If you’re interested in contributing to the Storyboard project, the following will help get you started.
In order to contribute to the Storyboard project, you need to have signed OpenStack’s contributor’s agreement.
Please read GerritWorkflow before sending your first patch for review.
The test suite includes functional tests that use a MySQL database, so you must configure a database user.
For MySQL you can use the following commands:
mysql -u root
mysql> CREATE USER 'openstack_citest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'openstack_citest'@'localhost';
Note that the script tools/test-setup.sh can be used for the step above.
Storyboard uses tox to manage its unit and functional tests. After installing tox and downloading the storyboard source, run the tests with:
$ tox -e py27
or for Python 3:
$ tox -e py35
And to run the style-checker and static analysis tool:
$ tox -e pep8
On slower systems, the database migrations may take longer than the default timeout of 60 seconds. To override the timeout, set the OS_TEST_TIMEOUT environment variable. For example, to set the timeout to 2 minutes, run:
$ OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=120 tox -e py27