Chapter 5. Installing and Testing ON

Table of Contents

5.1 Installation Overview
5.1.1 Cap-Eye-Install
5.1.2 BFU
5.1.3 Flag Days and Other Hazards
5.2 Using Cap-Eye-Install to Install Kernels
5.2.1 Caveats
5.2.2 Platform-Specific Information
5.3 Using BFU to Install ON
5.3.1 Caveats
5.3.2 Resolving Conflicts
5.3.3 BFU and Zones
5.4 Test Suites

This chapter describes several flexible methods for installing your ON bits. Please note that because ON does not include all the programs needed for a working system, you must have an existing full install (typically Solaris or Solaris Express) before you can perform these procedures successfully.

Additionally, some of the common testing procedures for the kernel and core userland components are covered. Although these tests are intended to cover as much of the system as possible, and to be flexible enough that additional tests can be written and added to the infrastructure, most testing is still done by project-specific test suites. When fixing bugs or adding new features, you are well-advised to contact the owner(s) of the code you are changing to obtain any existing tests. You should also contribute new tests that detect the bug you are fixing or verify the functionality of your new features.

5.1 Installation Overview

Other than manually copying specific files from your proto area into your live system, there are three main ways to install your bits on your system. Which one you use will depend on what you have changed: if you have changed only the kernel, see section 5.1.1 to learn about Install. If you have changed the kernel and userland components of ON and your changes must be applied together, you must either hand-copy your userland changes before using Install, or use BFU; see section 5.3 for information on BFU.

To accommodate fully functional builds even though some sources are missing, a set of closed binaries is available, and the build system has been modified to make use of them. You will need to use the closed-bins.<platform>.tar.gz components along with your build products to build either Install or BFU archives that work. Please see Building OpenSolaris and the latest Release Notes for more information on building and the use of the closed binaries.

Each of these installation methods is progressively more complex and time-consuming, but upgrades a larger part of your system. Because most ON developers only modify the ON sources and are not responsible for integration testing, BFU is by far the most popular method for performing system upgrades. Developers working heavily on the kernel will often make use of Install during development and use BFU to keep current between testing phases.

Each method is described briefly in this section. Detailed instructions are provided in sections 5.2 and 5.3.

5.1.1 Cap-Eye-Install

Install (pronounced cap-eye-install) is used to update only the kernel and its associated modules on a specific system. It will place the new kernel in a nonstandard location and install only the platform-specific modules for your particular host. This allows you to test your changes without removing the normal kernel; if your new kernel does not boot or crashes, this makes recovery much easier.

5.1.2 BFU

BFU is used to update all ON bits, both kernel and userland. It is capable of updating some configuration files and is aware of the impact of the changes that have been made to ON. BFU is more thorough than Install, and takes longer. Also, unlike Install, the new kernel will be installed over the existing one, so if it does not work properly you may have to boot from alternate media to recover.

5.1.3 Flag Days and Other Hazards

In some cases, you will need to install newer versions of one or more system packages before you will be able to use a new version of the ON bits. When this happens, it is known as a Flag Day. Flag Day notices will be posted at and will include instructions for building and/or installing the newer software you will need. It should be noted that this installation procedure is not guaranteed to interoperate cleanly with the standard packaging tools such as pkgadd(1M). In particular, use of BFU (see section 4.1.4) or ad-hoc replacement of Solaris components means that those components can no longer be updated using Solaris packages. If this is of concern to you, we recommend that you utilize exclusively Solaris Express for managing your system package installation, and build and test only against the source tree current at the time of the latest Express build. You can