calculate score?» or «Calculate passing score?». The option «Calculate passing score?» either depends on a minimum score defined by yourself or you can adopt the status «Passed» or «Failed» from the selected course element.


Use explicit short titles for all of your assessable course elements to be able to clearly distinguish them in the tab «Score.»

Course Element: Single Page

In the course element «Single page» you can insert various files in your course. It is possible to announce general information there such as your program or recommended literature regarding your course. There are three possibilities to embed a page's content in your course:

  • Create new HTML page online
  • Select any file from the storage folder
  • Upload file in storage folder

Click on «Select or create page» in the tab «Page content.» If you have already embedded a file just click on «Replace page.»

Create your page content directly by means of the OLAT HTML editor. Indicate your file name in the field «New HTML page» before clicking on «Create.» The HTML editor will open and you can create your content as if using a word-processing program. Your page will then be stored in the storage folder.


Avoid opening or saving HTML pages that have been created by means of an external editor with the OLAT HTML editor; part of your formatting could be lost.

If you have already uploaded a file in your storage folder or if you have created one there you can embed this file by clicking on «Select page.» All files in the storage folder will be displayed.

In the section «Upload files in storage folder» you can upload files from your local computer, zipped or one by one, before embedding them. All file formats are allowed (e.g. doc, xsl, pdf, jpg, mp3).

In the tab «Page content,» section «Security settings,» you can determine if references in your HTML pages should only be possible to files of the same folder (along with its sub-folders) or if all files of the storage folder can be referenced. Detailed information on these options can be found in the context-sensitive Help of the tab «Page content.»

Course Element: External Page

By means of the course element «External page» you can embed web pages in your course navigation. The content of the page will be displayed in an OLAT window. It is recommended to use this course element when planning to include pages containing database queries (e.g. research tools, online exercises, etc.). It is only possible to link external pages via HTTP or HTTPS protocols.

First you have to indicate the URL to be referenced in the tab «Page content.» In order to see that linked page correctly there are the following four options to choose from: «Completely embedded» (source hidden), «Embedded (source hidden),» «Embedded (source visible),» and «New browser window» (source visible). More details regarding these options can be found in the context-sensitive Help in the tab «Page content.» For pages that require authentication you can provide the corresponding values in the fields «User» and «Password.»


If you are not sure which option is best in your situation you can try «Completely embedded» first to test the other alternatives till your page is displayed correctly.

You can allow your course participants to see the page content by clicking on a course element or you can provide a homepage alternatively. This homepage will then contain short title, title and description of that course element. You can find this option in the field «With homepage?».

Course Element: LTI Page

By means of the course element «LTI page» it is possible to integrate external learning applications in your course before having their content displayed in an OLAT window. LTI means «Learning Tool Interoperability» and is an IMS standard to embed external learning applications such as e.g. a chat, a media Wiki, a test editor, or a virtual lab.

Indicate the URL to be referenced in the tab «Page content» along with its key and password. When selecting this LTI page in the course navigation any user data, course information or keys will be transferred to the embedded application, password controlled and in the background. Your learning application will check access rights and grant access with a valid key.

Course Element: CP Learning Content

CP means «Content Packaging» and is an e-learning standard for learning content. Use the course element «CP learning content» to include learning content in the IMS CP format (IMS CP version 1.1.2) in your course. You can create CPs directly within OLAT; further information can be found in the chapter «Creating CP Learning Content». Or you can create a CP externally.

In the tab «Learning content» just click on «Create, select or import CP learning content» in order to assign a CP to your course element or to create a new CP. CPs can either be imported to the course editor or by means of the tab «Learning resources;» further information can be found in the section «Import».

To change the assignment of a certain CP learning content later on just click on «Replace CP learning content» in the tab «Learning content» before selecting another CP.

In the section «Display» you can determine how your learning content should be presented to course participants.

Course Element: SCORM Learning Content

SCORM means «Sharable Content Object Reference Model» and is another standardized e-learning format supported by OLAT. Use the course element «SCORM learning content» to include learning content in SCORM format (SCORM version 1.2) in your course. Your SCORM package has to be created externally.

In the tab «Learning content» just click on «Select or import SCORM learning content» to assign a SCORM learning content to your course element. Click on «Import» to upload a new SCORM package or select an existing SCORM package from your entries. SCORM packages can either be imported to the course editor or by means of the tab «Learning resources;» for further information please go to the chapter «Learning resources,» section «Import».

In order to change the assignment of your SCORM learning content later on you have to click on «Replace SCOPRM learning content» in the tab «Learning content» before selecting another SCORM package.

In the section «Display» you can determine how your learning content should be presented to course participants. More detailed information can be found in the context-sensitive Help of that field.


SCORM learning content will always be presented with a homepage. If such content contains tasks as well as tests you will learn from that homepage more about your score and remaining attempts to take tests.

Course Element: Folder

In the course element «Folder» you can offer files to be downloaded. Often folders are used to provide course participants with scripts or slides regarding your course.

In general all course participants have the permission to download files from that folder. All course authors additionally may upload files. These preset rights can be adapted according to your needs in the tab «Access» of the respective course element.


For each course element «Folder» you can dispose of ca. 100 MB storage space. If you should need more please contact your OLAT support team.


If you want to use more than one folder, e.g. one for each course event, it is recommendable to introduce the course element «Structure» before subordinating your folders to that structure. All restrictions regarding visibility and access then have to be configured in the course element «Structure» only.

Course Element: Wiki

Use a Wiki to easily create learning content together with your course participants. A Wiki is suitable for doing group work; it can serve as documentation tool or as some sort of knowledge base for your studies and projects.

The course element «Wiki» helps you to embed a Wiki in your course. Just click on «Select, create or import Wiki» in the tab «Wiki learning content» to assign a Wiki already existing or to create a new one. The chapter «Creating Wikis» will tell you how to do so step by step.

In order to change the assignment of a Wiki later on click on «Replace Wiki» in the tab «Wiki learning content» before selecting another Wiki.

In general all course participants have read and write permission in a Wiki. Only those OLAT users who have created the Wiki or users appointed as owners are allowed to delete Wiki pages. These preset rights can be adapted in the tab «Access» of the respective course element according to your needs.

In the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section «Wiki», you will find more information on how to adapt the Wiki syntax, how to create new pages, and how to view different versions of a Wiki page.

Course Element: Podcast

The course element «Podcast» can either be used to easily provide others with your own audio and video files or with external podcast episodes in OLAT. Course participants will get access to episodes directly within OLAT; they can also upload episodes to portals such as iTunes before copying them to a mobile device.

Add the course element «Podcast» to your course. Create your podcast in the tab «Podcast learning content» before editing it. Determine at first if you want to integrate an external podcast or if you prefer to create episodes on your own. How to create a podcast step by step and further information on other configuration possibilities can be found in the chapter «Creating Podcasts».


Only course authors and moderators are allowed to create podcast episodes by default. However, all course participants are able to comment on episodes and can assess them by means of 1 - 5 stars. In the tab «Access» it is possible to adapt these settings according to your needs.

Course Element: Blog

By means of a «Blog» you can inform your course participants on news in the form of texts, pictures or videos. After embedding your course element it is possible to create new entries in the course view immediately.

The course element «Blog» serves to include a blog into your course. In the tab «Blog learning content» you can create a blog before editing it. You should determine first if you want to include an external blog or if you prefer to create new entries on your own. How to create a blog step by step and further information on other configuration possibilities can be found in the chapter «Creating Blogs».


Only course authors and moderators are allowed to create blog entries by default. However, all course participants are able to comment on entries and can assess them by means of 1 - 5 stars. In the tab «Access» it is possible to adapt these settings according to your needs.

Course Element: Forum

By means of the course element «Forum» you can provide your course with the possibility to communicate online, e.g. to discuss questions regarding the course content among your course participants.

Generally all course participants have read and write permission in a forum. All course authors and tutors dispose of the option to moderate a forum additionally. These preset rights can be adapted in the tab «Access» of the respective course element according to your needs.

Moderators hold the following rights:

  • Editing and deleting all posts in a forum; attaching files.
  • Prioritizing threads (sticky): a certain discussion subject will always appear on top of a list.
  • Closing discussion: it will no longer be possible to reply to a certain discussion subject.
  • Hiding discussion: a certain subject will no longer appear in the forum list.
  • Displaying discussion: hidden subject will be displayed anew.
  • Filter for persons: on the forum's overview page posts of every single course participant can be displayed.
  • Archiving forum: posts and attached files will be zipped before storing them in your personal folder.

A course author can also use the forum to notify course participants in the short term. Just configure your forum in the tab «Access» accordingly, i.e. that only course authors have write permission. Advise your course participants on subscribing to notifications of the forum to be informed of new posts.

In the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses» you will get further information on opening topics and replying to questions; see section «Forum».

Course Element: File Dialog

The course element «File dialog» provides you with preset discussion forums; in contrast to an ordinary forum, dialogs here are explicitly based on certain documents. Use such a file dialog to let your course participants discuss e.g. scientific articles or papers.

In the tab «Forum/storage configuration» you can upload documents in the storage folder of your file discussion by clicking on «Upload file.» You can also determine if your file dialog should be included in your course or if it should be displayed in a new window.

In general all course participants have read and write permission in a forum and may upload or download files. All course authors and tutors additionally dispose of the option to moderate a file dialog. These preset rights can be adapted in the tab «Access» of the respective course element according to your needs. The right to moderate has already been explained in the section «Course Element: Forum

In the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses» you will get more information on how to upload files or how to open topics and reply to questions; see section «File Dialog».

Course Element: Assessment

The course element «Assessment» is suitable to assess achievements not handed in electronically. You can evaluate manually e.g. presentations by course participants with passed or failed, with a score or with an individual comment. The course element «Assessment» serves to preconfigure the assessment of such achievements. Individual assessments can be inserted by using the assessment tool of your course.

According to your assessment you can preconfigure the display of a score, of a status or a comment in the tab «Assessment.» In the field «Information for all users» and «Information for tutors» you provide general information on how to assess achievements.


In order to assess a course participant personally that participant has to be member of at least one learning group of your course.

Course Element: Task

By means of the course element «Task» you can provide exercises to be handed in electronically before being assessed by a tutor.


To be able to assess course participants these participants must already be registered in a learning group! Otherwise those participants will not appear in your assessment tool.

In the tab «Sub-elements» you determine which of the following five sub-elements you want to select:

  • Assignment: assign tasks to course participants.
  • Drop box: this is the folder where course participants upload their solutions.
  • Return box: this is the folder where course participants will find their tasks corrected.
  • Assessment: create individual assessments for each course participant.
  • Sample solution: provide course participants with sample solutions of their tasks.

How to create tasks step by step and further information on other configuration possibilities can be found in the chapter «Creating Tasks».

How course participants will see the course element «Task» will be explained in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section«Task».

Course Element: Portfolio Task

By means of the course element «Portfolio task» you can provide predefined portfolio templates to be filled by your course participants. Their tasks can then be submitted electronically and assessed by a tutor.


In order to assess course participants they have to be registered in a learning group first. Otherwise you will not be able to find that participant within your assessment tool.

By means of the tab «Learning content» you can create new portfolio templates or select a predefined one. How to create a portfolio task as course author will be explained in the chapter «Creating Portfolio Tasks».

Additionally you can determine a deadline for your portfolio task in the tab «Learning content.» You can define a specific date or set a deadline in relation to that task's collection date. If the deadline is over your task will be retracted automatically; it will no longer be possible to perform that task.


By means of the assessment tool you will have the opportunity to change a deadline for a single user.

Optionally you can create a message to be displayed when clicking on the course element «Portfolio task» within your course.

In the tab «Assessment» you can preconfigure the display of scores, status, as well as individual comments. Within the fields «Hint for all users» and «Hint for tutors» you can provide course participants and tutors with general information on how to make assessments.

Information on how a portfolio element is seen and dealt with by course participants can be found in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section «Portfolio task».

Course Element: Test

The course element «Test» is used to control achievements within a course. Course results will be archived in a personalized way. A test has to be imported or created first in the so-called IMS QTI format (version 1.2). If you have not generated a test before please follow the instructions in the chapter «Creating Tests and Questionnaires».

By means of the course element «Test» you include that test in your course. In this course element, data regarding course participants will be stored (number of attempts, scores, detailed assessments). Click on «Select, create or import file» in the tab «Test configuration» to assign this course element to a test or create a new one.


If you want to exchange an embedded test, just click on «Exchange» in the tab «Test configuration» before selecting your new test. In case there are test results already existing, it is possible to download them to your personal folder.


Attention: In case participants are taking a test at that moment all their results will be lost since that test is not complete. All results achieved between replacing and publishing a test will be lost as well.

A test will always be started along with a homepage in your course. You can edit the content of this page in the section «Information (HTML page)».

In the section «Confirmation when Taking a Test» you can decide if course owner and tutors should be notified via e-mail in case there are new test results.

The presentation of results, etc. can be configured in the tab «Test configuration» as well. For more information please go to «Display Options and Configuration», section «On the course level.»

Information on how to see test results can be found in «Archiving Results of Tests and Questionnaires».

Course Element: Self-test

The course element «Self-test» is also used to control achievements in a course. In contrast to the course element «Test» self-tests are suitable to get practice; results of self-tests will be saved anonymously. Self-tests can be taken as often as needed. The course element «Self-test» contains learning resources of the type «Test.» Therefore it is up to you if you want to offer a test or a self-test. Your test has to be imported or created first in the so-called IMS QTI format (version 1.2). If you have not generated a test before please follow the instructions in the chapter «Creating Tests and Questionnaires».

By means of the course element «Self-test» you embed your test in a course. In this element data regarding course participants are stored anonymized (number of taken tests, scores, detailed assessments). Just click on «Select, create or import file» in the tab «Configuration self-test» to assign your course element to a test or create a new one.


If you want to exchange an embedded test, just click on «Exchange» in the tab «Test configuration» before selecting your new test. In case there are test results already existing, it is possible to download them to your personal folder.


Attention: In case participants are taking a self-test at that moment all their results will be lost since that test is not complete. All results achieved between replacing and publishing a test will be lost as well.

A self-test is always started along with a homepage in your course. You can design its content individually in the section «Information (HTML page)».

The presentation of results, etc. can be configured in the tab «Self-test configuration» as well. For more information please go to «Display Options and Configuration», section «On the course level.»

Information on how to see test results can be found in «Archiving Results of Tests and Questionnaires».

Course Element: Questionnaire

By means of a questionnaire you can carry out online evaluations in your course, e.g. at the beginning to find out what your course participants expect. You can also process the results gained with statistic methods or evaluate your course at the end. Results will be stored anonymously. A questionnaire has to be imported or created first in IMS QTI format (version 1.2). If you have never generated a questionnaire before please follow the instructions in the chapter «Creating Tests and Questionnaires.

By means of the course element «Questionnaire» you embed a questionnaire in your course. Click on «Select, create or import questionnaire» in the tab «Questionnaire configuration» to assign that course element to a questionnaire.


If you want to exchange an embedded questionnaire, just click on «Exchange» in the tab «Questionnaire configuration» before selecting a new one. In case there are results already existing, you can download them to your personal folder.


Attention: In case participants are taking a questionnaire at that moment all their results will be lost since that questionnaire is not complete. All results achieved between replacing and publishing a questionnaire will be lost as well.

A questionnaire will always be started along with a homepage in your course. You can design its content individually in the section «Information (HTML page).»

The presentation of results, etc. can be configurated in the tab «Questionnaire configuration» as well. For more information please go to «Display Options and Configuration», section «On course level.»

Information on how to download questionnaire results can be found in «Archiving Results of Tests and Questionnaires».

Course Element: Enrolment

The course element «Enrolment» is used to let course participants enroll in learning groups. It is then possible to restrict access to certain documents or to assign group work. Just define in the tab «Configuration» in which learning groups participants will be able to enroll. When indicating a learning area this area will be offered to all learning groups. In case you have not already created learning groups or in case you need more such groups you can perform this by clicking on «Select» and «Create» in the tab «Configuration.» For further information please go to «Learning Groups and Learning Areas».

In the field «Delisting allowed» you can decide if a registered course participant should have the possibility to delist from a learning group. In the group management you can determine while editing learning groups if there should be a waiting list and if moving up automatically from that list should be possible.


It is not enough to only select learning areas in the tab «Configuration.» These learning areas have to be assigned to learning groups as well. You should make such assignments in the group management of your course. More detailed information can be found in the section «Creating Learning Areas and Assigning Learning Groups».


If you want to restrict the visibility or access of course elements to registered course participants it is not advisable to configure the course element «Enrolment» as depending on groups; course participants would not be able to register at all.

Course Element: Topic Assignment

The course element «Topic assignment» is useful if you want to announce e.g. topics for term papers in your course before having them supervised. Course authors determine the detailed configuration of their topic assignment. This comprises e.g. who has the right to announce and supervise topics, how topics have to be described, or how many topics can be selected by one course participant. What makes this course element so special is the fact that not course authors but topic authors will announce and supervise such topics.

How to configure topic assignments

In the tab «Configuration» you determine first how many topics can be selected by one participant, if this selection is definite or if it has to be accepted by the topic author first. Furthermore you can add additional fields to describe a topic in more detail. This description will then be displayed in the table containing all topics announced. Here you can also determine if registrations and submissions shall only be possible within a certain period of time. In the tab «Sub-elements» you can choose if there should be a drop box as well as a return box in your topic assignment. Course participants will then upload their files to that drop box while topic authors will return those files by means of a return box.

How to appoint topic authors

In the tab «Persons in charge» you add those OLAT users who should be able to announce and supervise topics. These persons do not necessarily have to hold author rights.


If you remove a topic author who has already announced a topic he will still be able to supervise it. However, this person will no longer be able to announce new topics.

Role of topic authors

When being authorized by a course author to act as topic author you can announce as well as supervise topics. Just open the course view and navigate to your topic assignment.

How to create a new topic

Click on «Create new topic» and indicate its title as well as a description. Depending on the configuration of your topic assignment you can add further details to the topic's description, determine deadlines for registration and submission, decide how many course participants are allowed to select your topic, and upload additional files if needed.

How to configure topics

If you want to modify your configuration later on just click on the topic's title. Now you will be able to edit that topic, change its status from «Open» to «Closed» or vice versa, or delete that topic.

How to manage participants

If the configuration of your topic assignment requires that course participants have to be accepted by the topic author you will see on the home page of topic assignments the note «Check participant» in a table as soon as somebody has applied for your topic. Now open the tab «Topic assignment» and accept the application of your candidate(s). It is also possible to add or remove participants in this tab manually.

How to upload and return files

In the tab «Folder,» section «Drop box,» you will find all those files course participants have submitted. In the section «Return box» you can put files already corrected. There will be one sub-folder for each course participant.

Course Element: Notifications

This course element allows you to embed notifications in your course structure. These notifications will be visible in your course. Course authors can determine the amount of notifications to be displayed within a course.

Course Element: E-Mail

By means of the course element «E-Mail» you provide your course participants with the possibility to send an e-mail to pre-defined recipients.

There are two possibilities to send messages. You can either select groups and learning areas you want to send a message to in the tab «Recipients» or you directly indicate your e-mail addresses.

In the fields «Subject (form)» and «Message (form)» you can pre-define default values to be edited later on by your course participants when sending e-mails.


In order to enter several addresses in the field «E-mail addresses» you have to separate them by line breaks.


By means of a suitable short title for the course element «E-mail» you can provide your course participants with information to whom they can send messages. For privacy reasons they will not be able to see the recipients' addresses in your e-mail form.

Course Element: Calendar

By means of the course element «Calendar» you can embed a course calendar in the course structure. This course element offers an alternative view on the course calendar to be found on your right in the box «General.»

In the tab «Calendar configuration» you can decide which date should be displayed when a course calendar is activated from the course structure. Furthermore you can initiate that dates from your course calendar will automatically be transferred to the personal calendars of your course participants.


When displaying a certain semester week in your calendar and inserting links on course elements, that calendar will serve as a kind of overview showing all events and tasks of that week.