1.14.4. Further Configurations

Tab: Sub-elements

Select 1 - 5 of all available sub-elements. Sub-elements selected can then be configured in the next tab (exception: return box).


For each sub-element there has to be at least one learning group in the tab «Access» to be indicated in the field «Depending on group.» Thus course authors and tutors of learning groups will be able to have a look at all files submitted by means of the assessment tool of that course before assessing and commenting on them.

Tab: Assignment

You upload your task files to the task folder in the tab «Assignment.» In the field «Message for user» you can provide general information for all course participants regarding your tasks. In the field «Type of assignment» you determine if a course participant can choose between all available tasks or if your tasks should be allocated automatically as well as randomly. Select in the field «Type of sampling» if several course participants shall be able to work on the same task (task can be reclined) or if each course participant shall work on a different task (task cannot be reclined). If a task is selected manually you can further decide in the field «Preview» if course participants shall be allowed to have a look at a task before selecting it.


In case a course participant is not allowed to recline a task you have to offer at least the same number of tasks as there are course participants.

Tab: Handing in

Here you can determine if owners and tutors should receive an e-mail whenever a course participant has performed and handed in a task.

Tab: Assessment

Here you define how each course participant shall be assessed. By default a tutor can assess tasks by means of «Passed/failed.» If you prefer to allocate points instead or in addition just modify your configuration by indicating a minimum and maximum score or by replacing «Passed/failed» automatically with a passing score. Optionally you can provide space for individual comments regarding each course participant. In addition you can provide further information in the fields «Notice for all users» and «Notice for tutors,» e.g. some general comment on how to assess course participants.

Tab: Sample Solution

In order to provide all course participants with a sample solution regarding your tasks just click on «Open sample solution folder» in the tab before uploading appropriate documents to that folder.


In the tab «Access» you can configure your sample solution date-dependently in order to have it revealed e.g. only after that task's deadline.