The cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers.exportgroup Module

class ExportGroup(ipaddr, port)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.coprhd.helpers.commoncoprhdapi.CoprHDResource

URI_EXPORT_GROUP = ‘/block/exports’
URI_EXPORT_GROUPS_SHOW = ‘/block/exports/{0}’
URI_EXPORT_GROUP_UPDATE = ‘/block/exports/{0}’
check_for_sync(result, sync, synctimeout=0)
exportgroup_add_volumes(sync, exportgroupname, tenantname, maxpaths, minpaths, pathsperinitiator, projectname, volumenames, cg=None, synctimeout=0, varray=None)

Add volume to export group.

:param sync : synchronous request :param exportgroupname : Name/id of the export group :param tenantname : tenant name :param maxpaths : Maximum number of paths :param minpaths : Minimum number of paths :param pathsperinitiator : Paths per initiator :param projectname : name of project :param volumenames : names of volumes that needs

to be added to exportgroup

:param cg : consistency group :param synctimeout : Query for task status for “synctimeout” secs

If the task doesn’t complete in synctimeout secs, an exception is thrown

:param varray : Name of varray :returns: action result

exportgroup_create(name, project_name, tenant, varray, exportgrouptype, export_destination=None)

This function creates the Export group with given name.

  • name – Name of the export group
  • project_name – Name of the project path
  • tenant – Container tenant name
  • varray – Name of the virtual array
  • exportgrouptype – Type of the export group. Ex:Host etc

status of creation

exportgroup_list(project_name, tenant)

This function gives list of export group uris separated by comma.

  • project_name – Name of the project path
  • tenant – Name of the tenant

list of export group ids separated by comma

exportgroup_query(name, project, tenant, varrayuri=None)

Makes REST API call to query the exportgroup by name.

  • name – Name/id of the export group
  • project – Name of the project
  • tenant – Name of the tenant
  • varrayuri – URI of the virtual array

id of the export group

exportgroup_remove_volumes_by_uri(exportgroup_uri, volume_id_list, sync=False, tenantname=None, projectname=None, cg=None, synctimeout=0)

Remove volumes from the exportgroup, given the uris of volume.

exportgroup_show(name, project, tenant, varray=None)

This function displays the Export group with details.

  • name – Name of the export group
  • project – Name of the project
  • tenant – Name of the tenant

Details of export group

send_json_request(exportgroup_uri, param)