OpenCV  3.0.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
Classes | Typedefs | Functions


class  matlab::ArgumentParser
 parses inputs to a method and resolves the argument names. More...
class  cv::bridge::Bridge
 Type conversion class for converting OpenCV and native C++ types. More...
class  matlab::DefaultTraits
class  matlab::InheritType
class  matlab::Map< KeyType, ValueType >
class  matlab::MxArray
 A thin wrapper around Matlab's mxArray types. More...
class  matlab::Traits< _Tp >
class  matlab::Traits< bool >
class  matlab::Traits< char >
class  matlab::Traits< double >
class  matlab::Traits< float >
class  matlab::Traits< int16_t >
class  matlab::Traits< int32_t >
class  matlab::Traits< int64_t >
class  matlab::Traits< int8_t >
class  matlab::Traits< matlab::InheritType >
class  matlab::Traits< uint16_t >
class  matlab::Traits< uint32_t >
class  matlab::Traits< uint64_t >
class  matlab::Traits< uint8_t >


typedef std::vector< Bridge > cv::bridge::BridgeVector
typedef std::vector< MxArray > matlab::MxArrayVector
typedef cv::Ptr< AlignMTB > cv::bridge::Ptr_AlignMTB
typedef cv::Ptr< CalibrateDebevec > cv::bridge::Ptr_CalibrateDebevec
typedef cv::Ptr< CalibrateRobertson > cv::bridge::Ptr_CalibrateRobertson
typedef cv::Ptr< CLAHE > cv::bridge::Ptr_CLAHE
typedef cv::Ptr< DenseOpticalFlow > cv::bridge::Ptr_DenseOpticalFlow
typedef cv::Ptr< DualTVL1OpticalFlow > cv::bridge::Ptr_DualTVL1OpticalFlow
typedef cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetectorcv::bridge::Ptr_FeatureDetector
typedef cv::Ptr< LineSegmentDetector > cv::bridge::Ptr_LineSegmentDetector
typedef cv::Ptr< MergeDebevec > cv::bridge::Ptr_MergeDebevec
typedef cv::Ptr< MergeMertens > cv::bridge::Ptr_MergeMertens
typedef cv::Ptr< MergeRobertson > cv::bridge::Ptr_MergeRobertson
typedef cv::Ptr< cv::StereoBMcv::bridge::Ptr_StereoBM
typedef cv::Ptr< cv::StereoSGBMcv::bridge::Ptr_StereoSGBM
typedef cv::Ptr< Stitcher > cv::bridge::Ptr_Stitcher
typedef cv::Ptr< Tonemap > cv::bridge::Ptr_Tonemap
typedef cv::Ptr< TonemapDrago > cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapDrago
typedef cv::Ptr< TonemapDurand > cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapDurand
typedef cv::Ptr< TonemapMantiuk > cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapMantiuk
typedef cv::Ptr< TonemapReinhard > cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapReinhard
typedef std::vector< float > cv::bridge::vector_float
typedef std::vector< int > cv::bridge::vector_int
typedef std::vector< cv::KeyPointcv::bridge::vector_KeyPoint
typedef std::vector< cv::Matcv::bridge::vector_Mat
typedef std::vector< cv::Pointcv::bridge::vector_Point
typedef std::vector< cv::Rectcv::bridge::vector_Rect
typedef std::vector< cv::Stringcv::bridge::vector_String
typedef std::vector< unsigned char > cv::bridge::vector_uchar
typedef std::vector< std::vector< char > > cv::bridge::vector_vector_char
typedef std::vector< std::vector< cv::DMatch > > cv::bridge::vector_vector_DMatch


matlab::MxArray cv::bridge::Bridge::FromMat< matlab::InheritType > (const cv::Mat &mat)
 template specialization for inheriting types More...
cv::Mat cv::bridge::Bridge::toMat< matlab::InheritType > () const
 template specialization for inheriting types More...
static void matlab::conditionalError (bool expr, const std::string &str)
 raise error if condition fails More...
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void cv::bridge::deepCopyAndTranspose (const cv::Mat &src, matlab::MxArray &dst)
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void cv::bridge::deepCopyAndTranspose (const matlab::MxArray &src, cv::Mat &dst)
static void matlab::error (const std::string &str)
 raise an error More...
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void gemt (const char major, const size_t M, const size_t N, const InputScalar *a, size_t lda, OutputScalar *b, size_t ldb)
Bridge & cv::bridge::Bridge::operator= (const cv::Mat &mat)
cv::Mat cv::bridge::Bridge::toMat () const
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void transpose4x4 (const InputScalar *src, size_t lda, OutputScalar *dst, size_t ldb)
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void transposeBlock (const size_t M, const size_t N, const InputScalar *src, size_t lda, OutputScalar *dst, size_t ldb)

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<Bridge> cv::bridge::BridgeVector
typedef std::vector<MxArray> matlab::MxArrayVector
typedef cv::Ptr<AlignMTB> cv::bridge::Ptr_AlignMTB
typedef cv::Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> cv::bridge::Ptr_CalibrateDebevec
typedef cv::Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> cv::bridge::Ptr_CalibrateRobertson
typedef cv::Ptr<DenseOpticalFlow> cv::bridge::Ptr_DenseOpticalFlow
typedef cv::Ptr<DualTVL1OpticalFlow> cv::bridge::Ptr_DualTVL1OpticalFlow
typedef cv::Ptr<LineSegmentDetector> cv::bridge::Ptr_LineSegmentDetector
typedef cv::Ptr<MergeDebevec> cv::bridge::Ptr_MergeDebevec
typedef cv::Ptr<MergeMertens> cv::bridge::Ptr_MergeMertens
typedef cv::Ptr<MergeRobertson> cv::bridge::Ptr_MergeRobertson
typedef cv::Ptr<Stitcher> cv::bridge::Ptr_Stitcher
typedef cv::Ptr<Tonemap> cv::bridge::Ptr_Tonemap
typedef cv::Ptr<TonemapDrago> cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapDrago
typedef cv::Ptr<TonemapDurand> cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapDurand
typedef cv::Ptr<TonemapMantiuk> cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapMantiuk
typedef cv::Ptr<TonemapReinhard> cv::bridge::Ptr_TonemapReinhard
typedef std::vector<float> cv::bridge::vector_float
typedef std::vector<int> cv::bridge::vector_int
typedef std::vector<cv::Mat> cv::bridge::vector_Mat
typedef std::vector<cv::Point> cv::bridge::vector_Point
typedef std::vector<cv::Rect> cv::bridge::vector_Rect
typedef std::vector<cv::String> cv::bridge::vector_String
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> cv::bridge::vector_uchar
typedef std::vector<std::vector<char> > cv::bridge::vector_vector_char
typedef std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > cv::bridge::vector_vector_DMatch

Function Documentation

template specialization for inheriting types

This template specialization attempts to preserve the best mapping between OpenCV and Matlab types. Matlab uses double types almost universally, so all floating float types are converted to doubles. Unfortunately OpenCV does not have a native logical type, so that gets mapped to an unsigned 8-bit value

template specialization for inheriting types

This template specialization attempts to preserve the best mapping between Matlab and OpenCV types. OpenCV has poor support for double precision types, so all floating point types are cast to float. Logicals get cast to unsignd 8-bit value.

static void matlab::conditionalError ( bool  expr,
const std::string &  str 

raise error if condition fails

This is a conditional wrapper for mexErrMsgTxt. If the conditional expression fails, an error is raised and the mex function returns to Matlab, otherwise this function does nothing

template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void cv::bridge::deepCopyAndTranspose ( const cv::Mat src,
matlab::MxArray dst 
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void cv::bridge::deepCopyAndTranspose ( const matlab::MxArray src,
cv::Mat dst 
static void matlab::error ( const std::string &  str)

raise an error

This function is a wrapper around mexErrMsgTxt

template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void gemt ( const char  major,
const size_t  M,
const size_t  N,
const InputScalar *  a,
size_t  lda,
OutputScalar *  b,
size_t  ldb 
Bridge & cv::bridge::Bridge::operator= ( const cv::Mat mat)
cv::Mat cv::bridge::Bridge::toMat ( ) const
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void transpose4x4 ( const InputScalar *  src,
size_t  lda,
OutputScalar *  dst,
size_t  ldb 
template<typename InputScalar , typename OutputScalar >
void transposeBlock ( const size_t  M,
const size_t  N,
const InputScalar *  src,
size_t  lda,
OutputScalar *  dst,
size_t  ldb 