The cinder.volume.drivers.vmware.vmdk Module

Volume driver for VMware vCenter managed datastores.

The volumes created by this driver are backed by VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk) files stored in datastores. For ease of managing the VMDKs, the driver creates a virtual machine for each of the volumes. This virtual machine is never powered on and is often referred as the shadow VM.

class ImageDiskType

Bases: object

Supported disk types in images.

PREALLOCATED = ‘preallocated’
SPARSE = ‘sparse’
STREAM_OPTIMIZED = ‘streamOptimized’
THIN = ‘thin’
static is_valid(extra_spec_disk_type)

Check if the given disk type in extra_spec is valid.

Parameters:extra_spec_disk_type – disk type to check
Returns:True if valid
static validate(extra_spec_disk_type)

Validate the given disk type in extra_spec.

This method throws ImageUnacceptable if the disk type is not a supported one.

Parameters:extra_spec_disk_type – disk type
class VMwareVcVmdkDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.driver.VolumeDriver

Manage volumes on VMware vCenter server.

VERSION = ‘1.7.1’
accept_transfer(context, volume, new_user, new_project)

Accept the transfer of a volume for a new user/project.

copy_image_to_volume(context, volume, image_service, image_id)

Creates volume from image.

This method only supports Glance image of VMDK disk format. Uses flat vmdk file copy for “sparse” and “preallocated” disk types Uses HttpNfc import API for “streamOptimized” disk types. This API creates a backing VM that wraps the VMDK in the vCenter inventory.

  • context – context
  • volume – Volume object
  • image_service – Glance image service
  • image_id – Glance image id
copy_volume_to_image(context, volume, image_service, image_meta)

Creates glance image from volume.

Upload of only available volume is supported. The uploaded glance image has a vmdk disk type of “streamOptimized” that can only be downloaded using the HttpNfc API. Steps followed are: 1. Get the name of the vmdk file which the volume points to right now. Can be a chain of snapshots, so we need to know the last in the chain. 2. Use Nfc APIs to upload the contents of the vmdk file to glance.

create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)

Creates volume clone.

  • volume – New Volume object
  • src_vref – Source Volume object
create_export(context, volume, connector)

Creates a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot – Snapshot object

Creates a volume.

We do not create any backing. We do it only the first time it is being attached to a virtual machine.

Parameters:volume – Volume object
create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)

Creates a volume from a snapshot.

  • volume – New Volume object
  • snapshot – Reference to snapshot entity

Delete snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot – Snapshot object

Deletes volume backing.

Parameters:volume – Volume object

Any initialization the volume driver does while starting.

ensure_export(context, volume)
extend_volume(volume, new_size)

Extend volume to new size.

Extends the volume backing’s virtual disk to new size. First, try to extend in place on the same datastore. If that fails due to insufficient disk space, then try to relocate the volume to a different datastore that can accommodate the backing with new size and retry extend.

  • volume – dictionary describing the existing ‘available’ volume
  • new_size – new size in GB to extend this volume to

Obtain status of the volume service.

Parameters:refresh – Whether to get refreshed information
initialize_connection(volume, connector)

Allow connection to connector and return connection info.

The implementation returns the following information:

    'driver_volume_type': 'vmdk'
    'data': {'volume': $VOLUME_MOREF_VALUE
             'volume_id': $VOLUME_ID
  • volume – Volume object
  • connector – Connector information

Return connection information

manage_existing(volume, existing_ref)

Brings an existing virtual disk under Cinder management.

Detaches the virtual disk identified by existing_ref and attaches it to a volume backing.

  • volume – Cinder volume to manage
  • existing_ref – Driver-specific information used to identify a volume
manage_existing_get_size(volume, existing_ref)

Return size of the volume to be managed by manage_existing.

When calculating the size, round up to the next GB.

  • volume – Cinder volume to manage
  • existing_ref – Driver-specific information used to identify a volume
remove_export(context, volume)
retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)

Convert the volume to be of the new type.

The retype is performed only if the volume is not in use. Retype is NOP if the backing doesn’t exist. If disk type conversion is needed, the volume is cloned. If disk type conversion is needed and the volume contains snapshots, the backing is relocated instead of cloning. The backing is also relocated if the current datastore is not compliant with the new storage profile (if any). Finally, the storage profile of the backing VM is updated.

  • ctxt – Context
  • volume – A dictionary describing the volume to retype
  • new_type – A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to
  • diff – A dictionary with the difference between the two types
  • host – A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where host[‘host’] is its name, and host[‘capabilities’] is a dictionary of its reported capabilities (unused)

True if the retype occurred; False otherwise.

terminate_connection(volume, connector, force=False, **kwargs)