Solaris Software Registration (Task Map)

The following task map identifies the procedures that you might need to perform to register your Solaris system.



For Instructions

Obtain a Sun Online Account.

Registered assets are associated with a Sun Online Account. A Sun Online Account is required to register your Solaris system.

  • How to Create a Sun Online Account: Solaris Express 3/06

  • How to Create a Sun Online Account: Solaris Express 10/05

Purchase a subscription key (also called a service plan number).

Use aservice plan number to register for additional Solaris updates.

How to Purchase a Subscription Key or Service Plan Number

Register your system with Update Manager to automatically manage your updates.

Register your system with Update Manager if your system obtains update data from the Sun update server or if you want to remotely manage updates.

Use the Update Manager GUI to automatically manage updates.

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Automatically Manage Updates: Solaris Express 3/06

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Automatically Manage Updates: Solaris Express 10/05

Specify a local source for updates for your system.

To obtain updates either from a Sun Update Connection Proxy or from a collection of updates on a local system, specify a local source.

By default, your system obtains updates from Sun. If your system is not connected to the Internet, you must provide a local update source. You can use a network proxy to connect to the Internet.

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Automatically Manage Updates: Solaris Express 3/06

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Automatically Manage Updates: Solaris Express 10/05

Specify the network proxy to use.

If your system is connected to the Internet through a network proxy, specify the network proxy information.

By default, no network proxy is specified.

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Automatically Manage Updates: Solaris Express 3/06

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Automatically Manage Updates: Solaris Express 10/05

Register your system with Update Manager to manually manage your updates.

If your system obtains update data from the Sun update server, register your system with Update Manager.

To manage updates manually, download updates from the Sun update server. You must manually apply and remove the updates.

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Manually Manage Updates: Express 3/06

  • How to Register Your Solaris Software to Manually Manage Updates: Solaris Express 10/05

Register your system without choosing an update option.

You can register your Solaris software without selecting an update option at registration. After you have successfully registered your Solaris software, you can use the CLI or the Update Manager GUI to add an update option.

How to Register Your Solaris Software Without Choosing an Update Option: Solaris Express 3/06

Register your system as part of a noninteractive Solaris software installation.

As a superuser, you can register a system and create a registration profile. The profile enables you to use Solaris JumpStart software, Solaris Flash software, WAN boot, or a diskless client to register your other systems.

Registering Your Solaris Software by Using an Automatic Registration Profile

Create an automatic registration profile and ID.

To autoregister, you need a registration profile and registration ID. The profile and ID are automatically generated when you register a system and select Enable Auto Registration.

You must be a superuser to create an automatic registration profile.

How to Create an Autoregistration Profile

Create a RegistrationProfile file.

If you want to register your Solaris software with the CLI, you must first create a RegistrationProfile File. This file is not the same file that is used for the automatic registration profile.

How to Create a RegistrationProfile File

Register a system by using a RegistrationProfile file.

Use a RegistrationProfile file to register your other systems.

Registering Your Solaris Software by Using an Automatic Registration Profile

Register your Solaris software by using the CLI.

Register your Solaris software by using the registration CLI instead of the registration GUI.

Registering Your Solaris Software With the CLI (Task Map)