1.6.1. Various Types of Learning Resources

OLAT comprises different types of learning resources. With the exception of courses they have in common that they can be embedded into one or more courses.


An OLAT course can accompany lectures, seminars or tutorials and represent diverse didactic concepts such as group puzzles or problem-based learning. OLAT courses are unique document types. They can contain any number of course elements. How to work with those different course elements will be explained in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses» in more detail. How to create courses will be illustrated in the chapter «Creating Courses». More information on course elements and the course editor can be found in the chapter «Course Elements and Course Editor».

CP Learning Content

Content Packaging (abbr.: CP) is a kind of learning content in standardized e-learning format. The specification of this format comes from IMS. OLAT supports the IMS CP version 1.1.2. CPs are suitable for being either used in OLAT courses or outside of it. OLAT supports this format; therefore learning content cannot only be used in OLAT but in other LMS as well. Further information on generating Content Packaging can be found in the chapter «Creating CP Learning Content».

SCORM Learning Content

Another standardized e-learning format supported by OLAT is the SCORM format (version 1.2). SCORM is short for «Sharable Content Object Reference Model» and a reference model for exchangeable electronic learning content of the «Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative» (ADL).

SCORM learning content is suitable for courses within OLAT as well as courses outside. OLAT supports this format; therefore your learning content can be applied not only in OLAT but also in other LMS.


Wikis are particularly suited for creating content jointly in an easy way. A Wiki can be used for working in groups, as documentation tool or as knowledge base for your studies and projects.

For more information on how to create Wikis and embed those in your course please go to the chapter «Creating Wikis». How to generate content within a Wiki will be explained in the chapter «Learning Activities Within a Course,» section «Wiki».


A podcast allows you to upload audio or video files that can later be made available in OLAT. Podcasts can either be accessed directly in OLAT or they can be subscribed via online services such as iTunes in order to copy single episodes to mobile devices later on. Your course participants will be able to easily assess or comment on such podcast episodes.

Information on how to create and embed podcasts in your course can be found in the chapter «Creating Podcasts». Further details on how to use podcasts as course participant will be explained in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section «Podcast».


In a blog you can easily publish or update personal as well as professional information. Blogs are often used as a kind of diary or journal. Course participants will be able to comfortably assess or comment on blog entries.

Information on how to create and embed a blog in your course will be found in the chapter «Creating Blogs». Further details on how to use blogs as course participant will be explained in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section «Blog».

Portfolio Template

A portfolio task is meant for documenting learning results as well as learning processes. Course participants can complete a portfolio task before receiving an assessment. They will then be notified via e-mail.

Information on how to create a portfolio template and how to embed portfolio tasks in your course can be found in the chapter «Creating Portfolio Tasks». How to perform such portfolio tasks can be learned in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section «Portfolio task».


Tests can be used for examinations or exercises in general. In the first case course authors can see all test results along with corresponding test participants; in the second case all results are saved anonymously.

Each test exists in a standardized file format, the so-called IMSQTI format (version 1.2). IMS deals with the development of open standards in e-learning. QTI means «Question & Test Interoperability» and is a predefined standardized format used for generating tests and questionnaires online. The QTI format is also suitable for storing test results. OLAT supports this format; therefore learning content cannot only be used in OLAT but in other LMS as well.

More information on using and creating tests can be found in the chapter «Creating Tests and Questionnaires».


A questionnaire is generally used for data collection, e.g. for the evaluation of an event. Each course participant can fill in a questionnaire only once. Results will be stored anonymously. Questionnaires as well as tests exist in the standardized IMS QTI format (version 1.2). For more information on how to create and use questionnaires please go to the chapter «Creating Tests and Questionnaires».

Resource Folder

In a resource folder you can store various documents to be used in several courses, e.g. rules regarding the forum that are valid in different courses of one series. A HTML page containing those rules is stored in the resource folder and referenced by several courses.

More information on how to create resource folders and use them in a course can be found in the chapter «Creating Courses,» section «Resource Folder».


In the glossary terms will be defined. As soon as those terms are used within learning content a student will see their explanation. Additionally you can get a list of all terms and definitions in a printable version.

More information on how to create a glossary and embed it into your course can be found in chapter «Course Operation,» section «Glossary». How to use your glossary within a course will be explained in the chapter «Learning Activities in Courses,» section «Glossary».