Chapter 17. Registering Your Solaris Software (Tasks)

Table of Contents

Solaris Software Registration (Overview)
What Is Sun Update Connection?
Solaris Software Registration (Task Map)
Before You Get Started
Sun Online Account
Sun Service Plan
Register Your Software With the Solaris Registration Wizard

Solaris Software Registration (Overview)

When you register your Solaris software and accept the Software License Agreement, you have access to Solaris software updates. If you provide a Sun service plan number during registration, you can use Sun Update Connection client services to remotely manage updates for one or more of your Solaris systems.

The following methods of registration are available:

  • Solaris Registration Wizard. The wizard is initiated upon system reboot. For information, go to Register Your Software With the Solaris Registration Wizard.

  • Solaris autoregistration profile. When you register a system, you can create a profile that can be used to register your other systems.

  • Solaris Registration command-line interface (CLI). For more information, go to Registering Your Solaris Software With the CLI (Task Map).

  • Registration wizard in the Sun Update Manager application. For information, view the Sun Update Connection documentation located on

When you register your system, you choose how the updates are delivered and how they are applied. The following options are available:

  • Receive updates from Sun Update Connection client services.

  • Receive updates from a local source, such as a local proxy server.

  • Manage updates remotely by using the Sun Update Connection application.

  • Manage updates manually by using the smpatch add and the smpatch remove commands.


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The Solaris Registration Wizard gives you the option of registering later, or never registering. If you select Register Later, a registration icon is displayed on your desktop. If you select Never Register, you can still register your system from the CLI or from the Sun Update Manager application. You can also use the CLI or Sun Update Manager to make changes to an existing registration. For more information, go to Registering Your Solaris Software With the CLI or the Sun Update Manager Administration Guide located on