
submit — associates a form with a dataset


LZX: submit
JavaScript: submit
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Base Components
Declared in: lps/components/base/submit.lzx


Used with form or baseform, the submit tag associates the form with its dataset. See form tag for example code.

Associates a form with a dataset.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » submit

Known Subclasses


Properties (3)

<attribute name="data" value="0" />
public var data;
The dataset that specifies the request url, which will also hold the result of the query.
<attribute name="error" type="string" value="" />
public var error : String;
Error from most recent response or empty string; cleared to empty string each time a request on the dataset is made. Default: ''
<attribute name="status" type="string" value="ok" />
public var status : String;
Read-only status of data request. Possible values are 'ok', 'requesting', and 'error'. Default: 'ok'.

Methods (2)

<method name="setDataset" args="dset" />
public function setDataset(dset : LzDataset);
Method to set the dataset associated with form.
<method name="submit" />
public function submit();
Data from all sibling components and their children will send as a request to the server using 'data' dataset.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="submit" extends=" LzNode ">
  <attribute name=" data " value="0" />
  <attribute name=" error " type="string" value="" />
  <attribute name=" status " type="string" value="ok" />
  <method name=" setDataset " args="dset" />
  <method name=" submit " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public submit extends  LzNode  {
  public var data ;
  public var error  : String;
  public var status  : String;
  prototype public function setDataset (dset : LzDataset);
  prototype public function submit ();