


LZX: mediadevice
JavaScript: mediadevice
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Extensions.Audio-Video
Declared in: lps/components/extensions/av/mediadevice.lzx

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » mediadevice

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: camera, microphone


Properties (5)

<attribute name="active" value="false" />
public read-only var active;
Flag that tracks if there's device activity (audio sound, video motion).
<attribute name="allowed" />
public read-only var allowed;
Shared flag defined in mediadevice.prototype that tracks whether the user has allowed device access. Default: false. True after user has accepted security dialog, false if the user denies access with security dialog. Note: allowed is not defined in objects, but in the prototype. Initialized in the script at the end of the file.
<attribute name="capturing" value="true" />
public var capturing;
Boolean flag that controls if the media device is currently capturing input.
<attribute name="deviceindex" value="null" />
public var deviceindex;
Zero-based index of the device, or null for user's default device. Default is null, which selects the default device. When the default device is initialized, deviceindex is updated to its actual index.
<attribute name="devicename" type="string" value="" />
public read-only var devicename : String;
Name of the device.

Methods (3)

<method name="removeFromArray" args="a, obj" />
public function removeFromArray(a, obj);
Remove an object from an array.
<method name="showSettings" />
public function showSettings();
Show the Flash player settings dialog, so the user can change the device permission and other properties.
<method name="stopDevice" />
public function stopDevice();
Stops the device.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="mediadevice" extends=" LzNode ">
  <attribute name=" active " value="false" />
  <attribute name=" allowed " />
  <attribute name=" capturing " value="true" />
  <attribute name=" deviceindex " value="null" />
  <attribute name=" devicename " type="string" value="" />
  <method name=" removeFromArray " args="a, obj" />
  <method name=" showSettings " />
  <method name=" stopDevice " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public mediadevice extends  LzNode  {
  public read-only var active ;
  public read-only var allowed ;
  public var capturing ;
  public var deviceindex ;
  public read-only var devicename  : String;
  prototype public function removeFromArray (a, obj);
  prototype public function showSettings ();
  prototype public function stopDevice ();