The cinder.volume.drivers.vmware.exceptions Module

Exception definitions.

exception ClusterNotFoundException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when the given cluster cannot be found.

msg_fmt = u’Compute cluster: %(cluster)s not found.’
exception InvalidAdapterTypeException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when the disk adapter type is invalid.

msg_fmt = u’Invalid disk adapter type: %(invalid_type)s.’
exception InvalidDiskTypeException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when the disk type is invalid.

msg_fmt = u’Invalid disk type: %(disk_type)s.’
exception NoValidDatastoreException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when there are no valid datastores.

msg_fmt = u’There are no valid datastores.’
exception NoValidHostException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when there are no valid ESX hosts.

msg_fmt = u’There are no valid ESX hosts.’
exception ProfileNotFoundException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when the given storage profile cannot be found.

msg_fmt = u’Storage profile: %(storage_profile)s not found.’
exception VirtualDiskNotFoundException(message=None, details=None, **kwargs)

Bases: oslo_vmware.exceptions.VMwareDriverException

Thrown when virtual disk is not found.

msg_fmt = u’There is no virtual disk device.’