StoryBoard has two main components: the API server, and the Javascript-based web client. The API server is essential, but the webclient can be swapped out for an alternative if an alternative is available. This means it is possible to use a different user interface with the StoryBoard API; install instructions for those are detailed in their own repos (eg: boartty, a commandline interface, is available here:
This install guide will cover the API and the most widely-used StoryBoard webclient.
NOTE: If you are using a Virtual Machine (VM), all commands that begin with tox will need to be preceeded by sudo.
NOTE: MySQL must be >= 5.6:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev python-dev sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.7 #Here you will be asked to set a password mysql --version
Clone the StoryBoard repository:
git clone
cd storyboard
Add MySQL user and create database:
NOTE: You will need to replace the $DB_USER with root. It will prompt for a password; this is the password you set when you ran sudo apt-get mysql-server-5.6 in step 1:
mysql -u $DB_USER -p -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS storyboard;' mysql -u $DB_USER -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE storyboard;'
Copy the sample configuration file:
cp ./etc/storyboard.conf.sample ./etc/storyboard.conf
Edit ./etc/storyboard.conf and in the oauth section, add your IP Adress to the list of valid_oauth_clients. Then in the database section, on the line which reads # connection = mysql+pymysql://root:pass@, replace the pass with your password (the same as used in the above steps). On both of these lines you will need to remove the #.
Install the correct version of tox. Latest tox has a bug.
pip install --upgrade "tox>=1.6,<1.7"
Upgrade DB schema to the latest version:
tox -e venv "storyboard-db-manage --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf upgrade head"
Start the API server:
tox -e venv "storyboard-api --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf"
To build and start the web client, you will need this dependency set installed locally:
- Python 2.6 or 2.7
- Node.js v0.10.29 or newer (see for more information on getting the right package for your distribution)
- npm v1.3.10 or newer (this will be bundled with Node.js)
(Ubuntu Trusty packages are sufficient, even though they indicate an older version. MySQL must be >= 5.6.)
Clone the StoryBoard webclient:
git clone
cd storyboard-webclient
Do one of the following that applies to you:
3a. Run a local development server, which uses the localhost API:
tox -egrunt_no_api -- serve
- 3b. Run a local development server, which binds to a specific IP and
consumes the localhost API:
tox -egrunt_no_api -- serve --hostname
3c. Run a local development server, which uses the production API:
tox -egrunt_no_api -- serve:prod
Once logged into the webclient, this user needs to be set to admin manually due to a current bug in Storyboard.
Ensure that you have logged into your Storyboard instance at least once so that your user details are stored in the database.
Run mysql and change your user to superadmin:
mysql -u root -p
use storyboard;
update users set is_superuser=1;
StoryBoard has certain server dependencies which are often complicated to install on any development environment. To simplify this, we’ve provided a vagrantfile which includes all required services.
The vagrant machine will handle mysql and rabbitmq (and set them up automatically) however be aware that it is not set up for actually running the api in the vagrant vm.
Using the vagrant machine is useful because you can run the test suite against the database it provides.
If you choose to go this route, the appropriate configuration values in storyboard.conf will be as follows:
rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
rabbit_userid = storyboard
rabbit_password = storyboard
rabbit_port = 5672
rabbit_virtual_host = /
connection = mysql+pymysql://storyboard:[email protected]:3306/storyboard
Note that the VM will attempt to bind to local ports 3306, 5672, and 15672. If those ports are already in use, you will have to modify the vagrant file and your configuration to accommodate.
This VM has also been set up for unit tests.
If you want to define superusers in the database, copy ./etc/superusers.yaml.sample to ./etc/superusers.yaml and define a few superuser IDs.
Enable the superusers in the database:
tox -e venv "storyboard-db-manage --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf load_superusers ./etc/superusers.yaml"
If you want to quickly set up a set of projects and project groups in the database, copy ./etc/projects.yaml.sample to ./etc/projects.yaml and define a few projects and project groups.
Create the projects and projectgroups in the DB:
tox -e venv "storyboard-db-manage --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf load_projects ./etc/projects.yaml"
NOTE: If you followed the “Launch the development VM” instuctions above, this step is unnecessary.
Install rabbitmq on your development machine:
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Create a rabbitmq user/password for StoryBoard (more information can be found in the rabbitmq manpages):
# (username) (password)
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user storyboard storyboard
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / storyboard ".*" ".*" ".*"
Set up your storyboard.conf file for notifications using rabbitmq:
enable_notifications = True
rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
rabbit_userid = storyboard
rabbit_password = storyboard
rabbit_port = 5672
rabbit_virtual_host = /
Restart your API server (if it is running):
tox -e venv "storyboard-api --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf"
Run the worker daemon:
tox -e venv "storyboard-worker-daemon --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf"