Inline elements

Inline elements

Sphinx enables specific pieces of inline text. This is emphasized by semantic markups that format text in a different style.

Use the markups included in this section as consistent with their semantic meaning.


An inline semantic markup has no effect when applied to a piece of text within a code-block element.

To insert a semantic markup into your document, use the syntax below.


:markup:`inline text`


A software application within a line of text.

Markup `` (double backticks)
Syntax ``RabbitMQ``
Example of output Configure RabbitMQ.


A fragment of code within a line of text.

Markup `` (double backticks)
Syntax `` m1.small ``
Example of output The following command launches an instance with the m1.small flavor.


An inline sub-command for the command-line interfaces and inline command for different operating systems.

Markup :command:
Syntax :command:`nova boot`
Example of output Run the nova boot command to launch an instance.

File name and path

Any part of a path specification, including device name, directory, file name, and extension.

Markup `` (double backticks)
Syntax ``nova.conf``
Example of output By default, the nova.conf configuration file is installed in the /etc/nova folder.

Glossary entry

A term that appears in the glossary.

Markup :term:
Syntax :term:`neutron` or :term:`services <service>`
Example of output OpenStack neutron provides network-related services.

GUI element

Any part of interactive user interface.

Markup :guilabel:
Syntax :guilabel:`Project`
Example of output From the Project tab you can view and manage the resources in a selected project.

Keyboard key combination

A sequence of two or more keystrokes or mouse actions.

Markup `` (double backticks)
Syntax ``Ctrl+A``
Example of output Press Ctrl+A to switch between services.


Any parameter for sub-commands for the command-line interfaces.

Markup `` (double backticks)
Syntax `` --template-url`` or ``back end``
Example of output
  • You can specify the URL with the --template-url parameter.
  • Set the back end parameter.


Any option for sub-commands for the command-line interfaces or configuration option.

Markup `` (double backticks)
Syntax `` --parent``, ``force_dhcp_release = True``
Example of output
  • The --parent stands for the parent of the project (name or ID).
  • The force_dhcp_release = True option sends a dhcp release on instance termination.


When documenting Boolean configuration options:

  • Explicitly include the truth value
  • Add spaces around the equal sign (=)

Correct usage

force_dhcp_release = True
use_ipv6 = False


A literal text with a variable part in it wrapped in curly braces.

Markup :samp: to mark variables with curly braces. Do not add any additional formatting to the replaceable text.
Syntax :samp:`--flavor {FLAVOR}`
Example of output Use the --flavor FLAVOR parameter to specify the ID or name of the flavor.
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.