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 Install and configure the proxy node

The proxy server takes each request and looks up locations for the account, container, or object and routes the requests correctly. The proxy server also handles API requests. You enable account management by configuring it in the /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file.


The Object Storage processes run under a separate user and group, set by configuration options, and referred to as swift:swift. The default user is swift.

  1. Install swift-proxy service:

    # yum install openstack-swift-proxy memcached python-swiftclient python-keystone-auth-token
  2. Modify memcached to listen on the default interface on a local, non-public network. Edit the /etc/sysconfig/memcached file:

  3. Start the memcached service and configure it to start when the system boots:

    # service memcached start
    # chkconfig memcached on
  4. Edit /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf:

    bind_port = 8080
    user = swift
    pipeline = healthcheck cache authtoken keystoneauth proxy-server
    use = egg:swift#proxy
    allow_account_management = true
    account_autocreate = true
    use = egg:swift#keystoneauth
    operator_roles = Member,admin,swiftoperator
    paste.filter_factory = keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    # Delaying the auth decision is required to support token-less
    # usage for anonymous referrers ('.r:*').
    delay_auth_decision = true
    # cache directory for signing certificate
    signing_dir = /home/swift/keystone-signing
    # auth_* settings refer to the Keystone server
    auth_protocol = http
    auth_host = controller
    auth_port = 35357
    # the service tenant and swift username and password created in Keystone
    admin_tenant_name = service
    admin_user = swift
    admin_password = SWIFT_PASS
    use = egg:swift#memcache
    use = egg:swift#catch_errors
    use = egg:swift#healthcheck

    If you run multiple memcache servers, put the multiple IP:port listings in the [filter:cache] section of the /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file:,

    Only the proxy server uses memcache.

  5. Create the account, container, and object rings. The builder command creates a builder file with a few parameters. The parameter with the value of 18 represents 2 ^ 18th, the value that the partition is sized to. Set this “partition power” value based on the total amount of storage you expect your entire ring to use. The value 3 represents the number of replicas of each object, with the last value being the number of hours to restrict moving a partition more than once.

    # cd /etc/swift
    # swift-ring-builder account.builder create 18 3 1
    # swift-ring-builder container.builder create 18 3 1
    # swift-ring-builder object.builder create 18 3 1
  6. For every storage device on each node add entries to each ring:

    # swift-ring-builder account.builder add zZONE-STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP:6002[RSTORAGE_REPLICATION_NET_IP:6005]/DEVICE 100
    # swift-ring-builder container.builder add zZONE-STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP_1:6001[RSTORAGE_REPLICATION_NET_IP:6004]/DEVICE 100
    # swift-ring-builder object.builder add zZONE-STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP_1:6000[RSTORAGE_REPLICATION_NET_IP:6003]/DEVICE 100

    You must omit the optional STORAGE_REPLICATION_NET_IP parameter if you do not want to use dedicated network for replication.

    For example, if a storage node has a partition in Zone 1 on IP, the storage node has address from replication network. The mount point of this partition is /srv/node/sdb1, and the path in /etc/rsyncd.conf is /srv/node/, the DEVICE would be sdb1 and the commands are:

    # swift-ring-builder account.builder add z1- 100
    # swift-ring-builder container.builder add z1- 100
    # swift-ring-builder object.builder add z1- 100

    If you assume five zones with one node for each zone, start ZONE at 1. For each additional node, increment ZONE by 1.

  7. Verify the ring contents for each ring:

    # swift-ring-builder account.builder
    # swift-ring-builder container.builder
    # swift-ring-builder object.builder
  8. Rebalance the rings:

    # swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance
    # swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance
    # swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance

    Rebalancing rings can take some time.

  9. Copy the account.ring.gz, container.ring.gz, and object.ring.gz files to each of the Proxy and Storage nodes in /etc/swift.

  10. Make sure the swift user owns all configuration files:

    # chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift
  11. Start the Proxy service and configure it to start when the system boots:

    # service openstack-swift-proxy start
    # chkconfig openstack-swift-proxy on
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