Various parameters control how the texture array is treated when applied to a fragment. Each parameter is set by calling
void TexParameter[if] ( enum target, enum pname, T param ) ;
void TexParameter[if]v ( enum target, enum pname, T params ) ;
target is the target,
either TEXTURE_1D or TEXTURE_2D,
pname is a symbolic constant indicating the parameter to be set;
the possible constants and corresponding parameters are summarized in
Table 3.9.
In the first form of the command,
param is a value to which to set a single-valued parameter;
in the second form of the command,
params is an array of parameters whose type depends on the
parameter being set.
If the values for TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR are specified as integers,
the conversion for signed integers from Table 2.6 is
applied to convert the values to floating-point.
Each of the four values set by TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR is clamped to
lie in .
Table 3.9: Texture parameters and their values.