OpenCV  3.0.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
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cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj Struct Reference

#include "pd_inria.hpp"

Inheritance diagram for cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj:

Public Attributes

std::vector< Rectbndboxes
int depth
std::string filename
int height
sampleType sType
int width

Member Data Documentation

std::vector< Rect > cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj::bndboxes
int cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj::depth
std::string cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj::filename
int cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj::height
sampleType cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj::sType
int cv::datasets::PD_inriaObj::width

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: