-- Perl 5.8.8 documentation --


Fink::Config - Read/write the fink configuration


  use Fink::Config;
  my $config = Fink::Config->new_with_path($config_file);
  my $value = $config->param($key);
  $config->set_param($key, $value);


A class representing the fink configuration file as well as any command line options. Fink::Config inherits from Fink::Base.

Fink::Config will not work without a Fink::Config object having been made that contains a basepath. The fink program typically does this for you. Since the variables Fink::Config exports use data from the last initialized Fink::Config object, creating a second object is not recommended.


  • new
  • new_from_properties

    Inherited from Fink::Base.

  • new_with_path
      my $config = Fink::Config->new_with_path($config_file);
      my $config = Fink::Config->new_with_path($config_file, \%defaults);

    Reads a fink.conf file into a new Fink::Config object and initializes Fink::Config globals from it.

    If %defaults is given they will be used as defaults for any keys not in the config file. For example...

        my $config = Fink::Config->new_with_path($file, { Basepath => "/sw" });
  • initialize

    Initialize Fink::Config globals. To be called from any constructors.

Configuration queries

  • get_path
      my $path = $config->get_path;

    Returns the path to the configuration file which $config represents.

  • get_treelist
      my @trees = $config->get_treelist;

    Returns the Trees config value split into a handy list.

  • param
  • param_default
  • param_boolean
  • has_param
  • set_param

    Inherited from Fink::Base.

  • save

    Saves any changes made with set_param() to the config file.

  • write_sources_list

    Writes an appropriate $basepath/etc/apt/sources.list file, based on configuration information. Called automatically by $config->save.

Exported Functions

These functions are exported only on request

  • set_options
      set_options({ key1 => val1, key2 => val2, ...});

    Sets global configuration options, mostly used for command line options.

  • get_option
      my $value = get_option($key);
      my $value = get_option($key, $default_value);

    Gets a global configuration option. If the $key was never set, $default_value is returned.

  • verbosity_level
      my $level = verbosity_level;

    Determine the current verbosity level. This is affected by the --verbose and --quiet command line options as well as by the "Verbose" setting in fink.conf.

  • binary_requested
    	my $boolean = binary_requested;

    Determine whether the binary distribution or compilation has been requested. This is affected by the --use-binary-dist and --compile-from-source command line options as well as by the "UseBinaryDist" setting in fink.conf. Returns 1 for binary distribution, 0 for compile-from-source.

Exported Variables

These variables are exported on request. They are initialized by creating a Fink::Config object.

  • $basepath

    Path to the base of the Fink installation directory.

    Typically /src.

  • $buildpath

    Directory where fink packages will be built.

    Typically $basepath/src

  • $config

    The last Fink::Config object created.

  • $debarch

    Debian-style name of the current architecture.

    Typically darwin-powerpc .

  • $distribution

    Fink package distribution being used.

    For example, 10.2 .

  • $libpath

    XXX Don't understand this one.

