1.6.2. How to Find Learning Resources (OLAT User without Author Rights)
In the main navigation just click on the top tab «Learning resources.» Then there are several possibilities to search for learning resources:
In the catalog course authors can range their learning resources hierarchically, similar to a college or university catalog. Just navigate through its categories to find the learning content you are looking for.
Use the search mask in case you should not find the appropriate course in the catalog. It may be that the course author has not yet listed that course in the OLAT catalog.
Search Mask
The search mask helps you to find all learning resources you have access to. You can look for titles, authors or descriptions.
You should limit your search to certain types of learning resources to avoid too many useless hits.
Courses (Alphabetical List)
Here you will see all courses you have access to in alphabetical order. In addition you will find data regarding authors and access codes of courses.
It is advisable to set a bookmark after having found and opened your course in learning resources. The corresponding link will then be on your right in the box «Learning resource» in the detailed view as well as in the box «General» in your course view. When attending that course the next time you do not have to do this via learning resources. Just use your bookmark in your Home.
Portlet «My campus courses» (for Students)
On your home page, there is a portlet called «My campus courses». Here you will find the links corresponding to your courses booked earlier.
In order to see those courses in this portlet, your lecturer has to create that course first. In addition, at least 24 hrs must have gone by since your booking a module. At the University of Zurich campus courses are currently only available for members of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology, and the Faculty of Science.