The cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers.consistencygroup Module

class ConsistencyGroup(ipaddr, port)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers.commoncoprhdapi.CoprHDResource

URI_CONSISTENCY_GROUP = ‘/block/consistency-groups’
URI_CONSISTENCY_GROUPS_DEACTIVATE = ‘/block/consistency-groups/{0}/deactivate’
URI_CONSISTENCY_GROUPS_INSTANCE = ‘/block/consistency-groups/{0}’
URI_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_TAGS = ‘/block/consistency-groups/{0}/tags’
URI_SEARCH_CONSISTENCY_GROUPS_BY_TAG = ‘/block/consistency-groups/search?tag={0}’
check_for_sync(result, sync, synctimeout=0)
consistencygroup_query(name, project, tenant)

This function will return consistency group id.

:param name : Name/id of the consistency group :param project: Name of the project :param tenant: Name of the tenant :returns: id of the consistency group

create(name, project_name, tenant)

This function will create consistency group with the given name.

:param name : Name of the consistency group :param project_name: Name of the project path :param tenant: Container tenant name :returns: status of creation

delete(name, project, tenant, coprhdonly=False)

This function marks a particular consistency group as delete.

  • name – Name of the consistency group
  • project – Name of the project
  • tenant – Name of the tenant

status of the delete operation false, incase it fails to do delete

list(project_name, tenant)

This function gives list of comma separated consistency group uris.

  • project_name – Name of the project path
  • tenant – Name of the tenant

list of consistency group ids separated by comma

show(name, project, tenant)

This function will display the consistency group with details.

:param name : Name of the consistency group :param project: Name of the project :param tenant: Name of the tenant :returns: details of consistency group

update(uri, project, tenant, add_volumes, remove_volumes, sync, synctimeout=0)

Function used to add or remove volumes from consistency group.

It will update the consistency group with given volumes

:param uri : URI of the consistency group :param project : Name of the project path :param tenant : Container tenant name :param add_volumes : volumes to be added to the consistency group :param remove_volumes: volumes to be removed from CG :param sync : synchronous request :param synctimeout : Query for task status for “synctimeout” secs.

If the task doesn’t complete in synctimeout secs, an exception is thrown
Returns:status of creation